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2017/8/30 17:46:24来源:新航道作者:新航道

摘要:上海新航道雅思培训学校 小编今天给考生们带来了2017.9月-12月的雅思口语part2考试预测-最爱的歌,希望对各位考生们在备考中有所帮助,取得理想分数。每年的1、5、9月为雅思变题月,每一次更换的题目大概是淘汰30%-40%的旧题,并补充相应数量的新题,以下就是雅思口语预测内容。

  上海新航道雅思培训学校 小编今天给考生们带来了2017.9月-12月的雅思口语part2考试预测-最爱的歌,希望对各位考生们在备考中有所帮助,取得理想分数。每年的1、5、9月为雅思变题月,每一次更换的题目大概是淘汰30%-40%的旧题,并补充相应数量的新题,以下就是雅思口语预测内容。

  You should say:

  What kind of music it is

  Where you usually listen to it

  Why you like it

  and say what kind of mood this music puts you in.



  The song 'High Hopes' sung by David Gilmour of Pink Floyd band is a song I have loved always and would hear often for the rest of my life. Pink Floyds is famous for their progressive and psychedelic music and high quality lyrics. This song falls under the progressive rock music genre and was the 11th song of the album Division Bell.

  I usually listen to this song in my computer and sometimes in my MP3 player with the head phone. In fact I am a great fan of this music band and most of their songs are in my favorite list. This song is specifically attractive for the music composition, lyrics and theme.

  This song reminds the past and compares how greener and full of possibility it was. The church bell and the lyrics make an out of the world illusion that only people who love it would realize. Every time I hear this song, I can feel my childhood, the sweet memory and the greener town I used to live. This is song that opens a horizon for me to visit my past. I love this song from my heart.

  This music puts me in a sad yet charming mood.I feel sad that the past days won't be coming back and I won't have that childhood charm anymore.On the other hand this song gives me a genuine pleasure of the memories of my childhood and all the friends and people I knew then.






  • 雅思课程
班级名称 班号 开课时间 人数 学费 报名
词汇语法班(A段) VGXHX240525 2024/5/25 0:00:00 6-10人 ¥8800.00 在线咨询



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