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胡敏读故事单词雅思词汇-After fall

2018/7/27 15:18:40来源:新航道作者:新航道

摘要:胡敏老师的《读故事记单词雅思词汇》是用一些风趣幽默的小故事把一些看似毫无关系的词串连起来,先提供一个故事,然后再提供一个雅思词汇表,这样不仅简单方便,而且妙趣横生。上海新航道小编给大家带来读故事单词雅思词汇-After fall

  胡敏老师的《读故事记单词雅思词汇》是用一些风趣幽默的小故事把一些看似毫无关系的词串连起来,先提供一个故事,然后再提供一个雅思词汇表,这样不仅简单方便,而且妙趣横生。上海新航道小编给大家带来读故事单词雅思词汇-After fall。想要下载的同学,请点击:胡敏《读故事记单词|雅思词汇》PDF下载

  After fall

  When they found Missy' s essay in the estate sale forty years after the fall of civilization, people laughed that Missy had written about how society found global warming to be equivocal. That such a developed society could make such erroneous conclusions caused the survivors to eschew all other wisdom that they might have gained from the essence of the books they had found.

  They did not want to read any more about how the establishment had destroyed itself. Volcanic eruptions were still happening everyday and they had to seek shelter or they would be eradicated as well. That era was over because of their errors.

  So much had changed since then. Only a few of the buildings erected in the past remained standing.Erosion made it impossible to grow plants, escalating temperatures made it even more difficult to breathe in the already scalding air and established bases of refuge were becoming harder and harder to find.

  The most recent shelter, an old escalator shaft that went deep into the ground, was causing more interest anyhow than an old essay. As they walked down the eroding tunnel, they established that this was also a remnant of that dead society. When they reached a door and opened it, however, they discovered something that only the old-timers knew about, a movie theater. This, they said, was the dominant escapism at the fall of society, essential for those people who only valued entertainment while their world collapsed.

  As one of the older men turned on the projector, the rest of the group sat down and stared in amazement as images flashed on the screen. A child dropped the essay to the floor, never to be looked at again.


  文明灭亡 40 年之后,他们在一次房地产拍卖会上发现了米西的文章。米西在文章中描述了社会如何发现全球变暖是个可疑的现象,他们都觉得可笑。这样发达的社会居然会得出如此错误的结论,这个观点使幸存者们避开了所有其他知识。从他们发现的那些书的精华中,他们是可以获得这些知识的。






  equivocal a.1.有歧义的,不确定的2.暖味的,可疑的

  era n.时代,历史时期,年代

  eradicate v.1.根除,消灭,杜绝2.连根拔起,使断根

  erect a.坚自的,坚起的v.坚立,建立,建造

  erode v.1.腐竹,侵蚀,磨损

  erosion n.1.腐蚀,侵蚀,磨损2.逐步削弱

  erroneous a.错误的,不正确的

  error n.错误,差错

  eruption n.喷发,爆发,差错

  escalate v.使逐步上升,使逐步发展,使逐步升级

  escalator n.自动扶梯,电梯;逐步上升的人(或事物)

  escapism n.逃避现实

  eschew v.避免,避开,回避

  essay n.论说文;散文,小品,随笔

  essence n.1 本质,实质;要素2 精华,精髓

  essential a.1 比不可少的,非常重要2 本质的,实质的,基本的n.要素,基本必要的东西

  establish v.1.建立,建造,设立2.证实,确定,表明

  established a.1 已建立的;已被确定的2 确定的,既定的,证实的3 已制定的

  establishment n.1 建立,设立,确立2 建立的机构,企业

  estate n.(律)地产,产业,财产;遗产;地产权,财产权

  以上就是胡敏读故事单词雅思词汇,更多雅思资讯,请关注新航道上海学校雅思封闭培训班 ,封闭式管理,吃、住、学一体,定期与家长沟通学员在封闭校区的生活与学习情况,每班配备助教老师,丰富的学习安排(早/晚自习、正课、辅导课),免费享受周六外教口语及丰富课余活动,全程监督,快速提高英语能力





  • 雅思课程
班级名称 班号 开课时间 人数 学费 报名
词汇语法班(A段) VGPDX240427 2024/4/27 0:00:00 6-10人 ¥8800.00 在线咨询



旗舰校区:上海徐汇区文定路209号宝地文定商务中心1楼 乘车路线:地铁1/4号线上海体育馆、3/9号线宜山路站、11号线上海游泳馆站


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