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2017/5/11 17:58:47来源:新航道作者:新航道

摘要:  今天上海新航道雅思小编给大家带来了剑4test1雅思听力Section4题目+答案解析,希望可以帮助广大雅思考生轻松备考雅思。








  2.西方人在讲座时的风格是开门见山,首先指出本次讲座的主题是什么,第一段中就说到“There are two major areas that I will focus on in my talk:how…and how…”。

  3.“Well,the main difference between a tree and a building is a tree has got an internal mechanism to keep the temperature regulated.”一棵树和一幢楼的主要区别在于树有一个内在的机制可以 控制自己的温度。口语中,“well”可以用来引出新的话题或内容,要作为听音重点。除此之外,Oh,OK, right, hang on, let me see 等都要引起重视。

  4. “The reason that high buildings make it windier at ground level is that, as the wind goes higher and higher, it goes faster and faster.”高楼的存在使得其他地表附近风大的原因在于:随着风 越升越高,风速也就越来越快。“the reason that…is…”表示“某事发生的原因在于…”。例如:The reason that I’d like to go abroad is to broaden my horizons.

  5. “Low-frequency noise,in particular,just goes through the trees as though they aren’t there.”特别是低频噪音,依然能穿过树木带,仿佛那些树木根本不存在一样。“in particular”表示“尤其,特别”,相当于“especially”,“as though”是“仿佛,好像”的意思。例如:The house was lit up as though a big celebration was going on.整个屋子灯火辉煌,犹如在举行盛大庆典。



  Question 31 cities

  观察已知信息,可以知道文章的总体脉络非常清晰。文章先提到将要谈到的两个方面,然后阐明了树木的 大范围影响和小范围 影响,最后把树木和建筑物的相关信息作了比较。做题前的观察往往有利于更好地听 题,使听题时不至于很盲目。此题空前给出文字里提到“plan”一词,因此,在听原文时,注意“plan”这个 信号词至关重要。另外,此题一定要填复数“cities”,否则不给分。

  Question 32 windy speaker

  介绍“Trees can have a significant impact on our cities”时,出现了定位词“impact”和 “cities”, 这时要注意听后面的答案,“They can make a city, as a whole, a bit less windy or a bit more windy”,听到的“a bit less…a bit more”和题干中的“more or less”是同义转换,而且答案 “windy”重复了两遍。

  Question 33 humid

  这道题出现了答案置前,定位词“nland city”靠后的情况。原文中“they can make it a bit more humid if it’s a dry inland city”与题干中“they can make inland cities more humid”为同义转换, 答案为humid(潮湿的,湿润的)。

  Question 34 shady

  原文中说“On the large scale —that is, in particular areas within the city, trees can make the local area more shady, cooler, more humid and much less windy.”当听到定位词“local area”时 要注意,准备听写随之出现的答案。“shady”意为“多荫的”。

  Question 35 dangerous

  原文中说“In fact, trees and planting of various kinds can be used to make city streets actually less dangerous in particular areas.”定位词“make city streets”出现就预示着答案将随之 出现,录音中说道“actually less dangerous in particular areas”,答案即为dangerous(危险的)。

  Question 36 leaves

  原文中说“It evaporates water through its leaves and that means the temperature of the leaves is never very far from our own body temperature.”当听到定位词“evaporate water”时,要集中注意力,随时准备听写答案,接着原文中说道“through its leaves”,所以答案为leaves(树叶的复数,单数为 “leaf”)。

  Question 37 ground

  原文中说到 “The reason that high buildings make it windier at ground lever is that, as the wind goes higher and higher, it goes faster and faster.”听到的“high building”和题干中的“tall building”是同义转换,当定位词“building”出现后,接着听到空格前的 实词“more wind”被 “windier”替换,随之答案出现at ground level。

  Question 38 filter

  这道题的定位词是主语“trees”和“wind force”,通过预测,这道题缺少谓语,所以要着重听动词。原 文中说“Trees filter the wind and considerably reduce it.”“filter”表示“过滤,渗透”的意思。

  Question 39 low

  这道题的定位词是离空格最近上一行的“traffic noise”和空格后面的实词“frequency noise”,预测 空格处可能填形容词,修饰“frequency”。原文中说“Trees can also (路标词) help reduce the amount of noise(定位词) in the surroundings, although(路标词) the effect is not as large as people like to think. Low frequency noise…”答案为low。

  Question 40 space 

    这道题的定位词是“sunlight”和“water”,and连接并列结构,所以预测空格处所填答案为不可数名词。原文中说“They also need some sunlight to grow and you need room to put them.”答案为room(空间)。










  • 雅思课程
班级名称 班号 开课时间 人数 学费 报名
词汇语法班(A段) VGPDX240421 2024/4/21 0:00:00 6-10人 ¥8800.00 在线咨询



旗舰校区:上海徐汇区文定路209号宝地文定商务中心1楼 乘车路线:地铁1/4号线上海体育馆、3/9号线宜山路站、11号线上海游泳馆站


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