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2020/12/18 15:55:59来源:新航道作者:新航道

摘要:托福考试前很多考生通过TPO练习来提高自己的托福解答能力,目前TPO也已经更新到66了,今天新航道上海学校托福 小编给为大家先分享TPO66口语独立及综合题目+范文+音频下载,方便大家做考前练习!

  托福考试前很多考生通过TPO练习来提高自己的托福解答能力,目前TPO也已经更新到66了,今天新航道上海学校托 小编给为大家先分享TPO66口语独立及综合题目+范文+音频下载,方便大家做考前练习!

  TPO 66 口语Task 1


  Some people believe that a person needs a college education in order to have a successful career others believe that a college education is not necessary for success.

  Which point of view do you agree with?Explain why.

 TPO 66 口语Task 2

 Reading (45s)

  No Sports on the Dining Hall Lawn

  The open grassy area in front of the dining hall is one of the nicest features of our campus. Unfortunately, though,the grass is regularly trampled on and damaged by students playing games like soccer and Frisbee, resulting in ugly bare patches of dirt. I think the university should prohibit students from playing sports on the dining-hall lawn, so that the grass will look nicer. Banning sports from the lawn shouldn’t inconvenience anyone, since there are fields next to the gym where students can play sports instead.


  Peter XXX

 Listening :


  Now listen to two students discussing the letter.

  M: What do you think of the letter?

  W: I don’t know if a rule like that would be that helpful. I’m not sure if it would really accomplish anything.

  M: Really?

  W: Yeah, I mean, even if they banned those students, ‘kicked them off’, I’m not sure how much it’d help. Because, sure, those guys cause some of the damage, but the thing is, Everybody crosses that lawn, everybody. Because it’s so centrally located. So it’s not just those students he's talking about who are responsible.

  M: That’s true. I guess it’s right in the middle of all the busiest classroom buildings.

  W: Right. So the lawn gets a lot of traffic. People are in a hurry to to get to class and don’t really walk on the paved path or the sidewalks like they are supposed to. So what Peter suggests in his letter, it wouldn’t solve anything. It’d still look pretty terrible.

  M: Maybe, but if there is somewhere else people could play? I mean, that could help a little.

  W: But it’s not a good substitute. I mean, the gym is practically on the far edge of campus right? It’s a long walk.What people want is somewhere where they have a little fun in between classes,kick a ball around for 15 minutes or whatever...have some fun after lunch before their next class.

  M: Yeah, I guess the idea is not practical if it means you have to take a long walk when you’ve only got a little bit of time to kill.

  W: Exactly.


  The woman expresses her opinion about the letter-writer’s proposal. Briefly summarize the proposal. Then state her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.



  以上就是TPO66口语独立及综合题目+范文+音频下载,更多托福资讯,请关注:托福频道托福培训哪家好 ,新航道上海学校量身定制学习课程,高能高分!




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