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雅思口语话题part2范文-Describe an exciting book you have read

2018/2/9 15:54:13来源:新航道作者:新航道

摘要: 雅思口语是中国考生们最头疼的一项,为了方便考生们复习及备考,今天上海新航道雅思频道为考生们带来了雅思口语话题part2范文-Describe an exciting book you have read,希望对各位考生们在备考中有所帮助,能取的理想的分数。

  雅思口语是中国考生们最头疼的一项,为了方便考生们复习及备考,今天上海新航道雅思频道为考生们带来了雅思口语话题part2范文-Describe an exciting book you have read,希望对各位考生们在备考中有所帮助,能取的理想的分数。

  You should say:

  What it is about?

  How you knew about this book?

  When you read it for the first time?

  And explain why you think this book is very exciting?


  You know, I am a big fun of reading, and I have read many books ever。 But today I would like to talk about "the Wings of Fire"by Dr.A.P. J. Abdul Kalam.

  It is a very exciting book. My sister got this book as a prize when she participated in a writing contest in 2015,and she recommended me to read it and borrow it to me.

  This book is Dr. Kalam's auto-biography which was first published in 1999. And this book became popular only after Dr. Kalam became the President of India.Dr.Kalam was sworn in as the President of India on25th July 2002. Mr. Arun Tiwari helped Dr. Kalam in writing the book. In one speech, Dr Kalam says why he wrote his autobiography,he wanted to inspir young people who didn't bear in a rich family to never give up on his experiences.

  To be honest, this book is very motivating and exciting. From this book, I came to know all about the life and achievements of Dr. A.P. J. And you will be motivated by Dr. A.PJ. Abdul Kalam. Dr. Kalam was born in a very poor family in the southern parts of India at Rameshwaram. The reason why I admire him is that his life shows how an ordinary boy from a poor family could reach the highest level of the nation. He became not only the best rocket engineer but also the first citizen

  of the nation. Anyway, it is true that he described his posting as the president as a piece of luck. but his achievement as a rocket engineer was absolutely because of sheer hard work. In him, I can find a person with the insatiable quest for knowledge and with great love for suffering fellow beings.

  I would like to say this is an execting book due to it is a very motivating book, and you will never feel boring because you will be attracted by the life of Dr. AP. J.

  以上就是雅思口语高分范文,更多雅思口语资讯,请点击:雅思口语频道上海新航道春季班 火热招生中!

  上海学雅思,来新航道雅思培训学校 ,我们给考生最大的保障,签订协议,承诺不过重修,只有顶尖的雅思培训 学校,才敢做出如此承诺!13年来,我们专心做好一件事,那就是如何让学员顺利通过雅思考试!





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班级名称 班号 开课时间 人数 学费 报名
词汇语法班(A段) VGXHX240512 2024/5/12 0:00:00 6-10人 ¥8800.00 在线咨询



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