2017/5/2 13:24:37来源:新航道作者:新航道
1.In days gone by, when the onlyentertainment in town on a Wednesday night was to go to the county courthouseto listen to a prominent politician give a theatrical tirade against HerbertHoover, an eloquent speaker could pack the courthouse and have five thousandpeople lined up to the railroad tracks listening to the booming loudspeakers.
2. Try sometime to explain the intricaciesof a program budget, which basically involves solving a grand equation composedof numerous simultaneous differential functions, to a reporter whose journalismschool curriculum did not include advanced algebra, to say nothing of calculus.
3. Process and personalities, the waydecisions are made and by whom, the level of perquisites, extramarital sexualrelations, and in high offices, personal gossip dominate the public mind whileinterest in the substance of technical decisions is minimal.
4. When we recognize that in the federalgovernment, with its millions of employees, there are but five hundred andthirty-seven elected officials, put into office to carry out the"will" of a people who for the most part know little and care lessabout the technical functioning of their government, the absurdity of thenotion of rapid democratic responsiveness becomes clear.
5. I don’t wish to deny that the flattened,minuscule head of large-bodied Stegosaurus houses little brain from our subjective,top-heavy perspective, but I do wish to assert that we should not expect moreof the beast.
6. They knew my mother's slick bargainingskills, and she, in turn, knew how to navigate with grace through their extravagantprices and rehearsed huffiness.
7. She preferred the improvisation ofhaggling to the conventional certainty of discount coupons, the primordialmessiness and fish mongers' stink of the open-air market to the aroma-freeorder of individually wrapped fillets.
8. The most famous section of theDeclaration of Independence, which has become the most quoted statement ofhuman rights in recorded history as well as the most eloquent justification ofrevolution on behalf of them, went through the Continental Congress withoutcomment and with only one very minor change.
9. All honor to Jefferson—to the man who,in the concrete pressure of a struggle for national independence by a singlepeople, had the coolness, forecaste, and capacity to introduce into a merelyrevolutionary document, an abstract truth, and so to embalm it there, thattoday and in all coming days, it shall be a rebuke and a stumbling block to thevery harbingers of reappearing tyranny and oppression."
10. This is an ingeniously double-edgedexplanation, for it simultaneously disavows any claims to originality and yetinsists that he depended upon no specific texts or sources.
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