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胡敏读故事单词雅思词汇-The death of a loser

2018/4/19 10:58:35来源:新航道作者:新航道

摘要:胡敏老师的《读故事记单词雅思词汇》是用一些风趣幽默的小故事把一些看似毫无关系的词串连起来,先提供一个故事,然后再提供一个雅思词汇表,这样不仅简单方便,而且妙趣横生。上海新航道小编给大家带来读故事单词雅思词汇-The death of a loser。

   胡敏老师的《读故事记单词雅思词汇》是用一些风趣幽默的小故事把一些看似毫无关系的词串连起来,先提供一个故事,然后再提供一个雅思词汇表,这样不仅简单方便,而且妙趣横生。上海新航道小编给大家带来读故事单词雅思词汇-The death of a loser。想要下载的同学,请点击:胡敏《读故事记单词|雅思词汇》PDF下载

  The charcoal wiped across Big Al's face certified that he was serious about fighting Terence here and now. There was no more charity in Big Al's face and his charm had all but disappeared. Chaos was all that was in his eyes and there was no charter stating what would be allowed and not allowed in the fight:it would be'anything goes.'This was one bad character; some long dead gladiator was probably being channeled into him even now.

  There was also no doubt in Terence's mind that Big A1 was Lisa's champion. Big A1 cherished her more than Terence did, and that was all that mattered to Lisa. She was one chic who only wanted to beloved by the biggest man. And she knew Terrance was no challenge for Big Al.

  Big A1 charged. He hit Terence like a chartered bus and as Terence fell to the ground he saw the mental checklist of things he still had to do in life disappear. He felt cheated. But this was just characteristic of his life: whenever he thought things were going well, that was when they would end. He had even given Lisa a baby chick that morning to show her that he thought she was the coolest. She loved it and chattered that he was so sweet.

  When Terence's death certification arrived at Lisa's door the following week, she placed it at the bottom of the chicken cage that he had given her. Then she went and hugged the Doberman Pinscher fromBig Al.



  大个子艾尔抹了一脸的木炭证明他是真想在此时此地与特伦斯决一雌雄。他脸上已经 没有了宽容的表情,他的魅力此刻也几乎荡然无存。他的眼中只有混乱。没有任何宪章规定决斗中什么是允许的,什么是不允许的:这意味着可以“不择手段”。这是个坏人,某个早巳死掉的角斗士或许到现在还在给他传经送宝





  certification n.1.证明,作证 2 证书

  certify v.证明,证实

  challenge v./n.挑战,要求竞赛

  champion n.1.冠军,出类拔萃的人(或物)2.一流的,出色的

  channel n.海峡;水道,航道 v.输送,传送

  chaos n.混乱,霍乱

  character n.性质,特征 2 人物,角色

  characteristic a.特有的,典型的 n.特征,特性,特点

  charcoal n.木炭

  charge v.1.要价,收费 2.控告,指控 3 猛攻,冲向;n.1 价钱,费用 2.指控,控告

  charity n.慈善,慈善事业,慈善团体;慈善基金;宽大,宽容

  charm n.魅力,魔力

  charter n.宪章;契约 v.1.特许设立,发执照给...2.包,租 3.准许

  cheat n.骗取,诈取 2 欺骗,哄骗

  checklist n.(核对用的)一栏表(尤指完整的清单)

  chersih v.珍爱,爱护;抱有(希望等),怀有(情感等)

  chic a.漂亮的,雅致的,时髦的;n.时髦,流行样式,时尚

  chick n.1.小鸡;小鸟 2.小孩





  • 雅思课程
班级名称 班号 开课时间 人数 学费 报名
词汇语法班(A段) VGPDX240427 2024/4/27 0:00:00 6-10人 ¥8800.00 在线咨询



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