



1. Why does the student want to talk to the professor?

A. To let him know that she has no background in art

B. To discuss the topic of her art history paper

C. To inform him that she is unable to print out the class syllabus at the computer lab

D. To get another copy of the material from class


2. What point does the professor make about the early Bauhaus school?

A. Its intention was to create a distinctive artistic style.

B. It started out with a focus on architecture.

C. It was conceived as an experiment in education.

D. Its founding director supported traditional classroom teaching.


3. Why does the student mention her German studies?

A. To indicate that she is interested in different fields of study

B. To indicate that she knows about the German art school

C. To explain why she is taking a class about Bauhaus

D. To explain why she thinks Bauhaus centered on architecture


4. What is the professor s opinion about how Bauhaus works should be displayed?

A. They should focus on a famous Bauhaus artist.

B. They should reveal the diversity of the Bauhaus.

C. They should be based on a single Bauhaus technique.

D. They should be arranged by time period


5. What does the professor say about the museum that the student is required to visit?

Click on 2 answers.

A. Its Bauhaus exhibit is organized by themes.

B. Its Bauhaus exhibit will not be there much longer.

C. It offers students a price reduction on Thursday nights.

D. It will probably be quite crowded next weekend.




1. Why does the student go to see the man?

A. To register her group to perform for Parents’ Weekend

B. To change the date when her dance group will give a performance

C. To complain about the floor in a newly built rehearsal room

D. To find out when a room she reserved will be available


2. Why is the student s group unable to rehearse in the student center?

A. The rehearsal space was overbooked.

B. The building is being renovated.

C. The rehearsal space was replaced by a game room.

D. The group did not reserve a rehearsal room.


3. What two points do the speakers make about tap dancing?

Click on 2 answers.

A. Tap dancing is becoming a popular form of entertainment on campus.

B. Tap dancing classes have always been offered at the university.

C. Tap dancing requires a certain type of flooring.

D. Tap dancing creates sounds that are important to the performance.


4. What does the man imply about the student theater?

A. It is almost always booked.

B. It has not been renovated in a long time.

C. It is too small to accommodate the student s dance group.

D. It is rarely used for dance performances.


5. What does the man imply when he says this:

A He is not sure what kind of rehearsal space the student needs.

B He does not know of any rehearsal space off campus.

C He is unable to reserve rehearsal space off campus.

D He will call a dance studio in town.


Lecture 1(Art History)


1. What is the main purpose of the lecture?

A. To explain why a particular statue of a Roman emperor is so famous

B. To discuss how classical Greek and Roman statues looked in ancient times

C. To describe the types of pigments Greek and Roman artists applied to statues

D. To explain a shift from monochrome to polychrome statues in ancient times


2. Why does the professor mention statues created by Renaissance artists in fifteenth-century Europe?

A. To emphasize the importance of color in Renaissance works of art

B. To help explain the method used to determine the age of a statue

C. To point out the origin of the belief that ancient marble statues were monochrome

D. To point out that Renaissance artists used other materials besides marble to create statues


3. According to the professor, what are two reasons that ancient statues may no longer have any visible traces of paint?

Click on 2 answers.

A. The paint was eroded away.

B. The marble absorbed the paint over time.

C. Museum curators intentionally removed the paint.

D. The paint was accidentally removed during cleaning.


4. What is the professor’s opinion about ancient statues that were once painted?

A. They should be judged by their form rather than their color.

B. They should be interpreted with the artists’ intentions in mind.

C. They should be fully restored to their original colors.

D. They probably represent only a small minority of classical statues.


5. According to the professor, what is significant about the paint on the statue of Augustus?

Click on 2 answers.

A.It helped protect the statue from erosion.

B.The different colors were made from valuable pigments.

C.The color of the armor indicated the youth of Augustus.

D.The color of the cloak symbolized authority.


6. What does the professor imply that art historians should do?

A. Try to preserve deteriorating ancient pigments with an organic surface treatment.

B. Educate the public about the damage caused by cleaning works of art.

C. Study the remaining traces of pigments on as many ancient sculptures as possible.

D. Try to re-create the mineral-based paints that were used in ancient times.


Lecture 2(Astronomy)


1. What is the main purpose of the lecture?

A. To explain the difficulty of classifying distant objects in the universe

B. To introduce a classification system for galaxy clusters

C. To present some recent discoveries about the shapes of galaxies

D. To describe some differences between galaxies and clusters


2. What did Shapley and Ames discover about the universe?

A. Most galaxies are symmetrical.

B. More galaxies exist in the universe than was once believed.

C. Galaxies occur in clusters throughout the universe.

D. Clusters are distributed uniformly throughout the universe.


3. Why does the professor emphasize the number of clusters mapped by Abell?

A. To help explain why Abell’s classification scheme was widely adopted

B. To explain why Abell was the first astronomer to notice spiral-shaped galaxies

C. To provide evidence that Abell’s method of surveying galaxies was superior to that used for previous surveys

D. To show how much Abell relied on earlier research


4. What aspects of clusters did Abell use to classify them?

Click on 2 answers.

A. The density of the cluster

B. The shape of the cluster

C. The age of the cluster

D. The type of galaxies in the cluster


5. Why does the professor discuss the Coma and Virgo clusters?

A. To indicate a limitation of Abell’s survey

B. To distinguish between rich and non-rich clusters

C. To demonstrate that clusters considered irregular in shape are basically spherical

D. To illustrate that the shape of a cluster is independent of the shape of the galaxies within it


6. What is the professor's opinion of Abell's assumption that all clusters are about the same size?

A. He is surprised that it has been disproved.

B. He believes that there is not enough data to support it.

C. He is impressed that it has been proved correct.

D. He thinks it is Abell’s most important contribution to astronomy.


Lecture3(Environmental Science)


1. What is the lecture mainly about?

A. Why fungi cannot grow well in polluted ecosystems

B. Why fungi pose a danger to the underground water system

C. How to prevent heavy metals from getting into the soil

D. How fungi can clean up pollution that is in the soil


2. What does the professor say about the way fungi get their food?

A. They use certain metal compounds in the soil as nutrients.

B. The enzymes that they produce allow them to absorb organic nutrients from the soil.

C. They separate nutrients from heavy metals and then return the metals to the soil.

D. Heavy metals interfere with their way of getting nutrients from the soil.


3. What two points does the professor make about chitin?

Click on 2 answers.

A. Chitin binds strongly to certain heavy metals.

B. Insects need chitin in order to digest the fungi they eat.

C. Chitin can be added to soil to create a good habitat for fungi.

D. The cell walls of fungi, like the exoskeletons of insects, contain chitin.


4. What do adsorption and absorption in fungi have in common?

A. They both can help the production of new filaments.

B. They both can increase the production of chitin.

C. They both can help keep pollutants out of groundwater.

D. They both result in the strengthening of cell walls.


5. Why does the professor mention the antibiotic penicillin?

A. To suggest that more fungi should be investigated as potential sources of medications

B. To point out that certain heavy metals are needed for the production of penicillin

C. To criticize the pharmaceutical industry for contributing to environmental pollution

D. To show how a waste product from one process can be useful in another process


Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question.

6. Why does the professor say this:

A. She does not have time to fully explain the reason.

B. She is hopeful that students will be able to figure out the reason.

C. She wonders why mushrooms are not already used for cleaning up pollution.

D. She realizes that the research she has been discussing is still in its early stages.


Lecture 4(Marketing)


1. What is the lecture mainly about?

A. The most common causes of service failures

B. Effective strategies for preventing service failures

C. The importance of having a plan to address service failures

D. Ways in which different industries respond to service failures


2. Why does the professor talk about a car rental agency?

A. To demonstrate the importance of employee training

B. To introduce the concept of service recovery

C. To point out that most service failures are within a company’s control

D. To point out that it is costly to implement a service recovery plan


3. Why does the student mention his experience at a hotel in Chicago?

A. To show how complaints about a negative experience can hurt a business

B. To illustrate a surprising result of a successful service recovery

C. To give an example of an ineffective service recovery

D. To stress the importance of preventive maintenance in the hotel industry


4. What is the professor’s opinion of the service recovery paradox?

A. It should not be relied on as a way to increase customer loyalty.

B. It does not produce long-lasting benefits for the service provider.

C. It is more common in the hotel industry than in other service industries.

D. It can only be beneficial if the customer is not aware of the original failure.


5. What point does the professor make when she mentions a fast-food restaurant?

A. Service failures should be analyzed from the service provider's perspective.

B. A customer’s reaction to a service failure can vary under different circumstances.

C. It is important for service managers to identify the source of a service failure.

D. Some service industries are more vulnerable than others to service failures.


6. Why does the professor say this:

A. To review the main points of the lecture

B. To suggest topics for the students’ next research assignment

C. To indicate possible reasons why negative word of mouth is damaging to businesses

D. To specify where research is needed to better understand service recovery





LECTURE2:1-2BC 3.AD 4.B 5.BD 6.C

LECTURE2:1-3.BCA 4.AB 5-6.DC

LECTURE3:1-2.DB 3.AD 4-6.CDD




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胡嘉杭  托福总分:109

听力29分,阅读29分,口语26分,写作25分; 我在6月份的托福考试中成绩是109分,这也是我的首考,所以我自己也觉得这个成绩还挺不错了。我准备的时间大概是两个月左右,在此期间我报了新航道的托福精品班,我认为最后能获得这样一个不错的成绩,新航道的老师们给我的帮助还是非常给力的。

李成蹊  TOEFL IBT总分106

阅读29,听力28,口语23,写作26 在2016年7月25日至8月19日期间,参加了上海新航道学校的托福暑期精品班,学习期间,很感谢上海新航道学校老师给我提供了许多学习上的技巧和如何学习英语的能力,经过三周的在校学习,我于8月27日参加了托福考试,取得了TOEFL IBT总分106的好成绩,其中听力提高五分,写作提高五分。并与今年的美国研究生入学申请中拿到了美国宾夕法尼亚大学的offer。非常感谢新航道老师的帮助。

孟元琦  雅思总分:7.5分

雅思听力:8.5分;阅读:8.0分;写作6.5分;口语6.0分。 雅思首考7.5分这个成绩,总体比较满意。记得第一次参加新航道的雅思模考,当时分数总体不高大概6.0吧。在新航道的学习期间,老师都很不错。讲课条理清晰,内容充实,让我很有收获。(看提高的成绩就知道了)最深的一件事肯定是无手机课堂啊,每次都要依依不舍地和手机告别。




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