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2017/2/8 16:08:29来源:新航道作者:新航道


  Task 1.
  Which do you think is the most helpful way to preserve the environment:
  1. Government regulation
  2. Environmental Protection Organisations

  3. Individual efforts


  本题考察历史:0次 (虽问法新颖,然内容相似)
  本题相似话题历史: ≥ 25题(Environment related … )
  建 议:
  - Encourage people to ride bicycles to work/school (Less cars in city centres)
  - Plant trees (Volunteer work/Community service)
  推荐展开思路: Individual’s efforts - “北京”段子
  首先展开“北京”段子: 举例 —— 现在北京的空气污染非常严重,开车的人太多,不仅造成了交通拥堵给通勤造成了很大的压力,而且也导致了空气污染问题。…
  Task 2.

  Do you agree or disagree with the statement that it is important to learn the history of the city you live in?


  本题考察历史: 0次 (“伪”新题)
  本题相似话题历史:≥ 25题(History/Historical events)
  建 议:
  因为历史本身的抽象性和具体事实繁杂,和History相关的话题展开一直都是同学们觉得比较头疼的。所以所有问‘学历史是否重要’; ‘是否应该学习历史’; ‘觉得有学习价值的历史性事件’… 等所有和History相关的话题,基本都可以考虑套用“computer/internet/cellphone”相关的思路,记住历史事实: 1946年在Pennsylvania大学诞生了历史上第1台电脑,而电脑的诞生响应的改变了世界。
  What are the benefits of learning from History????
  知道一个事情的始末、起源。很多时候,追根溯源才能找到大智慧。(Knowing the Origins)
  - History tells us how things started, which helps us learn how they may end up and where we are now: it sheds light on both future and present, connecting all three parts of time.
  - We can better understand the present and predict the future by tracking our origins, and comparing past patterns with present and future ones. There are timeless rules connecting such patterns, making them repeated throughout history, that we can apply to any past, present or future time, to better understand it. When history is recorded, it has the advantage of being easily analyzed and understood, more than the present or future that we are yet to record and analyze.
  知史而后勇 - 俗话说以史为镜可明得失,所以学史,也为规错。
  - We won't take a wrong route others had taken before, and we will change the one we are on now if it is wrong, and start looking for alternatives. We won't go back to wars, superstitions, injustices, or primitive instincts to live only by. Rather, we will cherish life more and use reason more, to make life better.
  - Living a Different Present - We won't repeat history. We will try new things not tried before. We will stretch our lifespan to live more than one life, in one life. Our thoughts, plans and actions will change, as well as our dreams: we will plan for and dream of a different future to look forward to.
  - Mind-Travel - When we study history we travel to a whole different era with characteristics different from ours, giving it its unique character that cannot exist at any other time or place, made up by such combination of unique clothes, foods, arts, music, literature, traditions, holidays, social structure, etc. Mind travel is both useful and pleasurable, mentally and psychologically. Traveling to a near place or time is not as powerful an experience as that to a distant one.
  - Completing Past Work - We should finish the work our ancestors had started. Many good works need long attention and time before they bear fruit. But the farmer may die in the process of sowing the seeds, watering the plant, or just before harvest time. If he did his part, we should do ours. We learn where our ancestors ended and we start from there, neither before nor after.
  - History is not only just about dates, events, and other boring information that you were forced to memorize in school. Instead, you should think of history as medicine that can be prescribed to your modern problems. When you break it down, history is a collection of solutions for any problem. Just like a good story, history is full of problems and conflict that needed to be solved. The problems of the world today are not new problems, they're just same issues with a new coat of paint.
  Something cliche:了解所居住城市的历史,追根溯源,可以让我们跟家乡的联系更加紧密。
  其次,学习历史这件事儿本身,可以作为一种学生放松的方式 - 因为这个城市是自己长大的地方,所以每一个历史事件都会有神奇的连系和熟悉感。
  另外,了解城市的历史可以给我们带来更多的话题 - 交友的段子。






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