2023/12/5 16:56:49来源:新航道作者:新航道
关于education的,问你觉得哪个subject对于high school student来说是最重要的?
第一个学生说的,他觉得math subject是最important,因为它就是一切的base,是一切的基础;
讨论Vampire squid鱿鱼是否吃一种叫做海洋雪marine snow的浮游生物残渣。
阅读认为Vampire squid不可能吃这种东西,原因如下:
1、海洋雪都是在海洋的深处,氧气很少,这种Vampire squid无法生活在这样的地方。
3、Vampire squid和其他 cephalopods有不同diet,都是吃活物的,不吃残渣。
1、Vampire squid本身需要的氧气就少,因此可以生活在海底的深处。
2、Vampire squid本身就是黑色的,因此不容易发现。哪怕他被发现,他身体可以产生亮光,会亮瞎敌人的眼睛。
3、吃不同的食物也是有优点的,不同relative feed habits可以让vampire squid 不用竞争食物。
The vampire squid is a medium-sized ocean cephalopod that has not been extensively studied. For example it is not clear what this creature eats. Some biologists have proposed a theory that vampire squids feed on so-called“marine snow”-bits of floating organic debris. However, there are several reasons for doubting that the vampire squid primarily feeds on marine snow.
Minimum-oxygen zonessFirst,the larger particles of organic debris that form marine snow occur at relatiyely great depths below the ocean surface. At such depths there is very little oxygen.Few animals can breathe adequately in these minimum-oxygen zones for any length of time.Thus, because of the lack of oxygen, vampire squids would probably die if they had to feed primarily in areas where marine snow is available.
Vulnerability to predationSecond feeding on marine snow would make vampire squids vulnerable to attacks by predators. Feeding on marine snow requires a vampire squid to keep very still as the organic debris slowly collects on its long arm,which the squid then brings to its mouth. If vampire squids had to spend most of their time feeding in this way, they would be too easy for predators to detect and catch. Whales, sea lions or large predatory fish could dive down and snap up the motionless squids, seriously reducing their numbers.
Behavior of other cephalopodsThirdthe vampire squid is ca cephalopod. Cephalopods are a group of animals that includes octopuses, squids, and cuttlefish. Every other known cephalopod is a hunger that actively seeks out or pursues living prey.Feeding on dead organic material such as marine snow would make the vampire squid very different from all its relatives. Such a difference is not easy to explain.
Now listen to part of a lecture on the topic you just read about(male professor) Actually, the theory that the vampire squid feeds primarily on marine snow is probably correct. Each of the objections you read about fails to consider some important information.
First, let's look at oxygen requirement in minimtm oxygen zones. Many ocean predators need a lot of oxygen because they exert a lot of muscle energy as they chase down prey.But if vampire squids are eating marine snow then they are not chasing prey. Marine snow flows down constantly in minimum oxygen zones, so the vampire squids main food source comes right to them. So,because of the way they feed, vampire squids require less oxygen compared to most other animals. Living in the minimum oxygen zones is not a problem for them.
Second, about being vulnerable to predators,vampire squids are normally dark colored. Predators have a hard time finding the dark-colored squids as they drift nearly motionless in deep waters where there is very little light. And even if the squid is spotted by a predator, the squid has the ability to produce natural light on its body's surfaces. The appearance of these light is startling and scares predators away. So,as you can see the squid is well- protected against the dangers of keeping motionless to feed.
Third, it's true that the vampire squid’s feeding behavior may be unusual in the context of cephalopods as a group. But, there's a good explanation for why an animal species would have different feeding habits than its relatives. You see being different from other members of the cephalopod group is, in fact,an advantage for the vampire squid, because of its diet,the vampire squid can live in
Task 1
Imagine you have been offered two jobs in the same field with similar salaries and benefits. One is with a large, well-established company with a good reputation. The other is with a small start-up company that has just opened. Which job would you choose, and why? Use details and examples to support your response.
Task 2
Task 3
peak-end rule:人们总是关注一件事情的peak和end来总结这件事的体验,而忽略其他细节。
Task 4
Ecosystem energy
例子:caterpillar elephant?
1. 秦始皇兵马俑
2. 气候对植物的影响
3. 微生物
4. 美洲制糖
5. 英国工业革命
6. 希腊雕塑史
7. 火山爆发
8. 植物的消化系统