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胡敏读故事单词雅思词汇-Ever for a bee…

2018/4/2 13:42:29来源:新航道作者:新航道

摘要:胡敏老师的《读故事记单词雅思词汇》是用一些风趣幽默的小故事把一些看似毫无关系的词串连起来,先提供一个故事,然后再提供一个雅思词汇表,这样不仅简单方便,而且妙趣横生。上海新航道小编给大家带来读故事单词雅思词汇-Ever for a bee…。

  胡敏老师的《读故事记单词雅思词汇》是用一些风趣幽默的小故事把一些看似毫无关系的词串连起来,先提供一个故事,然后再提供一个雅思词汇表,这样不仅简单方便,而且妙趣横生。上海新航道小编给大家带来读故事单词雅思词汇-Ever for a bee…。想要下载的同学,请点击:胡敏《读故事记单词|雅思词汇》PDF下载

  读故事单词雅思词汇-Ever for a bee…

  The brood of bees approached the new field of budding flowers with care. The breeze had changed and there was a strange smell in the air. Something bulky was also here. Several bees quickly browsed the area and noted that the ground was bulging in one portion of the field close to the brink of a cliff. This was also the area with the largest amount of flowers, so the queen bee let her workers make a breakthrough to begin briskly gathering nectar.

  It was a brief hesitation, but her breed of bees had always been very careful in choosing new lands.Ever since her breach of her mother's command and the subsequent breakup of the bulk of their brood,she was even more careful. Her authority in this new group was brittle and, like the fear of a bugbear by all of the young bees, all of the worker bees were watching to see if she would lead well. She had to budget her commands and earn their respect.

  This was not her day, however. Suddenly a bee came back to report that the ground was bubbling near the bulging area. And then a buck sprung out of the forest and ran across the field, killing several of her best workers in the process. As she flew over to the area with bubbles she passed over an old brochure for the brewery that was buried beneath. She would bear the brunt of the blame for the deaths of the bees for not being aware of the buck, but at least she could make sure no nectar was harvested from the dangerous bubbling area. She quickly gathered her brood and moved on. Leadership was not easy,even for a bee.



  蜜蜂们只做了短暂的迟疑,但是她的这个蜂选择新地盘时一向很谨慎。 自从蜂后违背母亲的命令,随后大部分蜜蜂分裂以来,她就更加小心了。她在这个新群体中的权威岌岌可危,就像所有小蜜蜂都害怕妖怪一样,所有工蜂都拭目以待,看她是不是能当好这个领导。她必须合理安排、指挥得当才能赢得他们的尊重。



  breakthrough n.突破,重大成就,突破性进展

  breakup n.1 分散,分离,分裂

  breed v.与...交配;育(种);繁殖;养育


  breeze n.威风,轻风

  brewery n.啤酒厂;酿造厂

  brief a.短暂的;简短的

  brink n.(河、池等的)边,边沿;陡岸;边缘

  briskly ad.1 轻快地,活泼地,快地2 猛烈地,繁忙活跃地

  brittle a.易碎的,易损伤的;靠不住的,易变的

  brochure n.小册子

  brood n.1 一窝刚孵出的小鸡(鸟);一次产出的卵;一次孵化的幼虫(或幼鱼等)2 一类,一组,一批,一群,一窝

  browse v.(牲畜)吃(草、嫩叶等);浏览书刊,随意观看n.嫩叶,青饲料,浏览

  brunt n.主要冲动(或压力等);冲击;最沉重(获最强烈的部分)

  bubble v.1 冒烟,起泡 2 情感的激动,充溢,变的生机勃勃

  budding a.1 正发芽的,发展中的 2 初露头角的

  budget n.预算;预算案;预算拨款 v.把...编入预算,在预算中拨款给;规划,安排

  bugbear n.使人无端恐惧(或焦虑)的东西,妖怪;棘手的问题

  bulge v.膨胀;凸出

  bulk n.1 体积,容积 2 主体,绝大部分,大多数

  bulky a.1 大量的;大批的;成批的2 散装(货物)的;体积大的;庞大的;过大的;粗壮的,肥胖的





  • 雅思课程
班级名称 班号 开课时间 人数 学费 报名
词汇语法班(A段) VGPDX240427 2024/4/27 0:00:00 6-10人 ¥8800.00 在线咨询



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