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2018/2/2 18:02:28来源:新航道作者:新航道




Section 1





Questions 1-10

1. Buffet catering for at least 35 people

2. Time: every Saturday

3. Hotel name: Limerick

4. Location: business area

5. Advantages: have a good view

6. The room is in 5th floor

7. Need to book a week in advance

8. It has a small gym

9. Expenses: final pay for 65%

10. Telephone no: 044298611

Section 2





Questions 11-15

11. Why should they bring the brochures and for what?

A. can not afford it locally

B. useful for going to US

C. valuable for South America trip for a second


12. When should the tour member show the documents

A. when you pay for holiday

B. when tour consultant finish

C. when you first tour leader


13. What people should bring in daytime?

A. water

B. pest repellent

C. warm clothes


14. Where can tourists put the left luggage?

A. in the hotel

B. locker room

C. on the bus


15. Under what circumstance, can tourist ask medical help from local people?

A. after consulted the tour guide

B. shave special medical guide

C. as requested from the locals


Questions 16-20

A. by minivan

B. by bus

C. by car

D. by plane

E. by train

F. by raft

G. by donkey

16. from country L to Colombia: D

17. city C to village: C

18. village to canyon: G

19. from village B to small town: A

20. back to city, those not go to option for sightseeing before going home: E

Section 3




Field trip to a marine life research center

Questions 21-26

A. too many people

B. need repetition

C. repetitive information

D. no opportunity

E. inefficient information

F. well organized

G. excellent facilities

H. time consuming

21. Ecologists: A

22. After lunch/dinner presentations by staff: C

23. Journal Writing: H

24. field work beach: F

25. data analysis: E

26. briefing after lunch: D


Questions 27-30

27-28. Why did they choose the topic-life in the ocean sea?

A. history of coral habitat protection

B. oil rig damage to Sea Bed

C. fit for the potential students


29-30. presentation should cover?

challenging experts’ opinion concerns

sources of information

Section 4





Questions 31-40

31. Employed mostly by a company

32. originality must be claimed

33. details in products description

34. knowledge in engineering

35. good communication skills

36. mastery of foreign languages

37. offered a good salary

38. sometimes quite lonely

39. industrial organizations

40. government offices departments


Passage 1


Food production

Content Review



Questions & Answers

Questions 1-7 填空题

1. tools

2. traditional seeds

3. transgenic

4-7. 待回忆


Questions 8-13 判断题


Passage 2



Content Review



Questions & Answers


Passage 3


communication of science 科学交流

Content Review

Communication in Science

Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. In an older and closely related meaning, “science” also refers to a body of knowledge itself, of the type that can be rationally explained and reliably applied. A practitioner of science is known as a scientist.


Science plays an increasingly significant role in people’s life, making the faithful communication of scientific developments more important than ever .Yet such communication is fraught with challenges that easily distort discussions, leading to unnecessary confusion and misunderstanding.


Some problems stem from the current research and difficulty of finding faithful terminology .Abstraction and complexity are not signs that scientific direction is wrong, as some commentators have suggested, but a tribute to the success of human ingenuity in meeting challenges .They can make communication more difficult .Many of biggest challenges arise because in areas of evolving research, scientists only partly understand the full implications of particular advance or development.


Ambiguous word choices are source of some misunderstandings. Scientists often employ colloquial terminology which they assign a specific meaning that is impossible to fathom .Yet although measurements any observer makes depend on his coordinates and reference frame , the physical phenomena he measures have an invariant description that transcends that observer’s particular coordinates .Einstein’s theory of relativity is really about finding an invariant description of physical phenomena .


The” uncertainty principle” is another frequently abused term. It is sometimes interpreted as a limitation on observers and their ability to make measurements.


But it is not about intrinsic limitations on any one particular measurements; it is about inability to precisely measure particular pairs of quantities simultaneously? The first interpretation is perhaps more engaging from philosophical or political perspective. It’s just not what science is about.


Even the word “theory” can be a problem. Unlike most people, who use the word to describe a passing conjecture that they often regard as suspect, physicists have very specific ideas in mind when they talk about theories.


“Global warming” is another example of problematic terminology. Climatologists predict more drastic fluctuations in temperature and rainfall-not necessarily that every place will be warmer. The name sometimes subverts the debate, since it lets people argue that their winter was worse, so how could there be global warming? Clearly “Global climate change” would have been a better name.


A better understanding of the mathematical significance of results and less insistence on a simple story would help to clarify many scientific discussions. For several months, Harvard was tortured by empty debates over the relative intrinsic scientific abilities of men and women.


This doesn’t mean never questioning an interpretation, but it also doesn't mean equating indirect evidence with blind belief, as people sometimes suggest.


Questions & Answers



Task 1

Type of questions



The graphs show the average maximum and minimum temperatures between Brisbane and Canberra and the average number of days with rainfall in these two cities.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


Task 2



Type of questions



Figures show that in some countries, there is an ever-increasing proportion of population aged 15 or younger. What do you think the current and future effects it may have in those countries?


  Part 1

People & Animal







Physical exercise







High School/university







Work or study


Rainy days


  Part 2&3

People & Animal

Describe someone who is a good parent.好家长

Describe a businessman you admire.敬佩的商人

Describe an interesting person from another country.有趣的外国人

Describe a popular person you know.受欢迎的人


Describe an experience that you taught a friend or a relative.教他人

Describe a time you enjoyed a good service from a shop or company.优质服务

Describe a special /meaningful meal you had.特殊的一餐

Describe a time you saved money for something.攒钱


Describe something you bought recently that you were happy with.开心购物

Describe a piece of furniture.家具

Describe an important letter you received.重要的信


Describe a leisure facility (cinema, theatre, sports center) you would like to have in your hometown.休闲设施

Describe a place you know where people go to listen to music (such as a theatre or a music hall).听音乐的地方

Describe a public park or garden.公园

Describe an interesting place that few people know.鲜有人知的地方

Describe a dream home you would like to have.理想之家

Describe a city or a town you would like to visit with your friends.想同朋友一起去的城镇

Describe a river or lake in your country.河流湖泊


Describe an advertisement (that you saw or heard).广告

Describe a TV program you like.喜欢的电视节目


Describe a subject of science that you learned in secondary/high school.科学课

Describe a rule at your school that you agree or disagree.校规

Describe a story others told you when you were a little child.儿时故事

重点话题Sample Answer

Describe a river or lake in your country.

You should say:

Where the place is

What it looks like

What do people usually do there

Why you like the river or lake.


I’d like to talk about our Mother River in China--The yellow river. Originating in Western China, the yellow river, at an estimated length of more than 5000 km, flows through several areas and empties into the Bohai sea near Shandong province. Thus its drainage area covers nearly half of China. The yellow river, by and large, is notable for carrying a large amount of silt every year into the sea.


Being the sixth longest river in the world, the yellow river enjoys the fame of nurturing generations of Chinese people. However, it has been responsible for several floods and some have even been catastrophic. So in modern time, people dare not to make light of its severity and sophisticated dams are then built. Nowadays, the yellow river is easier to be tamed.





  • 雅思课程
班级名称 班号 开课时间 人数 学费 报名
词汇语法班(A段) VGPDX240427 2024/4/27 0:00:00 6-10人 ¥8800.00 在线咨询



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