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2018.1月-4月雅思口语Part2考试预测-foreign food

2017/12/19 16:07:45来源:新航道作者:新航道

摘要:上海新航道雅思培训学校小编今天给考生们带来了2018.1月-4月雅思口语Part2考试预测-foreign food,希望各位考生们在备考中有所准备,取得理想分数。每年的1、5、9月为雅思变题月,每一次更换的题目大概是淘汰30%-40%的旧题,并补充相应数量的新题,考生们在备考雅思口语的时候,一定要根据雅思口语话题的变化来变更自己的版本。

  上海新航道雅思培训学校小编今天给考生们带来了2018.1月-4月雅思口语Part2考试预测-foreign food,希望各位考生们在备考中有所准备,取得理想分数。每年的1、5、9月为雅思变题月,每一次更换的题目大概是淘汰30%-40%的旧题,并补充相应数量的新题,考生们在备考雅思口语的时候,一定要根据雅思口语话题的变化来变更自己的版本。


  There is a foreign food that I would really like to try, but I wonder if my choice will surprise you? I will tell you what it is, how I learned about it, where it is mostly eaten and explain why I want to taste it so badly.

  The food is…. Pizza! Now, of course, this is a food that you can buy all over the world, and I really enjoy the pizza that I can buy in my home country which is England in the UK. However, I recently learned from a friend that the style of pizza available here is nothing like the authentic Italian pizza you can get if you visit its country of origin, and since then, it’s one of the things on my bucket list. That is, something I’d like to do before I die is to travel to Italy, find a local pizzeria and get a really authentic pizza.

  So how did I learn what I’ve been missing? I shop regularly at a local family owned delicatessen. The proprietor is Italian, and he is a great foody – that is he takes food very seriously, sourcing only the best ingredients. He and his wife are both vegetarian like me, so they often suggest food or recipes. The other day we were talking and he was bemoaning the lack of ‘proper’ pizzas in this country. He told me that whilst of course, Italian food is very regional including its pizzas, they are nevertheless distinctive. All pizzas MUST be cooked in a wood-fired oven for a start, the dough should be tossed by hand. The pizza should only be made with the very freshest and finest ingredients, and is best eaten outdoors too, of course, against the backdrop of the Italian countryside!

  Pizza is eaten everywhere in Italy, though of course approximations of pizza can be bought the world over. Even so, my deli friend has persuaded me I’ve been missing out, and I’d like to find out for myself how different it might taste if I go for an authentic recipe, venue and location. I’ve never had a real pizza, and I’ve never been to Italy either, I think it would be a winning combination – not to mention that it would also be a great excuse to go to a beautiful country that I have yet to visit. What do you think, would you like to come too?

  以上就是雅思1月-4月份口语机经预测,希望各位备考雅思的同学们能正确使用机经资料可以有效的提高分数。上海雅思培训班 ,一个盛产高分的摇篮,想和他们一起并肩成为学霸吗,就赶紧加入我们吧!





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班级名称 班号 开课时间 人数 学费 报名
词汇语法班(A段) VGYPX240518 2024/5/18 0:00:00 6-10人 ¥8800.00 在线咨询



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