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2018/12/6 17:37:26来源:新航道作者:新航道





  "People today are too individualistic. Instead of pursuing self-centered,separate goals,people need to understand that satisfaction comes from working for the greater good of the family,the community,or society as a whole."

  Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take.In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.




  Extreme individualism has become a serious threat to the social fabric and the welfare of all members of society.

  1. Some people may claim that the greater good of the family, the community or society lies in the good of the individual, which justifies the pursuit of self-interests.

  2. The problem daunting contemporary society is that egoism as run wild.

  3. Today there is every need for the society to encourage individuals to work for the interests of others.


  The following is a memorandum from the business manager of a television station.

  "Over the past year, our late-night news program has devoted increased time to national news and less time to weather and local news.During this period,most of the complaints received from viewers were concerned with our station's coverage of weather and local news. In addition, local businesses that used to advertise during our late-night news program have canceled their advertising contracts with us.Therefore,in order to attract more viewers to our news programs and to avoid losing any further advertising revenues,we should expand our coverage of weather and local news on all our news programs."

  Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.




  1. 不一定成立的前提,这样的改变使得夜间新闻不受观众欢迎。首先论者没有提供数据表明夜间新闻的收视率从发生这样的改变后是否有下降的趋势,所以我们不能得出这样的结论。其次,论者说接到的大多数投诉是关于天气和当地新闻的,但抱怨的内容是什么论者没有提供,我们不能排除是说节目不真实,而不一定是说量不够。另外,大多数是多少?如果最近的投诉一共只有两三个,那么一两个抱怨也同样不能说明这样的改变有问题。

  2. 不一定成立的前提,这样的改变使得广告被撤。论者没有提供有关为什么广告被撤,因而不能在这两者之间建立起必然的因为联系。因为完全有其它原因存在,比公司财力发生问题,或是公司的其他策略有变化,这都有可能使广告被撤。

  3. 即使这样的改变使得夜间新闻不受观众欢迎,但也不能推广到全天节目。因为夜间新闻的收视率一般来说最小,其观众的收视兴趣也与其他时段不同。所以不代表所有节目都需要这么做。

  4. 结论:论者应该对变化后的节目做一次收视调查,并了解撤广告的原因,才能得出正确的答案。另外,各时段节目特点不一样,不能一刀切。


  1. In his unexpurgated autobiography, Mark Twain commented freely on the flaws and foibles of his country, making some observations so _____ that his heirs and editors feared they would damage Twain's reputation if not withheld.

  A. buoyant

  B. acerbic

  C. premonitory

  D. laudatory

  E. temperate

  答案: B

  解析:题目翻译成在马克吐温的完整自传中,他对自己的国家的缺陷和弱点进行了自由评论。从而使得一些言论过于尖刻,以至于他的继承者和编辑害怕如果他们不坚持与马克吐温保持观点一致的话,将会破坏他的名誉。所以这里最恰当的是 B 选项,acerbic 为尖刻的。A 选项,buoyant 为轻快的,feared 在文中表示害怕、恐惧,可以推测原文的语境是偏向消极而不是积极的。所以不正确;C 选项,premonitory 为先兆的,和原句含义无关;D 选项,laudatory 为赞美的,与原句语境相反;E 选项,temperate,温和的,同样与原句语境不符。

  2. The controversy about Alexander the Great’s personality derives from the fact that our sources are (i) _____, all eyewitness accounts having perished.What remains is, at best, (ii) _____ (one history, for instance, is based largely on the now-lost memoirs of Alexander’s alleged half-brother, Ptolemy) and at worst, highly unreliable.

  Blank (i) Blank (ii)

  A. outdated D. secondhand

  B. inadequate E. repetitious

  C. abstruse F. deceptive

  答案:B D

  解析:题目翻译成:对亚历山大大帝个性的争论来自于我们的史料是不充分的这个事实,所有的目击者已逝。剩下的资料,最好的情况是二手的,(一段历史,举例来说,很大程度上是基于已经失传的亚历山大同父异母的兄弟托勒密写的回忆录),最坏的情况,非常不可靠。第一空后面一句说所有的目击者已逝,暗示留下来的史料是不充分的。outdated,过时的;abstruse,深奥的;所以最恰当的选项是 B 不充分的。第二空后面提到亚历山大同父异母的兄弟的回忆录,说明是二手史料。 repetitious,重复的;deceptive,欺诈的。所以最恰当的选项是 D 二手的,间接获得的。

  3. While some commentators suggest that abstraction and complexity in scientific research are signs that a given direction is misguided, Lisa Randall, a professor of physics at Harvard, counters that these qualities instead reflect the success of human ingenuity in (i) _____ the increasingly (ii) _____ challenges that nature presents. They can, however, make it more (iii) _____ to communicate scientific developments, even to colleague.

  Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii)

  A. creating D. difficult G. challenging

  B. meeting E. conspicuous H. unproductive

  C. eschewing F. pragmatic I. advantageous

  答案:B D G

  解析:题目翻译成:尽管一些评论员认为,科学研究的抽象性和复杂性表明一个给定的方向是错误的。哈佛大学的物理学教授 Lisa Randall 反驳说,相反,这些特征反映了人们在成功应对大自然日益困难的挑战方面的创造力。只是,这些特征使科学发展的交流更具挑战性,即使是在同事之间。第一空是固定搭配,meeting challenges; 所以最恰当的选项是 B. eschewing,避开。第二空第三空可由开头的 abstraction and complexity 推断,大自然的挑战是越来越困难的,科学发展的交流也是越来越有挑战性的。conspicuous,显而易见的;pragmatic,实际的;unproductive,徒劳的,不毛的;advantageous,有利的,有益的,不合题意。

  4. Consumers may think that genetic engineering of foods is something new,but humans have been modifying plants for ages;the _____ is not that new genes are introduced but that genes can now be moved from one species to another.

  A. novelty

  B. quandary

  C. advantage

  D. innovation

  E. discrepancy

  F. predicament


  解析:题目翻译成在消费者们可能认为基因工程的食品是新奇的事物。但人类很久以来都在改变植物;创新不是指新基因被引入而是如今基因能够从一个物种转移到另一个物种上。这里最恰当的是 A、D 选项,novelty 为新奇。innovation 为创新。B 选项,quandary 为困境,原句提到的重点是 something new, 而不是消极的含义,因此 B 原句含义无关;C 选项,advantage 为优势,与原句的 new 含义不符,不是突出优势;E 选项,discrepancy,为矛盾,与原句语境不符。F 选项,predicament 为困境,同样与原句语境不符。

  5. Since it was committed to the idea of science as an international, politically neutral enterprise, the Royal Society of London refused to _____ members from enemy nations during world wars of the twentieth century.

  A. betray

  B expel

  C endorse

  D oust

  E sanction

  F condemn

  答案:B D


  6. Although the insistence on balancing spending against tax revenues has contributed to the economy's stagnation, unfortunately, the government does not seem likely to _____ this rigid policy.

  A initiate

  B persist in

  C publicize

  D repudiate

  E continue

  F recant

  答案:D F



  1. Two librarians, Robert and Patricia, cataloged a combined total of 180 new books, each of which was cataloged by only one of the two librarians. Although they spent the same amount of time cataloging their books, Robert spent an average of 15 minutes per book whereas Patricia spent an average of 12 minutes per book.

  Quantity A:The number of books cataloged by Robert

  Quantity B:60

  A. Quantity A is greater.

  B. Quantity B is greater.

  C. The two quantities are equal.

  D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.


  解析:设 Robert 整理了 x 本书,Patricia 整理了 y 本书,可得二元一次方程组,x+y=180,15x=12y.所以 x=80,y=100. 所以 A 为 80,B 为 60,A 比 B 大。

  2. One of the solutions of the equation x^2+bx+c= 0 is -3.

  Quantity A:3b

  Quantity B:c+9

  A. Quantity A is greater.

  B. Quantity B is greater.

  C. The two quantities are equal.

  D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.


  解析:把 x= -3 带入等式,即 9-3b+c=0,即 3b=c+9. 所以 A 和 B 相等。

  3. Which of the following is NOT the sum of a set of consecutive positive integers one of which is 1?

  A. 3

  B. 10

  C. 15

  D. 28

  E. 35


  解析:从 1 开始的连续正整数相加,A 是1+2,B 是1加到4,C 是1 到5,D 是1 到7,而1到8应该是36,所以E是错误的,选 E。

  4. Each of the 176 people in a group drinks at least one of three beverages—coffee, tea or soda. Of the 94 people in the group who drink coffee,50 drink only coffee. Of the 82 people in the group who drink tea, 40 drink only tea. Of the 66 people in the group who drink soda, 30 drink only soda. If 10 people in the group drink all three beverages, which of the following statements are true about the people in the group? Indicate all such statements.

  A. More people drink only soda than drink only tea.

  B. There are 46 people who drink only two of the beverages.

  C. There are 56 people who drink more than one of the beverage.

  答案:B C

  解析:A 选项错误,因为有 30 个人只喝 soda,40 个人只喝 tea. 所以喝 soda 的人更少。所以 A 错误。

  只喝一种饮料的人共有 120 个。一共 176 个人,所以有 56 个人喝一种以上的饮料,所以C正确。

  题中又说有 10 个人喝三种饮料,所以只有 46 个人喝两种饮料,所以 B 正确。

  5. If f(x) = 5-2x and f(3k) = f(k+1), then f(k) =?

  A. 0.5

  B. 1

  C. 3

  D. 4

  E. 6


  解析:因为 f(x) = 5-2x,所以 f(3k) = 5-6k. f(k + 1) = 5-2(k+1) = 3-2k.

  因为 f(3k) = f(k + 1), 所以 5-6k = 3-2k. 所以 k=0.5.

  所以 f(k) = f(0.5). f(0.5) = 4.所以选 D.



  A novel that is a bestseller is often, because of its popularity, not taken seriously as literature. Critics seem to presuppose that great literature must be somehow burdensome to the reader; it must be difficult for the uninitiated to understand. It is precisely this inverted snobbery that has hindered Isabel Allende’s The House of the Spirits from gaining the critical attention it deserves.Published in 1982, the novel draws deeply on the author's own family history.Allende is the first cousin once removed of former Chilean president Salvador Allende, who was murdered during a right-wing military coup in 1973. Yet rather than the to-be-expected socialist harangue, Allende subtly works her political message within the fabric of the compelling narrative she weaves. While Allende borrows a bit too freely from Gabriel Garcia Marquez's work, she nevertheless has a powerful and original voice within the construct of magical realism.

  1. It can be inferred from the passage that

  A. Allende’ novel is a retelling of her family's political struggles

  B. Allende's novel would have received more favorable reviews if critics had believed it to be great literature

  C. Allende learned about magical realism from Gabriel Garcia Marquez

  D. Allende's novel could have been more compelling if she had included a stronger political message

  E. readers might have expected Allende's work to be more political than it actually was


  解析:题干问可以从文中推测什么,定位至原文第二段第一句话“Published in 1982…family history. Allende is the first…in 1973.”,这两句话是说小说用了很多自己家庭的故事,Allende 的亲戚在政变中失去生命,所以选择 A.


  By 1950, the results of attempts to relate brain processes to mental experience appeared rather discouraging. Herring suggested that different modes of sensation,such as pain, taste, and color, might be correlated with the discharge of specific kinds of nervous energy. However, subsequently developed methods of recording and analyzing nerve potentials failed to reveal any such qualitative diversity.Although qualitative variance among nerve energies was never rigidly disproved,the doctrine was generally abandoned in favor of the opposing view, namely,that nerve impulses are essentially homogeneous in quality and are transmitted as common currency throughout the nervous system.

  According to this theory, it is not the quality of the sensory nerve impulses that determines the diverse conscious sensations they produce, but rather the different areas of the brain into which they discharge, and there is some evidence for this view. In one experiment, when an electric stimulus was applied to a given sensory field of the cerebral cortex of a conscious human subject, it produced a sensation of the appropriate modality for that particular locus, that is, a visual sensation from the visual cortex, an auditory sensation from the auditory cortex, and so on.However, cortical locus, in itself, turned out to have little explanatory value.

  1. The author mentions common currency primarily in order to emphasize the

  A. lack of differentiation among nerve impulses in human beings

  B. similarity of the sensations that all human beings experience

  C. similarities in the views of scientists who have studied the human nervous system

  D. continuous passage of nerve impulses through the nervous system

  E. recurrent questioning by scientists of an accepted explanation about the nervous system


  解析:原句翻译:神经冲动本质上质量相似,并在神经系统中流通传输。通过语法分析,我们可以知道 common currency 与前面的从句成分 nerve impulses are essentially homogeneous in quality 是并列的,主语都是 nerve impulses,并且common和前面的 homogeneous 都是在讲相似,差异小。

  2. The description of an experiment in which electric stimuli were applied to different sensory fields of the cerebral cortex tends to support the theory that

  A. the simple presence of different cortical areas cannot account for the diversity of mental experience

  B. variation in spatiotemporal patterning of nerve impulses correlates with variation in subjective experience

  C. nerve impulses are essentially homogeneous and are relatively unaffected as they travel through the nervous system

  D. the mental experiences produced by sensory nerve impulses are determined by the cortical area activated

  E. variation in neuron types affects the quality of nerve impulses


  解析:定位到文章:可以直接得出答案“it produced a sensation of the appropriate modality for that particular locus, that is, a visual sensation from the visual cortex“电刺激能产生一种对特定位置的恰当的感知,也就是视觉中枢的视觉感知。和D选项的 cortical area 脑皮层被刺激使神经产生精神反应对应。

  3. Which of the following best summarizes the author‘s opinion of the suggestion that different areas of the brain determine perceptions produced by sensory nerve impulses?

  A. It is a plausible explanation, but it has not been completely proved.

  B. It is the best explanation of brain processes currently available.

  C. It is disproved by the fact that the various areas of the brain are physiologically very similar.

  D. There is some evidence to support it, but it fails to explain the diversity of mental experience.

  E. There is experimental evidence that confirms its correctness.


  解析:结合结尾句:However, cortical locus, in itself, turned out to have little explanatory value.大脑区位理论就其本身是几乎没有解释的意义,说明其解释的价值和意义还是有限的。


  In a plausible but speculative scenario, oceanographer Douglas Martinson suggests that temperature increases caused by global warming would not significantly affect the stability of the Antarctic environment, where sea ice forms on the periphery of the continent in the autumn and winter and mostly disappears in the summer. True,less sea ice would form in the winter because global warming would cause temperatures to rise. However, Martinson argues, the effect of a warmer atmosphere may be offset as follows. The formation of sea ice causes the concentration of salt in surface waters to increase; less sea ice would mean a smaller increase in the concentration of salt. Less salty surface waters would be less dense and therefore less likely to sink and stir up deep water. The deep water, with all its stored heat, would rise to the surface at a slower rate. Thus, although the winter sea-ice cover might decrease, the surface waters would remain cold enough so that the decrease would not be excessive.

  1. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is true of the surface waters in the current Antarctic environment?

  A. They are more affected by annual fluctuations in atmospheric temperatures than they would be if they were less salty.

  B. They are less salty than they would be if global warming were to occur.

  C. They are more likely to sink and stir up deep waters than they would be if atmospheric temperatures were to increase.

  D. They are able to offset some of the effects of global warming beyond the Antarctic region.

  E. They are less affected by the temperature of deep water than they would be if atmospheric temperatures were to increase.


  解析:选项是拿 ice 当前的状态和将来的状态对比,而不是习惯性理解的 ice 将要如何如何。

  例如 C 选项,是说如果气温上升,现在的 ice 比将来的 ice 更可能下沉而 stir up deep waters,反过来说就是将来的 ice(大气温度上升之后) less likely to stir up deep waters。





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