

  • 课程
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2017/7/28 15:00:31来源:新航道作者:新航道



  You should say:

  What the lesson was about

  Where you studied it

  when you studied it

  why you studied this lesson



  The best English lesson i ever had took place in my sophomore year of college in my English class with Mr. Wang.

  Every Monday, we would take about twenty minutes of class, and everyone had to stand up and say what they did over the weekend. The mini-speeches didn't have to be long or that involved; rather, it was just an opportunity to get everyone up and speaking English. What made the activity fun, though, was not really the assignment. Instead, it was the class that made it interesting. The first couple Mondays, the speeches weren't any thing special. Most were pretty boring, and the class had more of a “let's just get this done attitude instead of an “I like Ibis activity”attitude. The third Monday, however, this all changed. One of the students stood up and told an extremely creative story, using a lot of interesting phrases and some truly funny vocabulary. After this, the class all sort of accepted this as the new norm, and every week became a contest to see who could tell the funniest, most creative story. As a result, going to class on Monday became something to really look forward to.

  In addition, the activity also really helped out our language ability. No longer were we just taking words and phrases out of the book, we were looking for other places, trying to be the most creative. Not only was it really fun, it also encouraged working harder!

  I know from the beginning that the key to learn a language is to use it in an immersive atmosphere,and that is why i took this class.After so many years i am still a lone English language learner in a hope that one day i might truly command this hard language , without company of any language partner.Lucily i keep the habit i formed in that class alive, forcing myself into talking to myself for 5 minutes on a daily basis. it feels really good.






  • 雅思课程
班级名称 班号 开课时间 人数 学费 报名
词汇语法班(A段) VGXHX240512 2024/5/12 0:00:00 6-10人 ¥8800.00 在线咨询



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