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2021/10/8 16:38:44来源:新航道作者:新航道



  Part 1

  1. Is summer your favourite time of year? [Why/Why not?]

  参考范文 1 Most definitely. For me, it's by fer the best season. Tm a consummate sun lover and absolutely adore heat. 30 odd (大约)degrees is perfect for me, although I must admit,if the temperature is much more than 36 or 37,1 join everyone else in wilting (犯蔫) .

  参考范文 2 Oh, goodness no, I much prefer Autumn. Summer in Beijing is like, way too hot. I can't bear it in July and August; it just makes me want to melt.

 2. What do you do in summer when the weather's veiy hot? [Why/Why not?]

  参考范文 1 Other than turn the air conditioning on? Seriously though, I try and make it to the beach as much as possible. I can swim or snorkel (潜水)in the sea and therefore keep cool even during a scorcher (大热天) .As long as I can keep the sunscreen on so I don't burn, I'm out in the sun as much and for as long as possible.

  参考范文 2 Stay in as much as possible. Like a lot of Chinese girls, I'm not a big fan of the sun.Were not like the westerners who seem to worship it and get tanned (晒黑) .My skin just isnt used to it, I suppose, as whenever the sun is very strong, it just plays havoc with (破坏)my skin and makes it all blotchy (长斑的) .

  3. Do you go on holiday every summer? [Why/Why not?]

  参考范文 1 Well, I try to. Recently though, thafs been a bit difficult with the pandemic and all.I haven't been able to travel over the last couple of years, but I am hoping that this summer Ill be able to fly somewhere and chill out.

  参考范文 2 No, not really. Recently Ive been too busy catching up with assignments and internships. I finish my Master s this year, and over the last couple of years, every summer Ive been working and then going back to University so there hasn't been much time for relaxation.

  4. Did you enjoy the summer holidays when you were at school? [Why/Vhy not?]

  参考范文 1 Yes, absolutely. It was great getting around two months off. Quite often, Td be able to get away with my folks somewhere new for a while. We'd try never to go to the same place twice, so it was always a breath of fresh air, quite often, literally as well as figuratively.

  参考范文 2 Yes, I did, and I can appreciate them even more now. It was so much easier back then. Although my school work was never-ending, I could always relax for a few weeks over the holidays you know recharge the batteries.








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词汇语法班(A段) VGXHX240525 2024/5/25 0:00:00 6-10人 ¥8800.00 在线咨询



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