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2018/11/26 10:54:06来源:新航道作者:新航道





  本次考试加试为一次verbal一次数学,整体考试难度符合正常,数学整体难度甚至有所下降。Verbal部分机经题目少,命中填空原题1题,阅读1篇。阅读部分的文章内容透彻、结构清楚,较容易读懂,但题目中多出现多选题;填空部分Sentence Equivalence甚至比Text Completion更为困难,难点在于句子晦涩难懂,需要了解表达之后的弦外之音,且同义词较为难找。




  Passage 9

  An Irish newspaper editorial encouraging women to participate in the non-importation movement launched in Ireland in 1779 appears consistent with a perception that the political use of the consumer boycott originated in North America and spread eastwards across the Atlantic to Ireland. This is a view that most historians have concurred with. For example, T.H. Breen argued that the consumer boycott was a brilliantly original American invention. Breen did acknowledge that a few isolated boycotts may have taken place in other countries. However, Mary ODowd argues that from the late seventeenth century, Irish political discourse advocated for the nonconsumption of imported goods and support for home manufactures by women in ways that were strikingly similar to those used later in North America.

  1. The passage is primarily concerned with

  A. resolving a dispute

  B. advocating a course of action

  C. tracing the evolution of a practice

  D. citing competing views of an issue

  E. chronicling a series of events

  2. In the context of the passage, the highlighted sentence serves to

  A. qualify a point made in the preceding sentence

  B. correct an erroneous assumption

  C. provide evidence in support of a perception cited in the opening sentence

  D. provide a rationale for the view expressed in the following sentence

  E. establish the popularity of a point of view

  Passage 13

  Biologists have long debated about whether egg production in birds is biologically highly costly, some theorizing that egg production is energetically or nutritionally demanding. Lack, however, suggested that clutch size—the number of eggs a bird lays per breeding cycle—is far below the potential limit of egg production. He suggested that clutch size had instead evolved in relation to the number of young that the parents could successfully rear. Subsequently, most studies focused on limitations operating during chick rearing, particularly among altricial species (species in which the parents feed their young in the nest). Lack later recognized that in precocial species (species in which young feed themselves), clutch size might be explained by different factors—the availability of food for egg-laying females, for example.

  1. The passage suggests that biologists who say egg production in birds is biologically highly costly would agree that clutch size is determined primarily by

  A. the nutritional and energy demands of egg production

  B. the number of young that the parents can rear successfully

  C. reproductive limitations operating during chick rearing

  D. the availability of food for newly hatched chicks

  E. the differences between altricial and precocial species

  Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.

  2. The passage suggests that Lack would agree with which of the following statements about factors affecting clutch size in birds?

  A. In altricial species, clutch size is determined primarily by factors operating after eggs are laid.

  B. In precocial species, clutch size is determined primarily by factors operating after eggs are laid.

  C. In many bird species, clutch size generally remains well below the potential limit of egg production.


  17-3 The benefits offered by informationtechnology do not (i)_____ the need for individual reasoning; for example,Internet user should not allow the reasoning process to be (ii)_____ the mereaccumulation raw data.


D.preceded  by


E.supplemented with


F.supplanted by

  20-1 Unlike some mammals—cows and sheep, for instance—that are notably _____, lions have a wide range of facial expressions.

  A. tractable

  B. impassive

  C. solitary

  D. social

  E. sluggish

  27-2 By pointing out the self-serving nature of the governor’s motives for supporting the new health care policy, the columnist implied that the governor’s idealistic-sounding explanation of her position on the issue was almost certainty _____.

  A. impractical

  B. derivative

  C. simplistic

  D. disingenuous

  E. ineffectual


  Issue 8 26 111

  Argument 9 39


  1. ETS的作文库是公开的,包括200多道ISSUE和200多道argument,考试题目只出这个范围内的,只要安排好时间,是能够对题目进行充分准备的;如果时间有限,可以根据高频作文题目的统计进行准备,当然,这样准备也有一定的风险性。

  2. 自己多动手、多思考、多找材料。GRE的作文对原创性的要求非常高,千万不要抄袭。作文没有太多技巧可以走,打字也是熟能生巧,需要同学自己在考前做出足够多的准备,才能使得文章的逻辑性、全面性、深度有所展示。

  3. 中国考生的作文成绩普遍在2.5-3.5之间,以3.0最多,班级中出现作文≥4.0的同学时,都会向学生询问是如何备考,基本回复都是一条“写的比较多”。以笔者自身来说,大部分时间专注于verbal的思考,本次的issue题目从未进行过准备,以至于考场上思考了3-4分钟列提纲内心就容易急迫,边写边设计,即便能完成一篇相对完整的文章,逻辑性和深度也无法保证。而所遇到的argument是笔者熟悉和列过提纲的,所以考场上内心稳定,自己写完也会觉得逻辑层次是满意的、核心逻辑错误也大约找到了。大概除了“写”,并无更好更切实际的办法了。


  相比于2018上半年的verbal,9月的两次考试都比较难。参加本次考试的同学,会遇到较难的Sentence Equivalence问题。


  GRE就是个高度模式化的考试,备考就是要熟悉套路,重复重复再重复。GRE的Verbal里的填空和阅读、作文乃至数学,都是一个思路下对“逻辑思维/推理能力”不同侧面的考察,平日里做题不要贪恋数量,更要追求“透彻”,通过自己的分析归纳进行规律化的、模式化的总结,以便在考场上进行迁移和使用。毕竟没有人能仅仅通过机经或者“撞上原题”来实现自己的高分梦想。有时候,光背单词是不会put in context,可以在备考期间选择一些类似经济学人杂志或者原版书籍进行辅助,对于阅读和写作也大有裨益。


  本次数学考试对图形考察较少,出现的内容也非常简单,考察重点在于直角坐标系、一元线性方程、根据坐标判断抛物线的方程、立方体体积计算、ration问题、平行线、标准差、倒数、简单的指数或开方问题、横纵坐标运算等,难点在于排列组合。如数学SectionII有一条题目为“某电影第一排有8张连续的椅子,4对双胞胎姐妹,请问有多少种排解方式能够使得女孩能挨着自己“twin sister”数学中的data analysis非常简单。例如某家商店最近40周的每周自行车销售数量的distribution,询问40周的平均量;7大洲4大洋占地球的面积,询问各类比例,只要能读懂题目,进行简单的四则运算就可以完成;医院病人数量的图表,判断range等。







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