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2017/7/24 11:39:23来源:新航道作者:新航道




Section 1





Questions 1-10



House detail

  • a small 1. swimming pool
  • 2. dinning room
  • A short drive away from 3. supermarket
  • Near a 4. park
  • An excellent 5. primary school
  • A 6. garage

Rent: 980 per month

Includes the maintenance of the 7. garden

Date: available after 8. 23 April

Viewing appointment time: Wednesday 9. 10.15

Address: 10. 127 Spring Street

Section 2





Questions 11-16


11. The exhibition will be open to the public from 19th March to 25th March.

12. 70,000 visitors in total will visit the show.

13. The weekday ticket price for children is 5 pound.

14. The entertainment program for children has racing car demonstration.

15. The latest car powered by electricity will be on the show.

16. Best day to visit is Sunday.


Questions 17-20

A. last year’s show

B. this year’s show

C. both years

17. enough seating   B

18. good facilities for children   C

19. opportunities to drive 4x4 cars   C

20. chances to win a car     A

Section 3





Questions 21-23

21. The tutor explains that the project proposal

A. will be checked by two examiners

B. will be awarded to final grade

C. will be returned with feedback


22. The proposal focus on

A. the topic

B. the method

C. the result


23. The tutor explains the length of the proposal

A. limit should be strictly observed

B. the word of the proposal should be at least 6,000

C. no restriction


Questions 24-30


Proposal Requirement


Special interest of topic. e.g. Language development

State issue of reliability, e.g. 24. Interview and observe many people



Should use correct 25. font

Use student number on every page

Give in 26. two copies (deadline: 27. 11 May)

Permitted to 28. change the project if necessary (send a 29. note or call the tutor)


Structure of the proposal


Description of the 30. procedure

Section 4





Questions 31-33

31. Why does the speaker choose to do research on this photographer?

A. famous   

B. he took many well-know photos of New York  

C. for his work experience


32. what makes this photographers different from others

A. they demonstrate the reality of the city


33. why did he leave LIFE magazine

B. he wanted to publish his ideas and works


Questions 34-36

34. 1955-E the exhibition was with others

35. 1957-B the exhibition focused on the nature

36. 1977-C the exhibition includes the development of his career


Questions 37-40

37. Book A: is a great example of his shooting angles

38. Book B: all the pictures are taken outdoors

39. Book B: shows you how to use light to take pictures

40. Book C: it’s about shooting approaches


Passage 1


Charles Dickens’ early childhood life in London

Content Review

P1 1822, fall, when Charles Dickens was 10 years old, he moved to London with his family. He had only begun to attend school recently, but as the summer ended, he was not sent to school. He believed that his parents would find a way to earn some money to send him to school again.


P2 1832, spring, Charles Dickens’s sister Fanny was awarded a place at a music school .Charles Dickens claimed that he never felt jealousy for his sister, but he could not help but be able to realise the contrast between his and her position. For the next six month, he still had no chance to school, but wander London around.


P3 Charles Dickens’s mother wanted to find a way to put her talent into use, because her husband’s salary can not keep pace with the need of the children. She had a bold plan. She decided to run a school.


P4 John Dickens was arrested because of debt and he was put into prison.


P5 When Charles Dickens visited his father in prison, John Dickens offered some sound advice for him which he used in his novels later.


P6 Things got worse and worse. All these things- the debt, the fear, the prison, the empty house impressed on Charles Dickens and he used them again and again in his novel.


Questions & Answers

Questions 1-6 T/F/NG

1. Charles Dickens preferred doing household task to attending school.   F

2. The description produced by Charles Dickens during his childhood were eventually published.   NG

3. Charles Dickens denied that he envied his sister music education.   T

4. Charles Dickens was able to familiarize himself with the various area in London.   T

5. Charles Dickens enjoy talking to shopkeeper about the goods they were selling.   NG

6. Mrs. Dickens wanted to find a way of supplementing her husband’s salary.   T


Questions 7-13 Complete notes

Problems of Charles Dickens’s family


Mrs Dickens rented a large house and put a 7. sign to advertising the school.

Charles Dickens delivered 8. leaflets.


John Dickens was arrested.

Charles Dickens acted as a 9. messenger for his father.

John Dickens was transferred to a 10. prison.

John Dickens offered some 11. advice which Charles Dickens used them later in his novel.

John Dickens felt relieved and the 12. salary would not be stopped.

Charles Dickens sold all his family’s book and 13. furniture.

Passage 2


The purpose of facial expression

Content Review

P1 Facial expression indicates people’ emotion, which has dominated the field of psychology since 1960s. Paul Ekman can evaluate human being’s emotion by measuring their facial expressions. Meanwhile, Paul Ekman found the facial expression would cause physiological changes, such as heart rate increasing and high blood pressure.


P2 Ekman’s view was not accepted by all psychologists. Alan Fridlund claimed no one-to-one correspondence between facial expression and emotion. Smiles can shorten people’s distance while frown keep people away, but it does not represent the constant meaning all the time.


P3 Facial expression influenced social interaction. Alan Fridlund thought, when facial expression appeared, we could begin to predict others. For example, our facial expression appeared when we were greeting and in social crisis. When people stayed alone, they still had facial expression, because they kept social interaction in their mind though no one dialogued with them. 


P4 James Russel argued that there was little evidence supporting the connection between facial expression and emotion. Because facial expression showed the overall mood rather than the details of specific emotion.


P5 Although face shows the information of people’s emotion, it is not 100% accurate. According to Linda Carmas, some emotion exists, but it does not represent in the facial expression, because it is too weak to recognize by people.


P6 Paul Ekman supplements that some emotion can be too weak to change physiological reaction, so it can’t be seen from facial expression.


P7 Though Alan Fridlund disagrees Paul Ekman’s opinion, but they share the same important thing: facial expression changes human being’s future action. Joseph Campos says emotion is a complex system, and face is just one unit of it, just like a car in a transmission.


Questions & Answers

Questions 14-18 match the information with paragraphs

14. The recognition that facial expression may not be a true guide of feeling. 

Paragraph 5 (答案见第5段主题句)

15. The example that facial expression encourage people to act in particular way. Paragraph 2 (答案见第2段中间部分)

16. The reference of hiding emotion.

Paragraph 6 (答案见第6段整段——Ekman的论述)

17. The example that when facial expression is used especially frequently.

Paragraph 3 (答案见第3段中间部分的举例)

18. The example that facial expression affects physiological reaction.

Paragraph 1 (答案见第1段最后两句)


Questions 19-23

19. Face is a small part in the whole system.   E(答案见第7段)

20. Facial expression influences others’ behaviours.   B(答案见第2段)

21. Although there are some different opinions, an important agreement exists. E  


22. Facial expression appears both in alone situation and social occasion.   B


23. There is no connection between facial expression and emotion.   C(答案见第4段)

A. Paul Ekman

B. Alan Fridlund

C. James Russel

D. Linda Carmas

E. Joseph Campos


Questions 24-26

24. Fridlund says, a smile can invite people nearer. 

25. When people stay alone, there is still a dialog in their mind.

26. According to Fridlund, facial expression is the tools that can be used to predict human being’s action.

Passage 3


Australia Megafauna Controversy

Content Review

Australia’s magefauna is a giant animal living in Australia for a long time and extinct long time ago. As for the reason why they would extinct, there are two main views about this question. If they lived in the same period when human being started living on the earth, then the climate change may be the main reason for their extinction. If they extinct before human beings existed in the world, then the human beings might be responsible for their extinction.


In order to answer this question, two scientists from Sydney university, Frank and Wore have stated that climate might be the main reason based on the evidence they found in a Cussie Spring, a place in Australia.


The debate about megafauna pivots to a great degree on the techniques for dating old bones and the sediments in which they are buried. It's all about timing. If scientists can show that the megafauna died out fairly quickly and that this extinction event happened within a few hundred years, or even a couple thousand years, of the arrival of humans, that's a strong case—even if a purely circumstantial one—that the one thing was the direct result of the other. Flannery contends that islands hold another clue to the mystery. Some species of megafauna survived on Tasmania until 40,000 years ago, when falling sea levels allowed humans to finally reach the island, Flannery says. That parallels the situation of mammoths in Siberia and giant sloths in the Americas, which also found island refuges and survived for thousands of years after the broader extinction spasms on the mainland. This line of argument relies on the lack of fossil evidence for a prolonged human-megafauna overlap. If, however, we find evidence that human beings and megafauna lived side by side for many thousands or tens of thousands of years, then the role of humans in the extinctions would become blurry at best. Certainly it would disprove the notion of a rapid-fire, Martin-Flannery-style blitzkrieg.


Unfortunately, Cuddie Springs was completely flooded and unreachable when I visited Australia to report this story (not that I could have, in any case, refereed the stratigraphic dispute). Field and I decided to drive instead to another famous boneyard in the same general region, a place called Wellington Caves. We drove for five hours from Sydney, across the Blue Mountains through a pastoral country that looks much like the rolling coastal lands of central California. When we pulled into the Wellington Caves parking lot, we found it guarded by a fiberglass Diprotodon.


Since there is no sound evidence to prove their points, there is still no answer for the reason of megafauna’s extinction. However, there is evidence that armadillos extinct after one day one armadillos killed by human beings. So there is chance that magafauna could extinct from the same way. Then human beings might be the one to responsible for this.


Questions & Answers

Questions 27-30

27. If the magefauna extinct before human beings’ existence, human beings might be the reason for their extinction.   Yes

28. Wore and frank believe some small magafauna survived form the Ice Age. Not Given

29. The writer thought the dating of the layer below 1.7 meters is unreliable.   No

30. Frank and Wore believe Cuddie Springs provide evidence for the claim that climate change caused the extinction of the magafauna.   Yes


Questions 31-35 选词填空

The writer’s against towards Frank and Wore’s View

    There are a lot of charcoal, 31. ___B___ and sands in Cuddie Springs and there is no trails of human activity. For example, there is no application for 32. ___D___. And it is impossible if the layer was covered by 33. ___E___ because it is far below the layer. Also, the 34. ___A___ in Cuddie Springs is a mixture of different period. And there is evidence that different 35. ___F___ has been destroyed to some extent.

A. Sand      B. stone      C. water      D. cooking

E. sediment   F. layer     


Questions 36-40

36. What impact brought by the weather to the Cuddie Springs?

A. Flood rushed away the trails left by animals and human beings.

B. Flood helped to mix the remain of animals and human beings.


37. What impact brought by people living in Cuddie Springs at that time?

A. They collected some bones in Cuddie spring and open them, therefore disrupt the remains.

B. They raised some cattles whose bones mixed with the ones of magafaunas’.


38. Why does the author think Wore and Frank’s ides is not right?

A. Since evidence in Cuddie Springs did not show the real existence of magafauna.

B. The sands of the layers in Cuddie Springs indicate the point might by incorrect.


39. What did the people in that period think of Cuddie Springs?

They think the land in the area is lack of water.


40. What is the writer’s opinion towards the Frank and Wore’s research?

A. They don’t have advanced equipment to find the real data.

B. The data they provided is inconsistent.


Task 1

Type of questions



The charts and graph give information about the number of students at university in a European country from 1984 to 2004, government spending on these students in the same period, and family economic background in 2009.

Task 2



Type of questions



More attention is paid to being “responsible tourists” in order to preserve both culture and environment. However, some people think it is impossible to be a responsible tourist.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


  Part 1

People & Animal


Pop star


Indoor Games



Daily routine






Vegetables and fruits




Music//Musical Instruments

Newspaper and magazine

Emails and Letters


Work or study


Forget things


  Part 2&3

People & Animal

Describe a person that moved home.搬家的人

Describe a famous person that you are interested in.名人

Describe the politest person you know.最礼貌的人

Describe two people you know from the same family.两个来自同一家庭的人


Describe an experience that you were not allowed to use your mobile phone.禁用手机

Describe a decision made by others that you disagreed with.不同意的决定

Describe an occasion that you received a good service from a restaurant or shop.优质服务

Describe a time you moved to a new home or school.搬家、转学

Describe a recent change of you.近期改变

Describe an interesting conversation you had with a stranger.有意思的谈话

Describe an English lesson you had.英语课


Describe a book you want to read again.重读的书

Describe a kind of foreign food you have had.外国食品

Describe your favourite piece of clothing.喜欢的衣服

Describe an important invention which has changed our life.重要的发明

Describe an occasion that you had a special cake.特殊的蛋糕


Describe a shop that just opened in your hometown.商店

Describe a cafe which you have been to.去过的咖啡馆


Describe a TV series or drama you enjoy watching.电视节目


Describe a holiday you want to go on in the future.未来假期

Describe a plan in your life (that is not related to work or study).一个计划

Describe a well-paid job that you will have in the future.高薪工作

重点话题Sample Answer


1. What fruits do Chinese people like to buy?

Well, there can be a bunch of those like apples, pears, oranges, grapefruits, melons, strawberries and durians and so on. Whatever your preference is, there can always be one to satisfy your taste bud.


2. Are there any special fruits in China?

Sure, there are some fruits which are pretty special in China.

Peaches have always been regarded as symbol of longevity in China and they often make the center piece of a table in an old person’s birthday dinner. And they are really tasty too.

Litchi gets its specialty and popularity from an ancient story. In Tang Dynasty, one of the Emperor’s wives called Madam Yang, had a craze for Litchi, which was a product in the far south of China then while the royal family resided in the north. So in order to bring fresh Litchi to the madam’s dining table, the emperor ordered his men to deliver litchi from the south to the north on a daily basis. Considering the large distance in between and the less developed transportation in the ancient time, you have no idea how many horses lost their lives in the running.


3. Is it important to eat fruits?

I believe so. Fruits provide vitamins and some other nutrients that our bodies need, which might not be acquired from vegetables or meat. So they can be very important for us to have a balanced and healthy diet. And besides, fruits enjoy different tastes and flavours from vegetables and grains and meat. It is always good to have some fruits for a change.





  • 雅思课程
班级名称 班号 开课时间 人数 学费 报名
词汇语法班(A段) VGXHX240512 2024/5/12 0:00:00 6-10人 ¥8800.00 在线咨询



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