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2017/5/16 16:41:03来源:新航道作者:新航道




  SECTION 4 Questions 31-40

  Questions 31-37

  Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

  The history of moving pictures

  31 Some photographs of a horse running showed

  A all feet off the ground.

  B at least one foot on the ground.

  C two feet off the ground.

  32 The Scotsman employed by Edison

  A designed a system to use the technology Edison had invented.

  B used available technology to make a new system.

  C was already an expert in motion picture technology.

  33 One major problem with the first system was that

  A only one person could be filmed.

  B people could only see very short films.

  C the camera was very heavy.

  34 Rival systems started to appear in Europe after people had

  A been told about the American system.

  B seen the American system.

  C used the American system.

  35 In 1895, a famous new system was developed by

  A a French team working alone.

  B a French and German team working together.

  C a German team who invented the word ‘cinema’.

  36 Longer films were not made at the time because of problems involving

  A the subject matter.

  B the camera.

  C the film projector.

  37 The ‘Lantham Loop’ invention relied on

  A removing tension between the film reels.

  B adding three more film reels to the system.

  C making one of the film reels more effective.

  Questions 38-40

  Complete the sentences below.

  Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

  38 The first motion picture was called The ...................

  39 ....................... were used for the first time on film in 1926.

  40 Subtitles were added to The Lights of New York because of its.................... .


  31-37 ABCAACA

  38.Great Train Robbery

  39.Sound effects

  40.poor sound quality




  题 型:选择题,完成句子


  场 景:关于电影发展史的讲座




  1. To set the bet, a photographer was asked to photograph a horse galloping and the bet was settled because you could see that all the hooves were off the ground in some of the photos.为了解决这个赌注问题,一个摄影师被要求拍摄马奔跑时的照片。最终打赌的结果被弄清楚了,因为可以看到在某些照片上马蹄是完全离开地面的。

  2. Actually, he didn't do the work himself but rather asked a young Scotsman in his employ to design a system, which he did.事实上,他并没有自己去做,而是让他雇用的一个年轻的苏格兰人设计了这个系统。employ在本句中为名词。

  3. Now this young fellow was clever because the first thing he did was study other systems—primitive as they were—of moving pictures and then put all the existing technologies together to make the first entire motion picture system.这个年轻人非常聪明,因为他做的第一件事情就是学习其他的动态影像系统。从他们最原始的状态学起,然后融合现有的技术,制作出来第一个动态影像系统。

  4. A continuing problem at the time was that the films had a tendency to break when they were being played... 那时一个始终未能解决的问题是,在放映的过程中,胶片非常容易断裂。film在本句中为“胶片”。

  5. I guess the next big step in terms of development of technology was to have people actually talking on the film, and the first step towards this was in 1926 when sound effects were first used on a film.我认为,接下来在技术上的重大发展是让人们在电影中能说话,而这在1926年声效在电影中被运用之后得以实现。

  6. It wasn't until the following year however that the first ‘ talkie', as they were called then, was made.然而直到第二年电影才有了声音。


  31~37题为选择题。选择题最大的难点在于读题时信息量比较大,因此读题时应只读题干,标出核心词。本部分题目必须建立在听懂原文的基础上。34题为难题,原文中提到了heard about,但考生做题时容易紧张,导致凭主观判断认为欧洲人借用了美国人的技术。35题容易误判断C为正确答案,但要注意这一部分原文中提到的始终是French。


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