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雅思口语part2话题范文-Describe a time when you organized a happy event successfully

2022/4/18 15:57:01来源:新航道作者:新航道

摘要:雅思口语是中国考生们最头疼的一门单科,为了方便考生们复习及备考,今天上海新航道雅思培训班 小编为考生们带来了雅思口语part2话题范文-Describe a time when you organized a happy event successfully. 希望对各位考生们在备考中有所帮助,能取的理想的分数。

  雅思口语是中国考生们最头疼的一门单科,为了方便考生们复习及备考,今天上海新航道雅思培训班 小编为考生们带来了雅思口语part2话题范文-Describe a time when you organized a happy event successfully. 希望对各位考生们在备考中有所帮助,能取的理想的分数。

  雅思口语part2话题范文-Describe a time when you organized a happy event successfully话题背景

  最近,有同学问了我这样一道题 “Describe a time when you organized a happy event successfully”,这道题让我想起了我之前为同学们组织的一次万圣节派对,真是让我印象深刻。除了要装扮场地,还需要买糖果和服装,但是我的预算有限,不过最后还是完美解决了。到底是怎样解决的?跟我一起来聊一聊吧!


  雅思口语part2话题范文-Describe a time when you organized a happy event successfully话题题目

  You should say:

  What the event was

  How you prepared for it

  Who helped you organize it

  And explain why you think it was a successful event


  I remember this one time I had to organize a Halloween party for my students. Halloween is a western tradition but has been quite popular in China recently. So my school has decided to give one each year and last year was my turn to organize it.

  Basically, my idea was to prepare some popular Halloween activities such as trick-or-treating, carving pumpkins, costume dressing and playing pranks on each other. However, one of the problems is that some students are too lazy to bring their own candies and dress up in costumes. So we need to buy some chocolate and costumes before the party with my limited budget.

  Fortunately, my school assigned a Chinese staff to help me order all the stuff from online vendors and she is very efficient because she knows where to get the cheap costumes on Taobao. And they all arrived in time before the party.

  After that, it is time for the party. I remember on that day, at least 40 students came, some of them brought their family too. We had food and drinks, carved the pumpkins, and dressed up as superheroes and of course I am Ironman, who is my all-time favorite. I believe it was a very successful event because every including me had a lot of fun.

  Words & expressions in this episode

  1. costume n./v. 服装;戏装;给(某人)穿上特殊服装

  2. budget n./v./adj. 预算;谨慎花钱;价格低廉的

  3. assign v. 分配;布置;指派

  4. vendor n. 摊贩;卖主





  • 雅思课程
班级名称 班号 开课时间 人数 学费 报名
词汇语法班(A段) VGXHX240525 2024/5/25 0:00:00 6-10人 ¥8800.00 在线咨询



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