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胡敏读故事单词雅思词汇-A devil's devic

2018/7/21 15:30:15来源:新航道作者:新航道

摘要:胡敏老师的《读故事记单词雅思词汇》是用一些风趣幽默的小故事把一些看似毫无关系的词串连起来,先提供一个故事,然后再提供一个雅思词汇表,这样不仅简单方便,而且妙趣横生。上海新航道 小编给大家带来读故事单词雅思词汇-A devil's device。

  胡敏老师的《读故事记单词雅思词汇》是用一些风趣幽默的小故事把一些看似毫无关系的词串连起来,先提供一个故事,然后再提供一个雅思词汇表,这样不仅简单方便,而且妙趣横生。上海新航道 小编给大家带来读故事单词雅思词汇-A devil's device。想要下载的同学,请点击:胡敏《读故事记单词|雅思词汇》PDF下载

  A devil's device

  Tommy deviated from being normal when he met the devil in a detached house in the woods.

  "Tommy! Come here! Let me show you something that I have devised especially for you!"The devil said as he detached himself from a black horse.

  "Hey, you' re the devil! My mom detests you! She said that you are detrimental to the health of everyone you meet! She'd be devastated if I listened to you!"

  "Well, just take a small detour with me then, eh?" Said the devil, determined to influence Tommy. "Look at this little device I have here." Holding up his staff the devil took off the detachable top piece and handed it to Tommy, who had always been as curious as a detective. "This can change your life."

  "How?" Said Tommy, no longer deterred from talking with the devil. "Can it give me three wishes?"

  Nonsense. Now be quiet and don't detract me from what I was saying. If you just keep this device you will be rich and famous. Only do not detach the lid or wash it with detergent." And then the devil disappeared.

  From that day on Tommy always carried the device with him. His former politeness disappeared and he became a renowned deviant. His mother noticed his deviance, however, and when a conversation with Tommy quickly deteriorated into a vicious argument, Tommy pulled out the device. She never spoke again.

  Tommy did become rich; he even became famous. But the device destroyed everything good that he came in contact with. And while he knew that it was truly a detriment to his happiness, he enjoyed his riches and his fame. He could never part with it, taking it with him to the grave!











  destroy v.1 破坏,摧毁,毁坏2 消灭,杀死

  detach v.使分离,拆开,使分离

  detachable a.可分开的,可拆卸的

  detached a.1 独立的,分离的2 超然的,公正的;不带感情的

  detective n.侦探;发现者,探测者a.侦探的;探测的;侦探用的

  deter v.威慑住,吓住;防止,阻止

  detergent n.洗涤剂,去渍剂

  deteriorate v.恶化,变坏,下降,退化

  determine v.下决心,决意,决定

  detest v.厌恶,憎恶,讨厌

  detour n.绕行的路;兜圈子

  detract v.1 抵毁,贬低,减损(from)2 转移,分散(注意力等),使分开

  detriment n.1 损害,伤害,不利2 造成损害(或不利的)事物

  detrimental a.有害的,不利的(to)

  devastate v.1 使荒芜,破坏,使跨掉,使混乱

  deviance n.偏离,不正常,异常;偏常性,变异性,偏常者的行为(或特征)

  deviant a.不正常的,异常的,偏常的n.不正常,离经叛道者

  deviate v.偏离,背离n.不正常者

  device n.装置,设备,仪器,机件,进行设计的小东西(如小饰物等)

  devil n.魔鬼,恶魔

  devise v.设计,发明;想出

  以上就是胡敏读故事单词雅思词汇,更多雅思资讯,请关注新航道上海学校雅思封闭培训班 ,封闭式管理,吃、住、学一体,定期与家长沟通学员在封闭校区的生活与学习情况,每班配备助教老师,丰富的学习安排(早/晚自习、正课、辅导课),免费享受周六外教口语及丰富课余活动,全程监督,快速提高英语能力





  • 雅思课程
班级名称 班号 开课时间 人数 学费 报名
词汇语法班(A段) VGPDX240427 2024/4/27 0:00:00 6-10人 ¥8800.00 在线咨询



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