


Describe a special /meaningful meal you had特殊的一餐

Describe a time you enjoyed a good service from a shop or company.优质服务

Describe an experience when you pleased with you moblile phone.用手机的开心时刻

Describe a piece of positive advice/feedback you got from someone that was helpful to your work or study. 积极的建议/反馈

Describe a time that you saved money to buy something special. 攒钱买东西

Describe a car journey you enjoyed.汽车旅行

Describe an occasion that someone gives the positive encourage to you.别人给予鼓励

Describe something or activity you do to keep healthy.保健方法

Describe something you learned in a place/from a person/out of school.课外学习

Describe a time someone took a good photo of you. 好照片

Describe a science lesson you had in high school.高中科学课

Describe something you enjoy doing with an old person in your family. 跟老人一起

Describe an occasion when someone visited your home家庭访客

Describe a situation when you have to be polite.礼貌

Describe a holiday you would like to have in the future. 完美假期

Describe an important event to celebrate.重要的庆祝

Describe a special day you went out and didn't spend much money. 省钱的一天

Describe something you learned in a place or from someone.向别人学习

Describe a period of time in the history of your country that you are interested in. 历史时期

Describe an important skill which cannot be learned at school.校外技能

Describe an experience that you taught someone something.教他人