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2017/7/26 18:02:15来源:新航道作者:新航道






  谈话话題: 给厨房新助理的培训


  1 、“OK,they might get shouted at sometimes,but it’s nothing persona?(好吧,虽然有时候你们会被人凶,但这都是对事不对人的。)”其中shout at意为“冲某人大吼大叫”;nothing personal意为“与个人无关的”。

  2、"Those of you with long hair have got it well out of the way, but some of you'll need to remove yourringsandbracdets.(留长发的你们已经把头发整理好了,但是戴首饰的同事还请摘下你们的戒指和手链。)”其中get it out of the way意为“把什么移幵”,在这个语境下特指“打理好长发,以免头发沾到食物或厨房设备”;remove意为“摘掉,除去”。 3、...whatever your age, there's some equipment you mustn‘t use until youVe been properly trained.(不管你多大了,有--些设备你们在接受正规培训之前不能去使用。)”其中 nluntil...为固定词组,意为“ ....小能....” :properly trained为常见的副词修饰动词的搭配,propedy在此处可以理解为“正规地”。

  4. What you will find is that you're on your feet all day long, lifting and carrying, so if youVe not fitnowyousoonwillbe!(你们会发现你们一整天下来都在站着,不停地端各种东西。如果你现在还不够强壮的话,用不了多久你就会变得强壮起来!)”其中on one’s feet意为 “站着”;lifting and carrying为分词结构表伴随状态;you soon will be后面省略广fit。

  5. “If you injure yourself at all, even if it's really minor, you must report to him and he’ll make sure the? incident is recorded and you get the appropriate treatment.(如果你弄伤了自己,哪怕只是一点轻伤,一定要向他汇报,他会确保你们的事故记录在案及对你们进行适当治疗。)”其中injure此处用作动词,意为“使某人受伤”;minor本意为“小的,次要的”,此处意为“轻微的”。

  6. "He's the member of staff who takes care of all the stores and perishables, so if you notice we re getting low in flour or sugar or something, make sure you let him know so he can put in an order.(他专门负责库存和损耗?所以如果你发现面粉、糖或其他东西库存快用完了,记得及时告诉他,好让他重新订购。)”其中get low in sth.意为“某东内的储量变少”; put in an order意为“下订单”.



  Question11 答案A

  听前预测:定位词kitchen assistant、like(但是需要注意同义替换);提示词most。

  题目解析:在听到most of our kitchen assistants之后,出现了答案对应信息“and they're pleased that they have so many different things to do,which means they never get bored。”其中 so many different things 对应A选项的 variety,pleased 对应题干like。另外,通过原文 they might get shouted at可排除B选项the friendly此外,文中的确有提到 “we might think about moving you up and giving you some more responsibility”,此处对应的是C选项的 opportunities for promotion,但这不是员工喜欢这项工作的原因,而是工作努力的结果,因此也可排除C选项。

  Question 12 答案 A

  听則预测:定位词concerned about;提不词new staff。

  题目解析:文中先出现了 “none of you have unsuitable footwear”,排除C ;紧接着出现说明厨房经理并不担心新员工的发型和鞋子的问题,紧接着出现了“ butsome of you'll need to remove your rings and bracelets —just put them somewhere safe for today, and...as they can be a safety hazard.” 其中 but 为转折,一般转折之后的信 息为重点,rings and bracelets 对应 A 选项的 jewellry,safe 和 safety hazard 对应 题干concerned about,因此答案为A。

  Question 13 答案 C


  题目解析:本题问的是厨房员工忙碌的原因。该段直接出现定位词busy,紧接着出现原因“We don't have any tables free for this evening, and only a few for lunch”,对应C选项的almost fully booked,因此C为正确答案。另外,通过后面出现的“we’ve got our Head Chef back”也可排除选项B;而A选项文中并未提及。

  Question 14 答案 C

  听前预测:定位词 18 or older;提示词 allowed to use、only。

  题目解析:首先出现“…whatever your age,…you mustn’t use…, like the waste disposal”可排除A选项,然后出现了和年龄相关的定位词underl8,紧接着答案句“so for you two, the meat slicer is out of bounds”,意思是说18岁以下不能使用切肉机,也就是说只有I8岁以上的员工才能使用切肉机,因此C为正确答案。后面提到the electric mker盖要通过培训才能使用,和年龄无关,可排除B。

  Questions 15 -16 答案 A & E

  听前预测:定位词stressful;提示词two things。

  题目解析:先是开门见山出现了定位词stressful,之后便提到干扰选项D,“you’ll have the chance to do overtime if you want to,” D选项中的 have to do overtime 不符,可排除D;“But however long the hours are, you’ll get a break in the middle” 可排除C;“What you will find…you soon will be” 对应E选项中的physically demanding,因此E为正确答案;…when someone tells you to do something you need to do it straightaway对应A选项中的 “they have to follow orders immediately,因此A为正确答案;最后的 “but at least we do have a very efficient air conditioning system...”说明空调效果好,不用担心厨房太热,因此排除B选项。

  Questions 17-20


  Question 17 答案 F

  题目解析:定位词Joy Parkins后紧接着出现了答案对应信息“I decide who does what durin the day and how long they work for”,对应 F 选项的 timetables。

  Question 18 答案 C

  题目解析:定位词David Fidd后紧接着出现了 “If you injure youself at all,...you get the appropriate treatment,这一段都是在说受伤了应该怎么处理、怎么治疗,可以判断出答案为C,对应的是first aid (急救)。

  Question 19 答案 D

  题目解析:定位词Dexter Wills后出现了“he's the person you need to see if you smash a plate”,其中 smash对应 D 选项的 breakages。

  Question 20 答案 B

  题目解析:定位词Mike Smith后出现了“ He's the member of staff who takes care of all the stores and perishables, so if you notice we're gettmg low in flour or sugar or something,make sure you let him know so he can put in an order.”其中关键词stores、perishables, getlow. put in an order 都对应B选项的stock。






  • 雅思课程
班级名称 班号 开课时间 人数 学费 报名
词汇语法班(A段) VGPDX240427 2024/4/27 0:00:00 6-10人 ¥8800.00 在线咨询



旗舰校区:上海徐汇区文定路209号宝地文定商务中心1楼 乘车路线:地铁1/4号线上海体育馆、3/9号线宜山路站、11号线上海游泳馆站


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