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2017/3/3 18:30:52来源:互联网作者:上海新航道


  一、2016写作趋势分析 1、题目不常规
  从2012年以来,sat的作文题就给人一种时不时在抽风的感觉。一看到题目就有一种“你在玩儿我吧!”分的八大类别的题目和例子完全没有用好么?!但的确如此么?我们仔细看看这些题目。比方说2012年五月,Do advertisements contribute to unhappiness and dissatisfaction? 看起来很不常规的题目,往往让考生在考的时候直接进入放弃模式。自然,如果说此时可以想到几个具体的广告的例子并且论述的话是更好的,但是用我们平时准备的例子也并不是没有生路了。比方说转换为大众观点的题目,广泛传播的大众观点会不会给人们带来困扰?再比方说可以转换为成功类的题目,广告可不可以激励成功?等等。只要我们耐下性子不被它吓到,这些所谓的偏题怪题也就没有那么偏那么怪了。
  再来看2013年5月的题目,Is preparing for the future more important than enjoying the present?要及时行乐还是未雨绸缪。看起来和常规的题目也离得挺远,和之前每一类的题目都不能直接联系上。但是仔细去分析一下,enjoy 享受,那可以理解为happiness,在看future,可以理解为成功,后果等等。那这个题目通过可以转换付出努力后的成功,这样的题目就非常常规熟悉了。 2、很难直接套用例子。
  虽然说可以转换思维,把题目换成我们熟悉的话题来写,但是2012,2013年的题目还是给人一种例子不知道该怎么用的感觉。这对大家平时的积累就又有了新的要求。 (1) 经典的例子要灵活使用。
  我们准备的例子是有限的,但是每个例子都可以用不同的发散。比方说BILL GATES,可以用来说成功,说机遇,说学习,说创新,也可以用来说社会责任,慈善等等。既然已经准备了一个例子,就把这个人挖掘得更加透彻一些,让这个例子可以辐射更多的题目。
  (2) 积累新的例子。关注生活中的各种变化
  比如说到上面2012年5月的题目,转换题目是一种思路,但是如果可以有广告的例子就更好了。其实这样的例子不难找,impossible is nothing这样的句子大家应该都听过,不可能算个毛,这个句子是很励志的。那广告可以促进人们积极向上。再比如说可口可乐的一系列创新,让人们觉得有趣又有了创新的灵感,那也是可以用的好例子。还有2012年12月的题目Is there really much more for people to
  invent and discover in the world today? 看上去是传统的创新类题目,但是加了一个限定词today,那这个时候再说爱迪生发明灯泡就不合适。那如果平时有去关注,此时很多新的例子就可以出来的google眼镜啦,淘宝理财啦,人兽基因融合啦等等。这就建议大家在平时除了使用已经按类别准备好的经典例子之外,还要去收集一些最新的内容,每个类别补充一个。
  就如上文所说,现在的题目很多看起来都不常规,及时看起来常规的题目也会加入一些限定词使得论述的难度加大。比如上文中的2012年12月的题目,是创新这个最没有新意的话题,但是加了一个today,论述的例子就要有新的变化。这对大家的审题要求就更高,审题时一定要看两遍题目,画出关键词,花两分钟的时间构思并回想是不是叩准了每一个关键词。更加细致地对待这些看起来似乎很老很常规的题目。 二、2013年5月sat写作分析
  题目:Is preparing for the future more important than enjoying the present?要及时行乐还是未雨绸缪。
  那这里的enjoying the present就需要是负面的。Future需要是有希望的,成功的。 下面给大家提供三种思路:
  (2)现在注重享乐,不思进取,之后的未来很黑暗。那一些曾经繁荣过,但是没有足够多的创新,没有去了解世界发展局势,不合时宜而倒闭的公司,那些只贪图一时利益为非作歹而被惩罚的人(比方说服用兴奋剂的运动员),那些昧着良心赚钱之后惨淡收场的商人都是可以用的例子。反之亦然。比方说那些注意社会公益获得好名声最后企业长足发展的例子。 (3)扩大到国家,社会层面。现在想用各种高科技产品,耗费各种资源,掠夺自然,不为后世考虑,那未来是很可怕的。那反面的例子可以说global warming,正面的可以说sustainable development。 2、支持要及时行乐的。
  那可以从未来的不确定入手,不要好高骛远,把握现在有的。把enjoy衍生为happiness.论述现世的幸福。 也给大家提供三种思路:
  (1) 会有意外的好事发生。比方说便利贴,味精,抗生素的发明。他们的发明家们都没
  (2) 未来不可预测,灾难不可避免。比方说地震,洪水,世界末日等等。那我们应该抓
  (3) Seize the day 是一个很好的生活方式,亚里士多德也支持这样的观点。没有必要
  当然,还有很多的思路,大家可以发散开来思考,在满分网也可以讨论。这个题目的限定性还是比较小的,成功,创新,机遇,幸福都可以写。 范文一:
  Devastating the forests, contaminating the waters, graying the skies and extincting kinds of living creatures are all the crimes that could never be forgiven, however, under the name of “enjoying the present”, all of these seem to be justified. Nevertheless, the future would give human beings a lesson if they continue to exhaust the natural resources and destroy the great nature. Actually, if human being would take a glance of the skies of Antarctic zone and the Rainforest in Brazil during their efforts to enjoy the present from the nature, they would realize: the lesson has begun.
  The invention and popularization of air conditioners largely improve one’s comfort level but inevitably increase the danger of worsen the situation of the Antarctic ozone hole. Staying in a room with air conditioners, few could realize that he or she is contributing to the enlargement of the ozone hole. Due to human’s activities, especially the behavior of emitting CFCs into the air, the ozone hole in Antarctic zone emerged and is growing. What is more, the growth of the ozone hole would increase the possibilities of suffering from skin cancer and enormous deadly diseases of the people living on the South hemisphere. Apparently, should the ozone layer disappear, no one could image what would happen. Fortunately, humans are taking action of preparing for the future. Thanks to the Montreal protocol, the involving countries are making efforts to control the production and consumption of CFCs. However, the things having been done are far from enough. More countries, more actions should be involved in the procedure of protecting the zone layer, protecting the earth, and, most critically, protecting humans in future. Absolutely, preparing for the future does not mean sacrificing all the enjoyment,
  people can devote themselves to the great issue by doing tiny things such as purchasing the air conditioners which would consume substitutes for CFCs. Compared to the Antarctic ozone hole, the declining of the rainforest in Brazil arises more attention of publicity. The rainforest, a massive pool of natural resources and the lung of the earth, plays an irreplaceable and extremely prominent role in absorbing carbon dioxide. However, such a crucial resource has been put into danger because of the excessive deforestation which is incredibly shortsighted. Pretty ironically, Brazil produces about 0.3 billion tons of carbon dioxide of which two thirds comes from the actions of cutting and burning the rainforest. Brazil might not be able to protect the rainforest as it is still a developing country which is trying every effort to fulfill the basic need of its citizens, however, the assistant from international associations and the developed countries would definitely ease the pain of rainforest. Present enjoyment of exterminating the treasures of nature would bring economic benefits but be at the cost a gloomy future which belongs to every country, therefore, participating in the protection of the rainforest should be a duty shared by all the countries. In a nutshell, human beings are taking actions of preparing for the future instead of only focusing on present enjoyment, which is really delightful; however, much more could be done if everyone gets engaged in the great matter. 范文二:History has witnessed enough events of unwise decision making, including the failure of Napoleon when he was trying to invade Russia and the Chernobyl disaster, however, such tragedies are still performing as people are always making decisions without taking the future into consideration. Indulging in the present enjoyment, people are blinded by the temperate pleasure, which would lead to massive lost in the future. Here come the examples of Lance Edward Armstrong’sand the restoration of Beichuan, a spot suffered from earthquake in 2008. As a survivor of testicular cancer, Lance Edward Armstrong was considered as hero for his durance and bravery in the fight with cancer. Encouraged people crowned him as the legend. Addicted to the applause and admiration, Armstrong got lost. In order to continue his magic, he took stimulant when he participated in the Tour de France and was awarded the first prize for seven consecutive times. However, fire






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