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2017/4/8 15:17:06来源:新航道作者:新航道

摘要: 今天上海新航道雅思小编给大家带来了剑10test3雅思听力Section2题目答案解析,还有相应的原文解析哦!更多问题,请与上海新航道雅思页面 的“在线客服”联系。

  今天上海新航道雅思小编给大家带来了剑10test3雅思听力Section2题目答案解析,还有相应的原文解析哦!更多问题,请与上海新航道雅思页面 的“在线客服”联系。



  Questions 11-12 CE(IN EITHER ORDER)

  听前预测:定位词为Dolphin Conservation Trust。

  题目解析:本题的5个选项都比较长,因此先画出每个选项的核心词,A选项“Children, most, membership; B选项“largest conservation organization”; C 选项 “campaigns for changes in fishing”; D选项“several dolphin experts full-lime”; E选项“Volunteers”。根据…about thirty-five per of our members are children (我们成员中35%是儿童),35%不能算是most,因此A不选。The charity uses its money to support campaigns—for example, for changes in fishing policy and so forth与C选项表述相符,因此C可选。It hopes soon to be able to employ its first full-time biologist—with dolphin expertise—to monitor populations.(希望不久可以聘请到首位具有海豚专业知识的全职生物学家来监测海豚的数量)与D选项中的several不相符,因此D不选。...we now have volunteers working in observation, office work and other things 对应 E 选项的内容,因此 E 可选。本题选答案为C和E。

  Question 13 B

  听前预测:定位词为 pleased、Charity Commission award。

  题目解析:本题根据Charity Commission award 比较好定位,需要听的是所获后带 来的影响。

  解析关键句为:...it has made our activities even more widely publicised and understood...其中“more widely publicised and understood”是B选项中“ better known”的同义替换,因此选B。

  Question 14 A

  听前预测:定位词为 oil exploration。

  题目解析:本题考查石油开采给海豚造成的影响,...oli companies want to increase exploration there(石油公司想增加那里的开采),但Dolphin Conservation Trust持反对态度,原因是although there'll be little pollution from oil, exploration creates a lot of underwater noise,故答案选A。

  Question 15 C

  听前预测:定位词为interested in dolphins。

  题目解析:本题出题句为:I came across this story about a family of dolphins who had to leave their home in the Moray Firth because of the oil companies and about a child who campaigned to save them. I couldn’t put the book down—I was hooked.(我无意中读到了一个故事,是关于一个海豚家族由于石油公司的原因不得不离开它们在默里湾的家园. 一个孩子组织了一场救助这些海豚的活动。(当时)我被深 深地吸引了,不愿放下那本书)其中,come across为固定短语,意为“偶遇,无意中发现”,Moray Firth指“默里湾”(北海伸入英国苏格兰东北部沿海地区的海湾)”,因此是读的一本书使其对海豚感兴趣的.选C。

  Question 16 B

  听前预测:定位词为not been seen、this year,注意同义替换。

  题目解析:本题出题句为 Echo is being rather elusive this year and hasn’t yet been sighted by our observers(今年,Echo 十分难以捉摸,至今还未被我们的观测者们看到),因此not been seen 的是Echo. 选B。

  Question 17 C


  ●题目解析:首先联想一下定位词photographed的相关短语或单词,如take photos/pictures. camera,进而定位至出题句Kiwi who’s our real’character’as she seems to love coming up close the cameras and we’ve captured her on film hundreds of times.因此photographed more 的是Kiwi,选C。

  Question 18 D


  ●题目解析:本题比较简单,原文进行了直接的描述:Samson has a lot of energy—he’s always leaping energetic 的就是Samson. 选D。

  Question 19 D


  ●题目解析:定位词newest 在文中同义替换成了latest,解题定位的句子为:Samson’s the latest of our dolphins to chosen for the scheme,因此选D。

  Question 20 A

  听前预测:定位词为unusual shape,注意同义替换。

  ●题目解析:unusual shape 提示要选择的海豚有其较特殊的地方,定位至出题句:Moondancer’s easy to find because she has a particularly large fin on her back, which makes her easy to identify,果然其中有一条海豚has a particularly large fin (有特别大的鳍),是Moondancer,因此选A。









  • 雅思课程
班级名称 班号 开课时间 人数 学费 报名
词汇语法班(A段) VGPDX240421 2024/4/21 0:00:00 6-10人 ¥8800.00 在线咨询



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