2017/9/20 16:15:31来源:互联网作者:上海新航道
not forming a necessary part of something : not important
adj.外部的; 外来的; 无关的; 不相干的
The architect's streamlined modern style shuns any sort of extraneous ornamentation.
the act or practice of spending a lot of money : wasteful or careless spending
adj. 奢侈,浪费;过度;放肆的言行
Hollywood stars are famous for the extravagance of their parties.
very lively, happy, or energetic : filled with energy and enthusiasm
n. 丰富,茂盛;健康;感情洋溢
The exuberance of the housing market was an encouraging economic indicator.
containing a mistake : not true or accurate
adj. 谬误的;骗人的;靠不住的;不合理的
Consumers who harbor the fallacious belief that credit-card spending will never catch up with them.
a pleasant situation that you imagine but that is unlikely to happen
n. 幻想,想象
To root up all evils is only a fantasy for the time being.
a doctrine that events are fixed in advance so that human beings are powerless to change them; also : a belief in or attitude determined by this doctrine
adj. 宿命论的
Recent research on warfare and aggression seems, at first glance, to support this fatalistic conclusion.
1. a unit of length equal to six feet (1.83 meters) used especially for measuring the depth of water ― sometimes used in the singular when qualified by a number 2. 1 : to measure by a sounding line
v.测量(水的)深度;充分理解(某人[某事物]); 领悟
I couldn't fathom why she made such a foolish decision.
ddrained of energy or effectiveness
adj. 疲乏的
Your emotions overrule your stomach and fatigue.
1 : to show affection ? used especially of a dog 2 : to court favor by a cringing or flattering manner
v. 奉承讨好
The waiters were fawning over the celebrity.
(v.):a : to give a false appearance of : induce as a false impression b : to assert as if true : pretend
vt. 假装;装作;捏造;想象
He would often feign illness to get out of class.
great happiness
n. 幸福;快乐;幸运
The elderly couple counted their grandchildren as their most cherished felicities.
a serious crime (such as murder or rape)
n. <法>重罪
The original complaint against the broker includes a felony charge for causing serious bodily injury.
a strong feeling of excitement and enthusiasm
n. 热情;热烈;热心;炽热
She was surprised by the fervor that her parents' old love letter contained when she discovered them in the attic.
formed or conceived by the imagination
adj. 虚构的
Perhaps he might have done more to capture the sheer weirdness of Dickens's fictional world.
of words, language, etc. : used with a meaning that is different from the basic meaning and that expresses an idea in an interesting way by using language that usually describes something else : not literal
adj. 比喻的;修饰丰富的;形容多的
the figurative use of "allergy" to mean "a feeling of dislike"
a head or chief in name only
n. 有名无实的人
For many Vietnamese, whatever their views of the late leader, there is no otherfigurehead.
a narrow opening or crack
n. 裂缝
This is an amazing cave that can be accessed through a fissure in the ground witha rope.
very bad : too bad to be ignored
adj.臭名远扬的; 恶名昭著的; 明目张胆的
That was a flagrant violation of the rules.
the area on the side of an animal (such as a horse) between the ribs and the hip
n. 侧面;侧翼;侧腹
They attacked the enemy on both flanks.
a young bird that has just become able to fly
n. 无经验的人;刚会飞的幼鸟
At hockey he's still a fledgling and needs to work on his basic skating skills.
not lasting;lasting for only a short time
adj. 飞逝的;转瞬间的
He had a fleeting desire to jump into the cool lake but kept on hiking.
to break or ignore (a law, rule, etc.) without hiding what you are doing or showing fear or shame
v. 嘲笑;轻视;愚弄
The problem is the regulations do not specify punishments for businesses orindividuals who flout them.
used to describe something that can change easily or that changes often
adj. 不固定的
And your movement is really fluid and available.
upset or nervous
adj. 慌张的;激动不安的
He came in, drank two glasses of water and left, Restivo said, adding that Blake appeared flustered.
minor fault in someone's character or behavior usually plural
n. 弱点;小缺点;癖好
We could tolerate my uncle's foibles because we loved him dearly.
to force someone to accept (something that is not good or not wanted) usually + on or upon
vt. 偷偷插入;混入
He foisted his prejudices upon his young students.
the lack of good sense or judgment : foolishness
n. 愚蠢;荒唐事
The American purchase of Alaska was originally considered a grand folly.
foolishly doing things that are too dangerous or risky
adj. 有勇无谋的;蛮干的
It's foolhardy to go hiking during late fall without warm clothes.
a feeling that something bad is going to happen
n. 预感;先兆;预兆
Dark blues may be foreboding, or an indication of worry or fear.
to represent, indicate, or typify beforehand : prefigure
vt. 预示;成为…的前兆
a series of small tremors that foreshadowed the massive earthquake the next day
something believed to be a sign or warning of a future event
n. 伏笔,铺垫
Mr. Obama's criticism, industry officials fear, is a foreshadowing of deep cuts to come.
to keep from happening by taking action in advance
v. 预先阻止
You can often forestall skidding on the ice simply by driving more slowly.
1 feeling unhappiness; 2 sad from lack of companionship or separation from others; 3 causing or marked by an atmosphere lacking in cheer; 4 feeling or showing no hope
adj. 孤独的,被遗弃的,绝望的
She was forlorn when she found out the trip had ben cancelled.
easily broken or damaged
adj. 脆的;易碎的
Babies are fragile, so remember to care for them gently.
the feeling of friendship that exists between people in a group
n. 兄弟会 互助会
the fraternity of civil engineers
1.an instance of the use of dishonest methods to acquire something of value; 2.one who makes false claims of identity or expertise; 3.the inclination or practice of misleading others through lies or trickery
n. 诡计; 骗子; 欺骗
He was found guilty of bank fraud.
to wear (as an edge of cloth) by or as if by rubbing : fret
vt. 使磨损
worn away or tattered along the edges
v. 磨损(fray的过去分词);受磨损
He also only owns one tie, so frayed and greasy that it looks more like a shoelace.
very cold
adj. 寒冷的,严寒的;冷淡的
The innkeeper gave us a frigid and unnecessarily formal welcome.
forming or relating to the most important part of something:
adj. 基本的,根本的
This decision represents the fundamental interests of the people.
1:very angry 2:very powerful or violent
adj. 激烈的;狂怒的;热烈兴奋的
Everyone worked at a furious pace in order to get the float ready for the parade.
a happy and lively quality
n. 快乐,兴高采烈
Attendees of the masquerade ball arrived dressed in all their gaiety.
too bright or colorful
adj. 炫耀的
The wedding guest's thick makeup was garish and unnecessary.
tending to talk a lot : very talkative
adj. 唠叨的;喋喋不休的;多嘴的
a garrulous boy who was in constant trouble for talking out of turn
the quality of being kind, understanding, and not selfish : the quality of being generous
n. 慷慨
a sidewalk beggar who benefited from the generosity of kindhearted passersby
1:freely giving or sharing money and other valuable things 2:providing more than the amount that is needed or normal : abundant or ample
adj. 大方的;宽宏大量的;有雅量的
a civic leader who is very generous with his money and time
extremely large
adj. 巨大的,庞大的
a raccoon got into the trash and now there's a gigantic mss in our backyard.
made from or covered with gold
adj. 镀金的,装饰的;富有的
His office is decorated with gilded chairs and extravagant mouldings, ordered by his predecessor.
to shine faintly or unsteadily
vi. 闪烁;发微光
The disquiet about her appointment does offer a glimmer of hope about our battered democracy.
a feeling of sadness
n. 黑暗;忧郁
the deepening gloom over the economy
to bestow or transfer formally
v./n. 授予(资金)
The court granted the motion for a new trial.
a selfish desire to have more of something (especially money)
n. 贪婪,贪心
He made no effort to conceal his greed for money and power.
1 a : tending to associate with others of one's kind : SOCIAL b : marked by or indicating a liking for companionship : SOCIABLE c : of or relating to a social group 2 a of a plant : growing in a cluster or a colony b : living in contiguous n
adj. 社交的, 群居的
Walruses are highly gregarious.
obsolete; a cause of distress
n. 委屈, 冤情
This is no place to air your grievances against him.
if you grill something, or if it grills, you cook it by putting it on a flat metal frame with bars across it, above or below strong direct heat
v. 烤
She put the hamburgers on the grill.
1 unpleasant or shocking to see or think about 2 causing feelings of sadness or worry : gloomy or depressing
adj. 冷酷的;糟糕的;残忍的
The accident serves as a grim reminder of the dangers of drinking and driving.
to grab or hold (something) tightly
n. 紧握;柄;支配;握拍方式;拍柄绷带
The little boy gripped his mother's hand tightly.
plural : commodities sold by a grocer
n. 食品杂货
They run a small grocery store.
said, done, or given in an unwilling or doubtful way
adj. 勉强的;吝啬的
He even earned his opponents' grudging respect.
very difficult : requiring great effort
adj. 累垮人的;折磨人的
Running a marathon is grueling.
a short, low sound from the throat
n. 咕哝;呼噜声
I could hear the grunts of the movers as they lifted the heavy furniture.
readily taken advantage of
adj. 易受骗的,轻信的
He thought his grandmother was gullible simply because she was elderly, but she was sharper than he was in many ways.
a person who has a lot of experience in or knowledge about a paaritular subject
n. 领袖,专家
One of those weather gurus that the television networks always drag out whenever there's a big blizzard brewing
the place or environment where a plant or animal naturally or normally lives and grows
n. 栖息地
A forest in California is set aside to preserve the unique brushy, rugged habitat required by nesting California condors.
to cut or sever
vt. 砍;出租
An armed gang barged onto the train and began hacking and shooting anyone in sight.
hackneynot interesting, funny, etc., because of being used too often : not fresh or original
adj. 陈腐的;平庸的
to describe sb or sth as being very good or special, especially in the newspaper, etc
v. 赞扬,称颂
Faulkner has been hailed as the greatest American novelist of his generation.
very happy and successful
adj 无波澜的,一帆风顺的
It was all a far cry from those halcyon days in 1990, when he won three tournaments on the European tour.
having no plan, order, or direction
adj. 偶然的;随便的;无计划的
The investigation does seem haphazard.
having no luck: very unfortunate
adj. 倒霉的
The hapless motorist had barely paid his bill and driven away from the body shop when a truck sideswiped his car.
obscured or made dim or cloudy by or as if by haze; vague
adj. 朦胧的, 烟雾弥漫的, 模糊的
We had only a hazy view of the mountain. hazy sunshine
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