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2017/5/2 14:31:24来源:新航道作者:新航道








  Our society admires individuals such as lawyers who work pro bono for wrongfully imprisoned individuals, or doctors who work with the poor. But while such actions require extreme compassion and, often, great personal sacrifice, they are in reality acts of reputation-building that do not stem from pure selflessness. Though we praise people who commit seemingly selfless acts that benefit others, should we take a closer look at the motivation behind such acts? In our materialistic, capitalistic society, perhaps we should re-examine the intentions behind such generosities.

  Perspective 1:

  There is no such thing as a truly selfless act. Anyone who takes action in order to help another human being only does so in order to promote his or her own reputation.

  Perspective 2:

  Human beings are essentially good, whether their ethics comes from an internal sense of morality, a collective conscience, or a structured religion. As long as we have a purity of intent, then it is acceptable to benefit from our compassionate actions, even if that benefit is monetary.

  Perspective 3:

  No good deed goes unpunished. Even a purely selfless act can sometimes have unintended consequences. It may be that our intentions to help others are pure, but the results of those intentions are often muddy.


  Solving Society’s Problems

  The world today faces a wide range of challenges. Despite the great economic and scientific progress mankind has made, many in the world are still struggling to survive. Even in developed nations, individuals and communities face problems like poverty, disease and violence. Individuals and private organizations have done much to help alleviate many of these problems. Government have also played a role in addressing issues like poverty and public health. In your opinion, who has a bigger role to play in solving today’s problems: governments or individuals?

  Perspective 1

  Individuals could not possibly hope to solve problems as large as the ones we face today. Only large governments with sizable resources can help.

  Perspective 2

  Governments are, by nature, composed of individuals working as a team. Governments can solve major problems because they harness the power of individuals.

  Perspective 3

  The best solutions to society’s problems always come from individuals, not governments. Governments lack the creativity and drive necessary to tackle major problems successfully.


  Critical Thinking

  Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally about what to do or what to believe. It includes the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking. Having critical thinking can benefit people in many aspects, but some people expressed their concerns about developing critical thinking. Considering the accelerating role of critical thinking in one’s development, it is worth evaluating its values.

  Perspective 1:

  Critical thinking is difficult to be developed. In any education system, there is no clear standard of teaching critical thinking.

  Perspective 2:

  Critical thinking can be seen as the foundation of social development. Many cases of social movement should be attributed to people’s critical thinking.

  Perspective 3:

  Critical thinking is crucial for self-reflection. In order to live a meaningful life and to structure our lives accordingly, we need to justify and reflect on our values and decisions with a critical mind. 考前提示:写例子的目的是为了证明观点,每一个主体段的论点和例子结合起来构成的是“Examplification”,而不是一堆看似完整,却无关主题的碎片化信息,所以例子一定要扣着观点去写。其次,ACT更加突出例证部分的逻辑性。

  此外要想12分满分,3个perspective都要关联,有的同学不能理解什么叫“关联”,写出来的论点还是free writing的观点。这就需要对于题目里面所给出的三个perspective进行深入分析了,每一个论点都不是平白无故给你的,三个perspective都是你进行critical writing的例证工具,一定要结合题目的观点论述自己的观点和例子,这个是写作高分的制胜点。






  仔细考虑提示,确保理解这个问题 - 如果你不能确定,重新读。



















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ACT冲刺班 ACTCCXH240805 2024/8/5 0:00:00 3-6人 ¥11800.00 在线咨询



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