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2017/9/20 16:01:55来源:互联网作者:上海新航道




  very sad and without hope

  adj. 沮丧的;失望的

  After four days and still no word that the missing plane had been located, the relatives were despondent.


  a deviation from a direct course or the usual procedure; especially : a roundabout;way temporarily replacing part of a route

  vi./n. 迂回的, 转弯抹角的;便道, 绕路

  We detoured around the heaviest traffic.


  a person who enjoys or is interested in sth very much

  n. 信徒,爱好者

  a devotee of stamp collecting


  having or showing great skill or cleverness

  adj. 灵巧的

  The dexterous watchmaker was able to repair the antique watch's delicate gears and parts.


  1. recognize or ascertain what makes (someone or something) different 2. make or become different in the process of growth or development

  v. 区分;辨别

  It was hard at first to differentiate between the two styles of music.


  to speak or write about something that is different from the main subject being discussed

  vi. 离题;走向岔道

  She digressed from her prepared speech to pay tribute to the president.


  1:the act or an instance of digressing in a discourse or other usually organized literary work

  2 archaic : a going aside

  n. 偏题

  The professor's frequent and extended digressions are the stuff of campus legend.


  persevering application


  Diligence is the mother of success.



  characterized by steady, earnest, and energetic effort : painstaking

  adj. 勤勉的;用功的,费尽心血的

  a student who has been unceasingly diligent in pursuit of a degree in mathematics


  1 a : a coin of the United States worth 1/10 dollar b : a petty sum of money

  2 : a Canadian 10-cent piece

  n. 一角硬币


  to become or to cause (something) to become less in size, importance, etc.

  vt. 使减少;使变小

  The state's blood supplies were severely diminished by the two consecutive disasters.


  very bad: causing great fear or worry

  adj. 可怕的

  Even the smallest mistake could have dire consequences.


  someone who accepts and helps to spread the teachings of a famous person

  n. 门徒,信徒;弟子

  a circle of dedicated disciples who conscientiously wrote down everyting the prophet said


  loss of reputation or respect

  n. 怀疑;无信用;名声的败坏

  The previous government is, by now, thoroughly discredited.


  a difference especially between things that should be the same

  n. 不符;矛盾;相差

  The discrepancy of the calculations of my bill by the hotel and myself was a matter of concern.


  the practice of unfairly treating a person or group of people differently from other people or groups of people

  n. 歧视;区别,辨别;识别力

  In her mind there did not exist a discrimination between the imaginary and the real.


  talking or writing about many different things in a way that is not highly organized

  adj. 散漫的;离题的;东拉西扯的;无层次的

  The speaker's discursive style made it difficult to understand his point.


  to divest of a body, of corporeal existence, or of reality

  vt. 使脱离肉体,无实体的,无实质的

  His death disembodied his spirits.


  to cause (someone) to feel very worried, disappointed, or upset

  vt. 使沮丧;使惊慌

  The watched in dismay as the house burned.


  situated in many different places; a long way apart from each other

  adj. 散布的;被分散的;被驱散的

  The campaign staffi dspersed almost immediately after the election.


  to cause (something, such as information) to go to many people

  v. 宣传;散播;传染(病毒)

  Missionaries sent by their church to disseminate their faith.


  1 : the act or process of dissolving: as a : separation into component parts b (1) : DECAY, DISINTEGRATION (2) : DEATH c : termination or destruction by breaking down, disrupting, or dispersing d : the dissol


  One of the junta's first acts was the dissolution of the national assembly.


  to make (a liquid) pure by heating it until it becomes a gas and then cooling it until it is a liquid again : to purify (a liquid) by distillation: to make (a strong alcoholic drink) by using this process

  v. 提取;蒸馏;使滴下

  The basement walls distill water every time it rains heavily.


  1 having or showing a formal and serious or reserved manner; 2 standing above others in rank, importance, or achievement

  adj. 高贵的,著名的,卓著的

  Heads turned as the well-dressed, distinguished couple strode through the hotel lobby.


  cause (someone or something) to change course or turn from one direction to another

  v. 转移

  The bike race was diverted around the construction zone.


  to make (information) known : to give (information) to someone

  vt.泄露; 暴露; 揭发; <古>公布,宣布

  We tried to make him divulge the name of the winner, but he wouldn't budge.


  used to describe a person who has bery strong beliefs about what should be done and will not change them or accept other people's opinions


  He is firm but not doctrinaire.


  inclined to exercise arbitrary and overbearing control over others

  adj. 跋扈的;专横的;盛气凌人的

  The younger children in the family were controlled by a domineering older sister.


  straight down

  adj. 完全地; 彻底地; 全然

  ideas that would have been downright dangerous if put into practice


  not bright or colorful: to plain or dull to be interesting

  adj. 单调的; 土褐色的

  his drab little office


  to make (a book, an event, etc.) into a play, movie, television show, etc. to make a situation seem more important or serious than it really is

  v. 使…戏剧化

  They have a tendency to show off, to dramatize almost every situation.


  great fear

  n. 恐惧, 恐怖

  He lives with a constant dread of rejection.


  causing unhappiness or sad feelings; not warm, cheerful, etc.

  adj. 沉闷的,枯燥的

  He vowed that he would never take a desk job working in a dreary office.


  having an odd and amusing quality

  adj. 滑稽的;好笑的;逗趣的

  Evelyn is entertaining company, with droll and sardonic observations on nearly everything.


  1:to give (someone or something) a name or title 2:to give (someone) the title of a knight

  v. 笨蛋;鼓声

  It was dubbed into Spanish for Mexican audiences.


  given to or marked by cheating and deception

  adj. 奸诈的,两面派的

  I warned her not to trust the duplicitous art dealer.


  dishonest behavior that is meant to trick someone

  n. 口是心非;表里不一;不诚实

  We were lucky not to be taken in by his duplicity.


  1 having active strength of body or mind; 2 marked by or uttered with forcefulness

  adj. 动态的,动力的,有活力的

  Group dynamics are important to consider.


  lively and enthusiastic

  adj. 热情洋溢的;沸腾的

  the ebuliient Russian president


  to move or force gradually

  vi. 缓缓移动;侧着移动

  Trees edge the lake.


  a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place

  n. 大厦,大型建筑

  The U.S. Capitol is one of our nation's most impressive edifices.


  to teach sb in a way that improves the mind or character

  v. 启迪

  a family-oriented show that tried to edify the television audience as well as entertain it


  to eliminate or make indistinct by or as if by wearing away a surfaceto make (oneself) modestly or shyly inconspicuous

  vt. 使黯然失色;抹去;使自己不受人注意

  When the supply ship finally arrived, it discovered that virtually all evidence of the colony at Roanoke had been effaced.


  a very confident attitude or way of behaving that is shocking or rude : nerve

  n. 厚颜无耻

  The little squirt had the effrontery to deny eating any cookies, even with the crumbs still on his lips.


  expressing a lot of emotion

  adj. 流出的,感情洋溢的

  often effusive no matter what the occasion, my aunt is even more so at weddings and funerals.


  aiming for equal wealth, status, etc., for all people

  adj. 平等主义的

  I still believe in the notion of an egalitarian society.


  very happy and excited

  adj. 兴高采烈的;得意洋洋的

  She was elated upon learning that she had been accepted by her first-choice college.


  the quality or state of being elated; pathological euphoria

  n. 兴高采烈,得意洋洋

  Most people can't imagine the kind of elation that comes with winning a super lottery's grand prize, but they're dying to find out.


  to get (a response, information, etc.) from someone

  v. 抽出,引出;引起

  The role elicited the actress's flair for comedy that previous directors had overlooked.


  1 to remove(sth that is not wanted or needed):to get rid of sth 2 to defeat and remove(a team, player,etc.) from a competition

  v. 消除,去除

  The stiff entry fee is intended to eliminate less-than-serious competitors.


  to get or keep away from (as a responsibility) through cleverness or trickery

  v. 逃避,躲避

  The killer was able to elude the police.


  to decorate (something) by adding special details and features : to make (something) more appealing or attractive

  vt. 修饰 ;装饰;润色

  The walls of the French restaurant are embellished with scenes of Parisian life.


  to cause to become a body or part of a body

  v. 具体表达; 包含

  The must embody their ideas in substantial instituions if they are to survive.


  to instill with boldness or courage

  vt. 使有胆量,使大胆

  His poor showing in his first swim meet just emboldened him to train even harder.


  the process or art of sewing a design on cloth; extra details that are added to make a story more interesting and that are not true or accurate

  n. 刺绣;粉饰

  It's doubtful that she ever told an anecdote without considerable embroidery.


  originating in or based on observation or experience

  ajg凭经验的; 经验主义的; 以观察或实验为依据的

  guidelines for raising children that are based on empirical evidence


  1 to be the same in meaning or effect; 2 to use (someone or something) as the model for one's speech, mannerisms, or behavior

  v. 仿真,模仿,尽力赶上,同...竞争

  Sons are traditionally expected to emulate their fathers.


  somewhat formal : to perform (something, such as a scene in a play)

  vt. 颁布;制定法律

  Congress enacts all laws relating to foreign trade and immigration.


  o attract and hold the attention of (someone) by being interesting, pretty, etc.

  vt. 使迷惑

  The child actress enchanted audiences with her bubbly personality.


  to include (something) as a part


  A necklace of spphire-blue lakes encompasses the town.


  something that encumbers : impediment, burden

  n.负担; 累赘; 妨碍; 阻碍

  Without the encumbrance of a heavy backpack, I could sprint along the trail.


  adj. 可爱的;讨人喜欢的;引起爱情的

  She has such an endearing personality.


  to give a large amount of money to a school, hospital, etc.,

  vt. 赋予;捐赠;天生具有

  The program to bring the arts to inner-city youths is endowed by a grant from the federal government.


  the ability to do something difficult for a long time

  n. 忍耐力;忍耐;持久;耐久

  The endurance of his love for his wife was not arrested even by her death.


  to flow over and cover (someone or something)

  vt. 吞没;吞食,狼吞虎咽

  High waves from the hurricane engulfed large areas of the coastal community.


  to give life, action, or spirit to: animate

  vt. 使活泼;使生动;使有生气,使活跃

  In most instances it's a good idea to enliven a speech with a joke or two.


  to get (someone) involved in a confusing or difficult situation

  vt. 使纠缠;卷入;使混乱

  The young runaway gradually became entangled in a web of lies.


  lovable especially in a childlike or naive way

  adj. 迷人的


  to name (things) one after another in a list

  vt. 列举

  Let's enumerate the top ten reasons why Top Ten lists have gotten out of hand.


  things that are important or useful for only a short time : items that were not meant to have lasting value

  n.昙花一现之物; 朝生暮死之物

  Wednesday is going to be a big day for ephemera collectors of the literary persuasion.


  a final section or speech after the main part of a book, play, or musical composition

  n. 结语,收场白;尾声,后记

  The producers returned to the gym and shot a satisfying epilogue for this month's TLC broadcast.


  a person or thing equal to another in value or measure or force or effect or significance etc

  adj. 相等的,等价的

  Many colleges and employers will accept what is known as a GED as the equivalent of a high school diploma.


  the gradual destruction of something by natural forces (such as water, wind, or ice) : the process by which something is eroded or worn away

  n. 侵蚀,腐蚀

  The erosion of the banks along the river worries flood experts.


  having or showing knowledge that is learned by studying

  adj. 博学的;有学问的

  The most erudite people in medical research attended the conference.


  to avoid (something) especially because you do not think it is right, proper, etc.

  v. 避免;避开;远避

  The minister eschews involvement in local politics, since he doesn't want to diminish his moral authority in the community.


  involving questions of right and wrong behavior : relating to ethics

  adj. 伦理的;道德的;凭处方出售的

  The ethical course of action for the senator who lied to Congress would be to resign.


  speech that praises someone who has died

  n. 悼词;颂词;颂扬;赞词

  Several eulogies were given at the special assembly marking the retirement of the company's longtime president.


  to change from a liquid into a gas

  vt. 使……蒸发;使……脱水;使……消失

  By mid-morning the fog that had enshrouded the island had just evaporated.


  the act of avoiding something that you do not want to do or deal with : the act of evading something

  n. 逃避;回避;借口

  Pleading chronic back pain is my standard evasion for doing any heavy lifting.


  the act of bringing something into the mind or memory

  n. 招魂;唤起;唤出

  a perfect evocation of the period


  bringing thoughts, memories, or feelings into the mind

  adj. 唤起的;唤出的

  The Italian-American restaurant is decorated in a manner evocative of the charming outdoor cafes in Italy.


  to uncover (something) by digging away and removing the earth that covers it

  vi. 发掘;细查

  Workmen are excavating a long tunnel that will eventualy replace the aboveground expressway.


  very bad

  adj. 恶劣的;可憎恨的

  Her execrable singing finally brought a complaint from the neighbors.


  extremely good and deserving to be admired and copied

  adj. 典范的;惩戒性的;可仿效的

  As a hospital volunteer you have given exemplary service to your community.


  something exhaled or given off; an act of exhaling

  n. 蒸发,呼气;散发物

  Her answer was so hushed that it seemed barely more than an exhalation of air.


  a feeling of great happiness and excitement

  n. 愉快;令人高兴

  The lavish spectacle results in one exhilaration after another.


  to present an opposing opinion or argument

  v. 劝诫,告诫

  I expostulate with her on the impropriety.


  carefully selected : choice;marked by flawless craftsmanship or by beautiful, ingenious, delicate, or elaborate execution

  adj. 精致的;细腻的;优美的,高雅的;异常的;剧烈的

  This exquisite embroidery won people's great admiration.


  to praise sb or sth highly

  v. 赞美

  campaign literature extolling the candidate's military record








  • SAT课程
班级名称 班号 开课时间 人数 学费 报名
SAT冲刺铂金班 SATCCXH240512 2024/5/12 0:00:00 3-6人 ¥18800.00 在线咨询


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