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2022/5/25 14:33:34来源:新航道作者:新航道







  Chinese take privacy seriously.

  Also, a Chinese person may think they look ugly even though they don't. Westerners often think they look good/beautiful even when they don't.


  As a Chinese, I believe in some sense, lots of Chinese don't like how they look so they tend to hide it from public forum. | don't really think it has anything to do with privacy though.


  I never use my photo, and neither do most of my friends.

  From my point of view, I don't use my photo for safety reasons. As Yuan Liu has mentioned, early forms of social softwares in China such as QQ are designed for communication between strangers, so it would be unsafe to use a photo of oneself.

  Though WeChat is mainly used among acquaintances, there are still chances when we encounter strangers, advertisers and even swindlers. Some people you don't know would find you and ask you to add them to your friend list. For example, if a male stays in an inferior hotel, it is likely that prostitutes will find him on WeChat. Of course you can just ignore them, but they can see your photo (if you use one as an image) by using the " people nearby" function.


  It can be quite a big question. I'm 25 now, and yes, I just went through all my contacts on WeChat, and no surprise, only very few of them use their own photos as profile images. And all through these nearly ten years of me personally using social networks,I don't think I ever used my own pictures as profile images either, although I did change them many times in the past.

  I still can't say there is a certain explanation after I read all the other comments. I don't care much about whatever personal info in this scenario, and I believe many others don't either. Everybody knows that personal info protection in China sucks as f**k, at least worse than in the West. Avoiding your own photos does not do positive. And appearance speaking, those people with really good looks also tend not to use their own photos apparently. But I do admit Chinese people are inclined to il-comment their appearances.

  Still, seemingly, a more proper explanation for this could be Internet culture heritage/evolution. As for me, the most direct flicker when I set up my profiles is to self- express. People use these images to express their ways of life, their attitudes,current addictions, things they like and wanna share, or even just something nonsensical but really hilarious like memes. I take all those whole starting points as the roots beneath. (especially for young people)

  Of course, you can still use your own photos, and that's still 100% normal. But the sense of being interesting could largely wane and makes you look a lttle bit too formal. Maybe we just don't take it seriously and want to amuse this whole thing.(Sometimes, I do find the Chinese internet world is funnier and more entertaining than that of the English world, but far less critical and academic on the other hand.)

  appearance anxiety

  And appearance speaking, those people with really good looks also tend not to use their own photos apparently. But I do admit Chinese people are inclined to ill-comment their appearances.




  在《Young adolescents' appearance anxiety and body dysmorphic symptoms: Social problems, self-perceptions and comorbidities》这篇文章中提到,在10-13岁的青少年中,有9%的青少年存在非常严重的容貌焦虑。


  body shame 身材焦虑

  牛津词典对“body shame”的解释为:to criticize someone based on the shape, size, or appearance of their body(根据某人的身材、体格、外表来批评对方).

  美国演员亚当·罗亚(Adam Roa)就曾在演讲上表达自己的身材焦虑:

  When I looked in the mirror, my voice was quite clear: you're ugly; you're too thin; your hairlines recede and you got a pit bull on your chin.


  We live in a consumerist society, which means they need you to buy stuff, and the easiest way to sell it is to tell you you're not enough. And we're seeing it so much that we start believe in these lies.


  But the truth is the makeup they're selling and make you feel prettier is the same makeup you buy to stop feeling shittier about this lie.



  Young people are very sensitive about their appearance.


 personality emerges

  As for me, the most direct flicker when I set up my profiles is to self-express. People use these images to express their ways of life, their attitudes, current addictions, things they like and wanna share, or even just something nonsensical but really hilarious like memes.





 you do you 做自己

  英文中有句话叫做“you do you”,可以理解为“做自己”,英文释义为:

  used to say that someone should do what they think is best, what they enjoy most, or what suits their personality.

  油管上有一个视频博主说,中国的处事原则是“You do you, I do me.”

  这位小哥叫Cyrus Janssen,中文名叫王德中,目前生活在温哥华,曾在中国生活过十年的他尝试着用视频博客的方式向中美两国网民传递友好、消除误解。

  两年前谈及美国国务卿蓬佩奥一系列涉华言论时,Cyrus说:“Everytime Secretary of State Michael Pompeo opens his mouth, the Chinese people love their country even more.(蓬佩奥一张口,中国人更爱国。)”

  Cyrus字视频里说:“China's basically saying, you do you, I do me. We just don't want your form of government to come into our country because we have proven to the world that we have a unique way of doing it and it's acturally working.”








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