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2017/4/8 11:46:19来源:新航道作者:新航道

摘要: 今天,新航道雅思小编第一时间给大家带来剑桥雅思真题10Test 1雅思听力Section3解析,希望可以帮助广大雅思考生轻松备考雅思

  今天,新航道雅思小编第一时间给大家带来剑桥雅思真题10Test 1雅思听力Section4解析,希望可以帮助广大雅思考生轻松备考雅思。更多关于剑10真题test1听力答案解析,请点击:




  剑10真题Test 1-雅思听力Section4解析及答案

  ● 谈话场景:专题讲座场景

  ● 人物关系:教授

  ● 谈话话题:灵熊


  1. 本段是关于灵熊(the spirit bear)的讲座。老师开篇说“Today we continue our series on ecology

  and conservation with a look at a particularly endangered member of the black bear family.(今天我们继续讲生态与保护问题,共同关注一下黑熊家族中一个濒临灭绝的群体。)”其中“a member of”意为“……成员之一”。

  2. 接着讲由于灵熊的稀少,而且对当地人有特殊含义,因此“it has always been highly regarded”。 其中“highly regarded”意为“非常重视”。

  3. 讲灵熊的habitat,说“The bear’s strong relationship with the old-growth rainforest...”。首先说“The white bear relies on the huge centuries-old trees...(白熊依赖巨大的百年老树)”。其中“rely on”意为“依赖,依靠”。接着说“In return, the bear’s feeding habits nurture the forest.”其中“In return”意为“作为回报”。

  4. “There is great concern for their survival since it Is estimated that less than two hundred of these white bears remain.(据估计,现仅存不到200只这样的白熊,它们的生存令人十分担忧。)”其中“it is estimated that…”意为“据估计……”。

  5. “The best way to protect them is to make every effort to preserve the delicate balance of their forest environment — in other word, their ecosystem.(尽一切努力保护森林环境的微妙平衡,即它们的生态系统,是保护白熊的最佳办法。)”其中“The best way to”意为“做(某事)最好的方法”;“make every effort to”意为“尽一切努力做(某事)”。

  6. “The greatest threat to the bear’s existence is the loss of its habitat.” 其中 “threat” 意为“威胁”,“对……造成威胁”后用介词“to”,即“threat to...”。

  7. 伐木、过度捕捞鲑鱼等都对灵熊的生存带来了不利影响。原句为“All these influences have a negative impact on the spirit bear’s very existence”,其中“have a negative impact on...”意为“对……有不利影响”。

  8. “...what’s the situation going forward?(将来会怎样呢?)”那就是“Community organizations, environmental groups and the British Columbia government are now working together on the problem.”其中“work together on”意为“共同致力于”。

  9. “However, these measures alone may not be sufficient to ensure a healthy population of the spirit bear in the future.(然而,仅这些措施也许还不足以保证灵熊在未来的良性数目。)”其中“be sufficient to”意为“足以……”。

  10. 讲座最后说:“Other steps also need to be taken.”其中“take steps”意为“釆取措施”。


  Question 31 gene


  题目解析:本题的定位词uncommon同义替换成了special,考点句为“One in ten black bears is actually born with a white coat, which is the result of a special gene that surfaces in a few.”从而得出special修饰的名词gene即为答案。

  Question 32 power/powers

  听前预测:定位词为Local people,提示词为unusual,此处应填名词。

  题目解析:本题根据“Local people have named it ‘ the spirit bear”定位,出题句为“...according to the legends of these communities, its snowy for brings with it a special power.”因此答案为 power(s)。

  Question 33 strangers

  听前预测:定位词为Protect the bear,提示词为from,此处应填名词。

  题目解析:根据定位词定位至本题的出题句“It is their way of protection it when strangers visit the area.”可以得出当地居民是不想让来此的外人看见,因此填strangers。

  Question 34 erosion

  听前预测:定位词为Tree roots,提示词为stop,此处应填名词。

  题目解析:出题句“the old-growth trees have extremely long roots that help prevent erosion of the soil along the banks of the many fish streams”中,定位词tree和roots 均含其中,long roots的作用是 prevent sth.,因此核心名词erosion为此题答案。

  Question 35 islands

  听前预测:定位词为forest vegetation,提示词为a small number of,此处应填名词(复数)。

  题目解析:首先,本题题干有两个方面值得注意:1.没有明显的定位词,故只能以上一句话中的forest vegetation做一个大致定位;2.题干的It指代的是spirit bear。所以,出题句为“Today, the spirit bear lives off the coast of the province of British Columbia on a few islands.”其中Today对应题干中的currently;the spirit bear对应题干中的It;lives off对应题干中的is...found; a few对应题干中的a small number of,因此答案为islands。

  Question 36 roads


  题目解析:“logging companies have stripped the land by cutting down a large number of trees”是deforestation的同义替换,built为construction的同义替换,出题句为“...they have built roads which have fractured the areas where the bear usually feeds, and many hibernation sites have also been lost”,句子的主干是they have built roads,因此roads即为答案。

  Question 37 fishing


  题目解析:本题中的Unrestricted在文中同义替换成了“no legal limit on(在……方面无立法上的限制)”,出题句为“the number of salmon in those streams is declining because there is no legal limit on fishing at the moment”,因此答案为 fishing。

  Question 38 reproduction

  听前预测:定位词为bears’ existence、low rate,提示词为of,此处应填名词。

  题目解析:定位词existence和low都在出题句中“the spirit bear’s very existence, which is made all the more fragile by the fact that reproduction among these bears has always been disappointingly low”,将句子简化可得“reproduction has been low”,因此答案为 reproduction。

  Question 39 method/methods

  听前预测:定位词为Logging companies,提示词为their,此处应填名词。

  题目解析:根据定位词定位至出题句“The government is now requiring logging companies to adopt a better logging method”,这里涉及到require的用法,“require sb. to do sth.”意为“需要某人做某事/命令某人做某事”。根据题干和出题句,只有名词method符合要求,因此答案为method或methods。

  Question 40 expansion


  题目解析:定位词Maintenance的动词形式maintain在出题句的前面出现了,有助于定位出题句所在,即“there also needs to be more emphasis on its expansion”,核心名词expansion即为答案。














  • 雅思课程
班级名称 班号 开课时间 人数 学费 报名
词汇语法班(A段) VGPDX240427 2024/4/27 0:00:00 6-10人 ¥8800.00 在线咨询



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