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【GRE写作】The Issue Task 精选20讲-第6讲

2021/7/9 14:54:17来源:新航道作者:新航道

摘要:今天,新航道gre培训班 继续给大家GRE写作中的【The Issue Task】精讲,帮助大家更好地备考GRE写作,欢迎锁定!上一讲(Analyze an Issue Task的第5讲),我们学习了GRE写作中Analyze an Issue Task中颇具难度的一种指令:【GRE写作】The Issue Task 精选20讲 · 第5讲

  今天,新航道gre培训班 继续给大家GRE写作中的【The Issue Task】精讲,帮助大家更好地备考GRE写作,欢迎锁定!

  上一讲(Analyze an Issue Task的第5讲),我们学习了GRE写作中Analyze an Issue Task中颇具难度的一种指令:【GRE写作】The Issue Task 精选20讲 · 第5讲

  Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.

  很明显,这种指令与前4讲涉及的两种指令又不一样了,(详见Analyze an Issue Task的第1-4讲),戳链接回顾:【GRE写作】The Issue Task 精选20讲 · 第3讲


  * 坑位捕捉:这种题型刷多了,大家也会毫无例外地发现它们的常见“漏洞”,即:statements里会含有各种比较容易且方便笔者去攻击的点,所以针对这种题,笔者更加愿意先入为主地“推荐”朋友们写disagree.

  * 高分要诀:别忘了敌方观点!别忘了敌方观点!别忘了敌方观点!重要的事情说三遍。

  * 学术前沿:ETS设计了AW这么一个单独计分的模块,却不计入总分核算,这让很多人觉得AW简直就是鸡肋的存在。其实不然!在Analyze an Issue Task中,考生可以得到充分的驳论与立论能力的锻炼,而这两项能力组合在一起恰恰决定了一个学生在postgraduate years中是否能“开心地”经过海量论文的蹂躏,尤其是对文科同学而言。再换言之,对于任何与文科挂钩的专业,如果AW部分表现优异,诸如拿到了4.0+的分数,那么相比于总分相差无几的申请者,淘汰对手的几率也会大大增加。

  * 笔者寄语:很多事情经历且征服后会显得枯索无味,但issue不会。每一场issue都是充满哲思的辩论与争锋。


  Claim: In any field - business, politics, education, government - those in power should step down after five years.

  Reason: The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership.







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  I can truly understand why some of my opponents advocate that leaders should step down from the corridor of power after five years. They may think a five-year presidency, acting as a deterrent, can moderately prevent and even eradicate some deeply-rooted malpractices, such as the formation of criminal forces, nepotism, and bribery or corruption. Chairman Mao and his last ten years of presidency can serve as a telling illustration. It is because he has been on the throne during his declining years when his mental powers and critical thinking have been gradually deteriorating that he, accompanied and tempted by some malicious political staff, finally made some disastrous decisions, such as launching the Cultural Revolution bringing considerable miseries to the whole nation. With a mandatory abdication after five years, the crimes might not be too many to mention.

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  Finally, if we switch our attention to the field of business, we find that changes in leadership are much more flexible. All that a new leader should be equipped with is the potential or capability to bring maximum profits. In the business world, unanticipated bargaining success could endow an unsung Joe with widespread reputation which even a much older businessman would covet. However, itis of equal possibility that an eminently respected entrepreneur could lose his/her crown overnight for an unexpected failure in a regular negotiation. From this perspective, neither the reason nor the claim of this issue stands tenable in the business field. Leadership hinges on profits--this allegation may sound harsh, but few would dispute its validity.







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