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2021/1/5 15:15:08来源:新航道作者:新航道





  人物关系:学生 Ruth和学生 Ed


  Question 21 答案 G

  听前预测:定位词为 the eldest child。

  题目解析:定位词 the eldest child的同义替换oldest children出现后,首先听到:“...are generally less well-adjusted...”由此可知the eldest child的第一个性格特征是less well-adjusted,但题干中没有相应的选项;接着听到由转折信号词but引导的答案句:“...they were thought to be good at nurturing...they would have been expected to look after the younger ones.”其中be good at nurturing和look after the younger ones均对应选项G中的caring,因此答案为G 。

 Question 22 答案 F

  听前预测:定位词为 a middle child。

  题目解析:定位词a middle child以复数形式出现后,首先听到:“...they are easier to get on with than older or younger siblings."由此可知 a middle child的特点是容易相处;接着另一位学生进行了补充:“Generally eager to please and helpful...”即渴望取悦并帮助他人,这两处都对应选项F中的 co-operative,意为“愿意配合的;有合作精神的”,因此答案为F。

  Question 23 答案 A

  听前预测:定位词为 the youngest child。

  题目解析:首先听到含有定位词信息的句子:“I'm the youngest in my family...”接着听到由I'm supposed to 引导的答案句:“I'm supposed to have been a sociable and confident child who made friends easily..."其中 sociable 和 made friends easily 对应选项A中的outgoing,因此答案为A。注意后面出现了干扰信息shy,根据题干要求可知本题要选择的是研究发现,并非说话者的实际情况,故选项E不对。

  Question 24 答案 E

  听前预测:定位词为a twin。

  题目解析:定位词a twin 首先以复数形式出现,但其所在句中并未提到与性格相关的信息。接着往下听,可以听到由 There was one on personality 引导的答案句:“...a twin is likely to be quite shy in social situations...”"其中定位词a twin原词重现,shy同义替换了选项E中的introverted,因此答案为E。

  Question 25 答案 B

  听前预测:定位词为 an only child。

  题目解析:定位词an only child以复数形式出现后,随即听到答案句:“...a lot of studies have branded them as loners who think the world revolves around them...”其中loners who think the world revolves around them 意为“认为世界围着他们转的不合群者”,浏览几个选项,只有选项B中的selfish与其对应,因此答案为B。


  Question 26 答案 C

  听前预测:定位词为a child with much older siblings。

  题目解析:定位词a child with much older siblings 以复数形式出现后,答案句很好听出: "...a couple of studies mentioned that these children grow up more quickly and are expected to do basic things for themselves..."其中 grow up more quickly 和 do basic things for themselves 对应选项C中的independent,因此答案为C。

 Question 27 答案 C

  听前预测:定位词为 birth order and academic success。

  题目解析:定位词中的success在录音中被替换为了achievement,比较容易听出。首先听到选项A的相关信息:“Performances in intelligence tests decline slightly from the eldest child to ...”注意此处只出现了选项A中的后半部分信息,要耐心往下听,学生之后说的This has been proved与选项A中的 There is conflicting evidence相矛盾,故排除A;接着答案句由转折信号词Although 引导:“Although what many of them didn't take into consideration was family size."其中 didn't take into consideration 替换了选项C中的 have neglected to include,故C正确;选项B虽然在后面有所提及,但录音中并未对birth order和socio-economic status 对学习成绩的影响进行比较,因此答案为C。

 Question 28 答案 A

  听前预测:定位词为 oldest children's academic performance;限定词为Ruth。

  题目解析:定位词的结构在录音中虽有所改变,但很好听出:“But the main reason for the marginally higher academic performance of oldest children is quite surprising ...”由此可知让 Ruth 感到惊讶的是导致 higher academic performance of oldest children 的主要理由,故可先排除B;接着听到:“It's not only that they benefit intellectually from extra attention at a young age .. . It's that they benefit from being teachers for their younger siblings ...”其中 It's not only...It's that...的结构主要用于强调后者,故后者才是让Ruth感到惊讶的原因,benefit from being teachers 对应选项A中的thanks to their roles as teachers,故A正确,而选项C中的 extra parental attention并非Ruth强调的内容,且makes little difference 与录音表述不符因此答案为

  Questions 29-30 答案B&D

  听前预测:定位词为 sibling rivalry。

  题目解析:定位词sibling rivalry 原词重现,当听到问句“So would you say sibling rivalry has been a useful thing for you?”时可判断答案信息即将出现。Ruth 首先提到总是和弟弟吵架,然后由转折信号词but 引出答案信息:“...but I think this has made me a stronger person. I know how to defend myself.”其中 defend 为选项B中stand up for的同义替换,都有“保护”的含义;另一处答案信息再次由转折信号词but 引导:“...but we had to put up with each other and most of the time we co-existed amicably enough."其中 put up with each other 为选项 D中 be tolerant的同义替换,因此答案为B&D。注意排除干扰选项E,say sorry的同义替换apologise 虽然在录音中出现,但通过否定信号词rather than 可排除。


   以上就是剑15雅思听力的答案及解析,更多剑桥雅思资料,请点击:雅思资料频道 .





  • 雅思课程
班级名称 班号 开课时间 人数 学费 报名
词汇语法班(A段) VGPDX240421 2024/4/21 0:00:00 6-10人 ¥8800.00 在线咨询



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