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2017/4/27 17:46:09来源:互联网作者:上海新航道

摘要:当我们对一个东西、一件事说不通的时候,就会通过“打个比方”、“比如说”之类的,其实在写文章以及演讲的过程中这也是考生惯用的手法。如果比方打得好,可以瞬间让考官抓到你的点,这比说上一大堆,写上一箩筐的话要管用省事得多,今天新航道SAT写作小编带大家就一起来看看 analogy(打比方)在议论文中是如何发挥它的说服作用的。

  当我们对一个东西、一件事说不通的时候,就会通过“打个比方”、“比如说”之类的,其实在写文章以及演讲的过程中这也是考生惯用的手法。如果比方打得好,可以瞬间让考官抓到你的点,这比说上一大堆,写上一箩筐的话要管用省事得多,今天新航道SAT写作小编带大家就一起来看看 analogy(打比方)在议论文中是如何发挥它的说服作用的。


  the process of comparing one thing with another thing that has similar features in order to explain it

  在SAT写作 中,打比方就是指将两个有类似特征的事物加以比较,以更好地去解释其中的某个事物。


  “Life is like a race. The one who keeps running wins the race and the one who stops to catch a breath loses.”



  1) 便于读者理解作者的观点

  It is easier for readers to comprehend a new idea

  2) 有趣的比方还能够增强读者的阅读兴趣

  Analogies help increase readers’ interest

  3) 增强视觉化效果

  …adds visual intensity to…


  What the author does?

  ● He/she creates an analogy that likens the …to …

  ● He/she rounds off his/her argument with an emotive comparison of …to…

  ● The author compares …to …

  Why he or she does it?

  ● …to/illustrate/emphasize

  ● …adds visual intensity to…

  What effect this is likely to have on readers?

  ● The reader will undoubtedly realize the necessity to…

  ● …nourishing a yearning for …

  ● This helps the reader understand the complexities of…




  An iPod, when used during tests, is nothing more than a machine that stores and spits out data. By banning iPods and other gadgets, we’re teaching kids to actually become iPods — to become machines that store and spit out data. Instead, we should be teaching them to use iPods — to use that data and to be human beings who can think — and leave data storage to the machines.. (原文选自 Are iPod-banning schools cheating our kids?)

  分 析

  He interprets iPods are to the students cheating the test as computers are to professionals working in the office. Most readers would agree that we all use computers to store data and retrieve them later when we need them. Students are doing exactly the same thing. This analogy helps to dismiss the “cheating” charge against the iPod-using students. In this way, Elgan successfully puts the opponent in a very disadvantageous position(范文摘自《新SAT写作高分突破》中国出版集团中译出版社)


  首先范文准确的描述了原文作者写了什么?(He interprets iPods are to the students cheating the test as computers are to professionals),即原文作者将iPod对学生的作用就好比是电脑对专业人士的作用。

  紧接着,分析了作者为什么要使用这一写作手法(This analogy helps to…),这一比方能够让人们对于将使用iPod和作弊等同起来的观点不攻自破。

  最后分析了这一手法的修辞效果(Elgan successfully puts the opponent )即让反对使用iPod的人处于不利地位。

  有get到新航道SAT写作小编的分享吗?小编会定期在新航道SAT频道 更新,SAT阅读 ,SAT词汇 ,SAT数学 ,SAT写作 的最新动态和相关内容!






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班级名称 班号 开课时间 人数 学费 报名
SAT冲刺铂金班 SATCCXH240512 2024/5/12 0:00:00 3-6人 ¥18800.00 在线咨询


旗舰校区:上海徐汇区文定路209号宝地文定商务中心1楼 乘车路线:地铁1/4号线上海体育馆、3/9号线宜山路站、11号线上海游泳馆站


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