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2017/6/13 17:04:01来源:新航道作者:新航道




  Which of the following classes do you prefer?

  1. history of Science 2 history of art 3. history of 20th century


  History is no wonder a key for us to get a glimpse of the mysterious past. For me, I do prefer history of art. Primarily, this way I get to know the background information of each masterpiece. By unveiling the secret of Monalisa and the legend of Michelangelo, I cultivate my comprehensive ability and enhance the artistic taste, which will truly pave the way for my future and widen the horizon. Besides, other than history of science and 20th century, art history is an unutterably interesting subject that includes being immersed into diverse pictures and music pieced. Thus, I consider it more like a relaxation rather than a tedious and dull courses

  解析:问三种历史喜欢那个其实都很好说概括起来就是填各种名人、例子。理由基本都是通用 的:开阔眼界、增长知识等;其中科学史对数理化的学习有帮助,艺术史培养艺术修养 提升品位;20世纪史对历史有帮助,能以史为鉴。

  这个题目非常容易加细节比如科学史里面可以举几个历史上的科学家和他们的成就e.g.门 捷列夫和元素周期表、伽利略、哥白尼等;艺术史也是一样举一些艺术家比如达芬奇、伦勃朗等;




  Do you agree or disagree that it is good for students' learning if the teacher assign a lot of homework?


  It seems conventional that the amount of homework is directly proportional to the test.

  However, I don't see eye to eye with this theory. Primarily, the assignment from teacher aims at the class as a whole, so it definitely fails to meet our own need. Like you are super good at algebra but is asked to do a lot of exercises related to that, instead of geometry that you want to practice a little more. Thus, I don't think that will do any benefit to the final mark. Also, tons of homework means insufficient relaxation and rest. Unfortunately, all work no play makes jack a dull boy. In aggregate, it’s reasonable for me to be against the claim.—

  解析:我相信大家看到题心里都在咆哮作业多了没卵用!也在心里演练过_万遍怎么跟老师抗 议! Now it’s the time.








  多练习就能做得更熟练practice makes perfect.







  • 托福课程
班级名称 班号 开课时间 人数 学费 报名
托福圣诞巅峰班 TFDFXHX240608 2024/6/8 0:00:00 6-10人 ¥15800.00 在线咨询
托福融合班(A段) LRXHX240525 2024/5/25 0:00:00 6-10人 ¥12800.00 在线咨询
托福冲刺20-30人班(C段) TFCCXHD240608 2024/6/8 0:00:00 20-30人 ¥8800.00 在线咨询


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