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雅思口语范文-a good decision made recently by you or someone you know

2018/8/9 17:11:39来源:新航道作者:新航道

摘要:雅思口语是中国考生们最头疼的一项,为了方便考生们复习及备考,今天上海新航道小编为考生们带来了雅思口语话题part2范文-Describe a good decision made recently by you or someone you know,希望对各位考生们在备考中有所帮助,能取的理想的分数。

  雅思口语是中国考生们最头疼的一项,为了方便考生们复习及备考,今天上海新航道小编为考生们带来了雅思口语话题part2范文-Describe a good decision made recently by you or someone you know,希望对各位考生们在备考中有所帮助,能取的理想的分数。

  You should say:

  Who made it

  What was the decision

  When it was made

  Why it was a good decision


  The decision I am going to tell you is that I bought a kindle about two years ago,when I was scanning the Amazon website trying to find some interesting books.There was this huge advertisement on the head of its homepage,stating that a whole new generation of kindle had been produced and its performance had been greatly improved compared to the previous one.

  I had seen kindle in reality from a friend and was surprised by the e-ink technology it employed,which radically changed my view of e-reader.But I did not know where he got it.This article is from Laokaoya website.Do not copy or repost it.At seeing this advertisement,I decided to order one at once and it turned out to be the best decision I had ever made.

  First,the screen of kindle does not flicker like other pads.No matter how long I read,my eyes do not hurt.This is very essential to a bookworm.Second,Kindle has a long battery life. Once it is charged to full power,I do not need to re-charge it for at least two weeks.Third,it was light and small,very convenient to carry.I can put it into pockets on my clothes just like my cell phone.Fourth,it has even inserted reading light in this device.I do not need to worry about whether the environment is bright enough.Ever since I bought this Kindle, my travel has never been boring,be it to work or to a far-away place.

  以上就是雅思口语高分范文,更多雅思口语资讯,请点击:雅思口语频道 。上海学雅思哪家好,来新航道雅思培训学校 ,我们给考生最大的保障,签订协议,承诺不过重修,只有顶尖的雅思培训 学校,才敢做出如此承诺!14年来,我们专心做好一件事,那就是如何让学员顺利通过雅思考试!





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班级名称 班号 开课时间 人数 学费 报名
词汇语法班(A段) VGXHX240512 2024/5/12 0:00:00 6-10人 ¥8800.00 在线咨询



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