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2017/5/18 15:08:39来源:互联网作者:上海新航道



  101. conservative

  conservative /k?n?s??v?t?v/ CET4 TEM4 ( conservatives )

  ADJ Someone who is conservative has views that are toward the political right. In the U.S. the Republicans are more conservative than the Democrats, who are more liberal. 持政治右倾观点的


  ...counties whose citizens invariably support the most conservative candidatein any election.


  102. mollify

  mollify /?m?l??fa?/ TEM8 (mollifying, mollified, mollifies )

  V-T If you mollify someone,you do or say something to make them less upset or angry. 安抚; 平息 [正式]


  The investigation was undertaken primarily to mollify pressure groups.


  103. inflamed

  inflamed /?n?fle?md/ TEM8

  ADJ If part of your body isinflamed, it is red or swollen, usually as a result of an infection, injury, orillness. 红肿的; 发炎的


  Symptoms include red, itchy and inflamed skin.


  104. obdurate

  obdurate /??bdj?r?t/

  ADJ If you describe someoneas obdurate, you think that they are being unreasonable in their refusal tochange their decision or opinion. 执拗的; 顽固不化的 [正式]


  Parts of the administration may be changing but others have been obdurate defenders of the status quo.


  105. altruism


  106. prescient

  prescient /?pr?s??nt/

  ADJ If you say that someone or something was prescient, you mean that they were able to know or predict what was going to happen in the future. 预知的; 先知的; 预见性的 [正式]


  ...an eerily prescient comedy about a populist multimillionaire political candidate.


  107. elite

  elite /??li?t, e?-/ CET6 TEM8 ( elites )

  N-COUNT You can refer to themost powerful, rich, or talented people within a particular group, place, orsociety as the elite. 精英


  ...a government comprisedmainly of the elite.


  108. latitude

  latitude /?l?t??tju?d/ CET6 TEM4 ( latitudes )

  N-VAR The latitude of a place is its distance from the equator.纬度


  In the middle to high latitudes rainfall has risen steadily over thelast 20-30 years.


  109. compilation

  compilation /?k?mp??le???n/ ( compilations )

  N-COUNT A compilation is abook, CD, or programme that contains many different items that have been gathered together, usually ones which have already appeared in other places. 汇编; 合集


  His latest CD is a compilation of his jazz works over the past decade.


  110. commemorate

  commemorate /k??m?m??re?t/ CET6 TEM4 ( commemorating, commemorated,commemorates )

  V-T To commemorate an important event or person means to remember them by means of a special action,ceremony, or specially created object. 纪念


  One room contained a gallery of paintings commemorating great moments in baseball history.


  111. uncorroborated

  uncorroborated /??nk??r?b??re?t?d/

  ADJ An uncorroborated statement or claim is not supported by any evidence or information. (声明等)无证据的; 未经证实的 [usu ADJ n]


  Uncorroboratedconfessions should no longer be accepted by courts.


  112. ephemeral

  ephemeral /??f?m?r?l/ TEM8

  ADJ If you describe something as ephemeral, you mean that it lasts only for a short time. 短暂的; 瞬间的 [正式]


  He talked about the country'sephemeral unity being shattered by the defeat.


  113. histrionics

  histrionics /?h?str???n?ks/

  N-PLURAL If you disapprove of someone's dramatic and exaggerated behaviour, you can describe it ashistrionics. 装腔作势 [表不满]


  When I explained everythingto my mom and dad, there were no histrionics.


  114. gregarious

  gregarious /ɡr??ɡ??r??s/TEM8


  ADJ Someone who is gregarious enjoys being with other people. 爱社交的


  She is such a gregarious and outgoing person.



  ADJ Gregarious animals orbirds normally live in large groups. 群居的


  Snow geese are very gregarious birds.


  115. taciturn

  taciturn /?t?s??t??n/ TEM8

  ADJ A taciturn person does not say very much and can seem unfriendly. 不爱说话的


  A taciturn man, he replied to my questions in monosyllables.


  116. inform

  V-T If a situation oractivity is informed by an idea or a quality, that idea or quality is verynoticeable in it. 弥漫 (思想或品质等) [正式]


  All great songs are informed by a certain sadness and tension.


  117. hubris

  hubris /?hju?br?s/

  N-UNCOUNT If you accuse someone of hubris, you are accusing them of arrogant pride. 傲慢自大; 自恃 [正式]


  ...a tale of how anhonourable man pursuing honourable goals was afflicted with hubris and led his nation toward catastrophe.


  118. seminal

  seminal /?s?m?n?l/ TEM8


  ADJ Seminal is used to describe things such as books, works, events, and experiences that have a great influence in a particular field. (在某一领域内) 有重大影响的[正式]


  ...author of the seminal book "Animal Liberation."


  119. intransigent

  intransigent /?n?tr?ns?d??nt/ TEM8

  ADJ If you describe someone as intransigent, you mean that they refuse to behave differently or to change their attitude to something. 顽固的 [正式]


  ...Sami's opinionated and intransigent father.


  120. platitude

  platitude /?pl?t??tju?d/ (platitudes )

  N-COUNT A platitude is a statement that is considered meaningless and boring because it has been made many times before in similar situations. 陈词滥调 [表不满]


  Why couldn't he say something vital and original instead of just spouting the sameold platitudes?


  121. antithetical

  antithetical /??nt??θ?t?k?l/

  ADJ Something that is antithetical to something else is the opposite of it and is unable to exist with it. 对立的 [书面] [usu v-link ADJ 'to'n]


  Their priorities are antithetical to those of environmentalists.


  122. adulatory

  adulatory /??dj??le?t?r?/

  ADJ If someone makes anadulatory comment about someone, they praise them and show their admiration forthem. 奉承拍马的[usuADJ n]




  123. embezzlement

  embezzlement /?m?b?z ?lm?nt/

  N-UNCOUNT Embezzlement is the crime of embezzling money. 挪用公款


  He was later charged with embezzlement.


  124. versatile

  versatile /?v??s??ta?l/ CET6 TEM4


  ADJ If you say that a person is versatile, you approve of them because they have many different skills. 多才多艺的 [表赞许]


  He had been one of the game's most versatile athletes.



  ADJ A tool, machine, or material that is versatile can be used for many different purposes. 用途广泛的


  Never before has computing been so versatile.


  125. staple

  staple /?ste?p?l/ CET6 TEM4 ( stapling, stapled, staples )

  ADJ A staple food, product,or activity is one that is basic and important in people's everyday lives. 基本的; 主要的 (食物、产品、活动) [ADJ n]


  Rice is the staple food ofmore than half the world's population.








  • SAT课程
班级名称 班号 开课时间 人数 学费 报名
SAT冲刺铂金班 SATCCXH240512 2024/5/12 0:00:00 3-6人 ¥18800.00 在线咨询


旗舰校区:上海徐汇区文定路209号宝地文定商务中心1楼 乘车路线:地铁1/4号线上海体育馆、3/9号线宜山路站、11号线上海游泳馆站


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