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2024/2/23 16:05:23来源:新航道作者:新航道



2023.8.28 家考
Doctor Gupta
In the past, progresses in science and technology were generally slow. However, in recent decades, the pace of technological progress has dramatically accelerated, with new discoveries and inventions almost every day. Some argue that the rapid advancement of science and technology is beneficial for society as a whole and should be encouraged. Others believe that this progress is happening too quickly and may lead to serious issues. Which viewpoint do you agree with?

The faster the discoveries, the better. For example, due to advancements in medicine, our lives are much better than those of our great-grandparents. Back then, life expectancy was significantly shorter due to a lack of medication, whereas today, drugs are affordable and accessible. Anyone with a severe illness hopes for rapid scientific progress.

Most people don't have a say in the implementation of these new inventions, and that fact worries me. Just think about the widespread unemployment caused by the automation of many jobs: in this era of rapid technological change, it has become commonplace. People who lose their jobs may not believe that this progress is beneficial.?

2023.9.3 家考
Doctor Achebe
This week, we'll examine issues in education reform. For example, some educators think that by focusing mainly on foundational knowledge in subjects like reading, math, and science, schools are not fully preparing students for success in the workplace. These educators argue that soft skills- non-academic skills such as being empathetic or having a strong work ethic - should be part of the curriculum, with classroom time dedicated to developing these skills. Do you agree? Why or why not?

I agree. While students need a strong foundation in academic subjects, soft skills are important because they affect how well students do their work. If classroom time is set aside for these skills, students will take them seriously and their academic work will benefit. Teachers could design lessons so that students learn about a skill and then do role-playing activities with classmates.

Soft skills are important, but l don't agree with using classroom time to work on them. I'm not sure how teachers would measure students' progress in developing these skills. lf students' progress can't be measured on something being taught I'm not sure if there's any point to teaching it.?

2023.9.4 家考
Doctor Gupta
This week, our focus in class is the creation and evolution of public school policies. A crucial aspect of educational policy pertains to the selection of courses offered in schools. With the emergence of new communication methods and evolving employment opportunities, there is a growing belief that schools should introduce innovative subjects. The question l would like to explore is whether these new and unique subjects should be included in the curriculum of public schools.

I firmly believe that public schools should introduce new courses. For example, people are increasingly communicating through sharing photos and videos on the internet. I think a course on video composition-how to create compelling and effective videos- would be highly valuable for today's students. There are many other similar topics that students could benefit from as well.

However, I don't believe that high school curriculums need to change drastically. The primary aim of most high school courses is to prepare students for higher education, and those fundamental requirements haven't changed. If students want to learn something like composition or film editing, they can watch instructional videos on the internet. They don't need to take classes in school to learn these things.?

2023.9.5 家考
Doctor Achebe
More and more, online shopping is becoming the primary way that many people obtain everyday goods. But what are the ramifications for the society in which we live? On the one hand, online shopping has advantages--for example, I can make a purchase without ever leaving my home. However, with fewer people shopping at local shops, in some places, these establishments are having a hard time competing. Do you think that online shopping is, on the whole, affecting society

I think that online shopping has had negative impacts on society. In my city, many local stores have shelves filled with various products that you can find in online stores. This has forced some of them to closedown, which not only affects the amount of tax revenue generated in our local community but also impacts the number of job opportunities available to the community members.

It's unfortunate that some local stores are forced to close down, but that's the nature of competition. As consumers, we benefit greatly from online shopping due to lower prices. Even if I find a physical store that can compete with online sellers in terms of pricing, I am still likely to make the purchase online because it means I don't have to spend money on transportation to the store.?

2023.9.6 家考
Doctor Achebe
In the next two weeks, we are going to be studying how biological discoveries have affected our lives. Research in biology provides us with a better understanding of how our bodies work. As an introduction to this topic, I would like for you to discuss among yourselves this question: What is the most important thing a person can do to maintain good health? Please explain why you think so.

I feel very strongly that a good diet is the most important factor in maintaining good health. Eating good, healthy foods, especially green vegetables gives your body the materials it needs to stay strong. Good nutrition is the key to good health.

Most people don't visit the doctor for regular check-ups. Sure, if they feel sick they go, but that's not enough. During a yearly exam, a physician can help a patient address health issues before they become a larger problem. So I think preventive doctor visits are key to good health.?

We've been discussing employee working arrangements一whether employees should report to an office or work at home. Some businesses require all employees to work in the office. Others choose not to have a physical office and have all employees work from home. In industries where remote work is possible, what is the most important factor for employers to consider when deciding where employees should work, and why?

2023.9.12 家考【重复2023.8.9家考】
Doctor Gupta
We are looking this week at different ways businesses market their products and services especially non traditional methods. One thing that marketers pay close attention to is online reviews of their products. A business might include customer reviews on their website or carefully monitor the reviews on third-party sites. I would like you to discuss your own experiences with online reviews. Do you find them useful when deciding whether or not to buy a product or service? Why or why not?

I think online reviews are a great source of information because they are written by ordinary customers who are like me. For instance, when l read a restaurant review by a professional food critic, I'm not interested in some of the details that are included, like how the food is prepared. I'm more interested in aspects like the quality of the food and the service, which regular customers usually comment on.

To me, online reviews have some real problems. First, people are more likely to post reviews after a bad experience than after a good one. As a result, what you read is often weighted toward the negative. Also, you have no way of knowing whether reviewers know what they are talking about or even if they actually bought and used the product they are reviewing.?






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