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胡敏读故事单词雅思词汇-A dog attack

2018/3/17 14:56:32来源:新航道作者:新航道

摘要:胡敏老师的《读故事记单词雅思词汇》是用一些风趣幽默的小故事把一些看似毫无关系的词串连起来,先提供一个故事,然后再提供一个雅思词汇表,这样不仅简单方便,而且妙趣横生。上海新航道小编给大家带来读故事单词雅思词汇-A dog attack。想要下载的同学,请点击:胡敏《读故事记单词|雅思词汇》PDF下载

  胡敏老师的《读故事记单词雅思词汇》是用一些风趣幽默的小故事把一些看似毫无关系的词串连起来,先提供一个故事,然后再提供一个雅思词汇表,这样不仅简单方便,而且妙趣横生。上海新航道小编给大家带来读故事单词雅思词汇-A dog attack。想要下载的同学,请点击:胡敏《读故事记单词|雅思词汇》PDF下载

  读故事单词雅思词汇-A dog attack

  "I bet our bereaved widow had no idea the beast would one day not listen to her husband." Said the bespectacled inspector as he sipped from his hot beverage at the crime scene. "That's why I hate big dogs. I don' t think they have any bias towards people who want them to be their best friend. They just do their bidding and live off their care while they are waiting for the right moment to betray them."

  "Well, whether you think the dog knew what he was going to do beforehand or not, it was an ugly attack. Look at the trail of beads that lead down to the beach." Noted a policeman.

  "Hmmm. Yes, that is strange." Said the inspector as he bent down to inspect the wounds on the man and then scratched at his beard. "But I don't think the husband was wearing beads." He walked back into the house past the bellows hard at work keeping the furnace running, beset with sudden doubt.

  "That was a beneficial insight." He said to the policeman. "I'll be sure to refer to you in the bibliography of my report. Excuse me ma' am. You' re under arrest for the murder of your husband!"

  "What?" Said the bewildered woman.

  "Yes, ma'am. You murdered your husband, dragged him out of the house and then made the dog bite and chew him after the fact. I know this because of the trail of beads leading to your dead husband and the lack of deep, life threatening dog bites on his body."

  "Wow." Said the policeman. "This will be a benchmark in your bid to be promoted to chief inspector."










  beach n.沙滩

  bead n.小水珠

  beard n.(上下巴的)胡须,鬓,络腮胡子

  beast n.野兽;畜牲

  beforehand ad.预先,事先;提前地

  bellows n.(单复同)皮腔;折箱;(折式)风箱

  benchmark v.用基地问题测试(计算机系统)n.基准,基准尺度;(计)基准问题

  beneficial a.有利的,有益的,有帮助的

  bereave v.(死亡等)使丧失(亲人等);使孤寂,使凄凉

  beset v.困扰,使苦恼

  bespectacled a.戴眼镜的

  bet v.打赌

  betray v.背叛,出卖;泄漏,暴露

  beverage n.饮料(如牛奶,咖啡,啤酒)

  bewilder v.使迷惑,难住;使糊涂,使迷路,偏见,偏心

  bias n.偏见,偏心

  bibliography n.文献目录,参考书目

  bid v.1 命令,吩咐 2 出价,喊价,投标;叫牌

  bidding n.命令,请求;(拍卖时)出价,喊价





  • 雅思课程
班级名称 班号 开课时间 人数 学费 报名
词汇语法班(A段) VGPDX240427 2024/4/27 0:00:00 6-10人 ¥8800.00 在线咨询



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