2017/9/20 18:05:42来源:互联网作者:上海新航道
example; specifically: a usually short fictitious story that illustrates a moral attitude or a religious principle
n. 寓言
He told the children a parable about the importance of forgiveness.
a rule or limit that controls what something is or how something should be done
n. 参数;系数;参量
First we need to set/define the parameters of the project.
adj. 附加说明;parenthesis (n.)[常用复]括弧, 圆括号
He explained the process thoroughly, including parenthetical comments about his own experiences with it.
piece of writing, music, etc., that imitates the style of someone or something else in an amusing way
n. 拙劣的模仿;诙谐的改编诗文
He has a talent for writing parodies.
of, relating to, or composed of shepherds or herdsmen
adj. 牧人的, 田园生活的
The house is situated in a charming pastoral setting.
love that people feel for their country
n. 爱国主义;爱国心,爱国精神
You may not agree with him politically, but no one can question his patriotism.
n. 毛皮;打击
Rioters pelted the police.
a strong liking for something or a strong tendency to behave in a certain way
n. 嗜好;倾向
He has a penchant for asking stupid questions.
quietly sad or thoughtful
adj. 沉思的,忧郁的
The child sat by himself, looking pensive.
become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand
v. 察觉,感知
perceived [=noticed] that she had been crying.
able to be perceived by a sense or by the mind
adj. 可察觉的,可感知的
The sound was barely perceptible.
not relating to the main or most important part
adj. 外围的;次要的;(神经)末梢区域的
If we focus too much on peripheral issues, we will lose sight of the goal.
to confuse (someone) very much
vt. 使困惑,使为难;使复杂化
Her attitude perplexes me.
uninterrupted or lasting existence
n. 持续;固执;存留
He admired her dogged persistence in pursuing the job.
n. 人; (小说、戏剧中的)人物, 角色;(pl. personas)(在社交场合装出的)伪装外表
His public persona is that of a strong, determined leader, but in private life he's very insecure.
a person who has a lot of a particular quality and who is the perfect example of someone who has that quality
n. 人格化;化身;拟人法(一种修辞手法);象征
Your father is the personification of kindness and generosity.
to relate to someone or something : to have a connection to a person or thing
vi. 属于;关于;适合
The law pertains [=applies] only to people who were born in this country.
pervading or tending to pervade a pervasive odor
adj. 普遍的;到处渗透的
the pervasive nature of the problem
having or showing a lack of hope for the future: expecting bad things to happen
adj. 悲观的,厌世的;悲观主义的
I'm pessimistic about our chances of winning.
a disease that causes many people to die
n. 瘟疫(尤指鼠疫);有害的事物
After years of war and pestilence, few people remained in the city.
adj. 博爱的;仁慈的
She started a philanthropic [=charitable] foundation.
possibly true: believable or realistic
thought her explanation was perfectly/entirely/completely plausible.
1: to work laboriously and monotonously
2 to walk heavily or slowly
v. 沉重缓慢地走
We plodded through mud that came up past our ankles.
to mark or note on or as if on a map or chart
v. 测定(位置), 在地图上标出(位置)
The plots are selling for $15,000 per acre. They just bought a 12-acre plot of land.
causing as strong feeling of sadness
The photograph was a poignant reminder of her childhood.
a strong written or spoken attack against someone else's opinions, beliefs, practices, etc.
n. 争论
Her book is a fierce polemic against the inequalities in our society.
adj. 好辩的;好争论的;挑起论战的
having or showing the attitude of people who speak and behave in a very formal and serious way because they believe that they are better, smarter, or more important than other people
adj. 自大的;浮夸的;华而不实的;爱炫耀的
She found it difficult to talk about her achievements without sounding pompous.
to think about or consider (something) carefully
vt. 仔细考虑;衡量
He pondered the question before he answered.
v. 延迟,使...延期 to assign to a later time
vi.(持续地)苦干; (驾舟时)拍打(水面); (心脏)狂跳; 脚步沉重地走(或跑)
vt.连续重击; 捣碎,碾碎; 强迫吸收; 猛烈袭击
We had to postpone our vacation. = We had to postpone going on our vacation.
1 to hit sth with force again and again 2 to crush or break sth into very small pieces by hitting it again and again 3 to walk or run with heavy and loud steps
The recipe calls for a pound of ground beef. a 50-pound dog = a dog that weighs 50 pounds Chicken is on sale this week for $3 per/a pound.
a person who works in a professional medical or legal business
n. 开业者,从业者,执业医生
practitioners of the art of glassblowing
a reasonable and logical way of doing things or of thinking about problems that is based on dealing with specific situations instead of on ideas and theories
n. 实用主义者;爱管闲事的人
The right person for the job will balance vision with pragmatism.
a similar action or event that happened at an earlier time
n. 先例
There are no precedents for these events.
n. 卓越;杰出
more important, skillful, or successful than others : better than others
adj. 卓越的;超群的
She's the preeminent chef in a city that has many good ones.
included at the beginning of a book, speech, etc., as an introduction
adj. 前言的;序文的
The speaker made some prefatory remarks.
very foolish or silly
adj. 荒谬的;可笑的
The whole idea is preposterous
1 showing a lack of proper social reserve or modesty; 2 having a feeling of superiority that shows itself in an overbearing attitude; 3 thrusting oneself where one is not welcome or invited
adj. 放肆的,专横的,冒昧的
It would be presumptuous (of me) to tell the manager how to do things.
1 to be based on the idea that something is true or will happen 2 : to require or depend on (something) in order to be true or exist
vt. 假定;预料;以…为先决条件
The rule presupposes a need to restrict student access to the library.
having or showing the unpleasant quality of people who want to be regarded as more impressive, successful,
adj. 自命不凡的;炫耀的;做作的
The houses in the neighborhood are large and pretentious.
1 : to gain ascendancy through strength or superiority : TRIUMPH
2 : to be or become effective or effectual
3 : to use persuasion successfully
4 : to be frequent : PREDOMINATE
5 : to be or continue in use or fashion : PERSIST
v. 盛行,流行
Our soccer team prevailed [=won] despite the bad weather.
status established in order of importance or urgency
n. 优先权,优先考虑的事
Reorganizing the sales force will be a top priority for the new president.
amazing or wonderful : very impressive
adj. 惊人的,异常的,奇妙的;巨大的
prodigious achievement/effort/talent
yielding results, benefits, or profits
adj. 多产的
a highly productive [=successful] sales team
to say or declare (something) openly
vt. 自称;公开表示;宣称信奉;正式准予加入
He professes confidence in his friend.
carelessly and foolishly wasting money, materials, etc. : very wasteful
adj. 肆意挥霍;放荡;浪费
She was very profligate in her spending. profligate energy use
sth that is a model for sth else
n. 先驱
the progenitors of modern art
to increase in number or amount quickly
vt. 使激增
New problems have proliferated in recent months.
1 something added (as by growth); 2 the act or process of becoming greater in number
n. 增殖,扩散
There has been a recent proliferation of medical advertising on TV.
producing a large amount of something
adj. 多产的;丰富的
The tree is a prolific bloomer.
to change the rank or position of (someone) to a higher or more important one
v. 促进;提升;推销;发扬
The army major was promoted to lieutenant colonel.
to make (something, such as an idea or belief) known to many people
vt. 传播;宣传
The group propagates [=promotes] its antigovernment doctrine on the Web.
to push or drive (someone or something) forward or in a particular direction
v. 推进;驱使;激励;驱策
He grabbed him and propelled him through the door.
the force that moves something forward : the force that propels something
n. 推进;推进力
Sailboats use wind as their source/means of propulsion.
able to change into many different forms or able to do many different things
adj. 千变万化的;一人演几个角色
a protean organism
to show or express strong disagreement with or disapproval of something
vt. 抗议;断言
The victim's family protested at/against the judge's sentence.
vt. 绘制;延长;伸展
a device that has the form of a half circle and that is used for drawing and measuring angles
adj. 可证明的;可以查清的
of, relating to, or resembling a proverb
adj. 谚语的
a proverbial expression/phrase
limited in outlook:narrow;lacking the polish of urban society:unsophisticated
adj. 省的;地方性的;偏狭的
She speaks with a provincial accent.
a name that someone (such as a writer) uses instead of his or her real name
n. 笔名;假名
Mark Twain is the pseudonym of the American writer Samuel L. Clemens.
a person who knows a lot about a particular subject and who expresses ideas and opinions about that subject publicly (such as by speaking on television and radio shows)
n. 博学者;梵文学者
political pundits
the methods and treatments used by unskillful doctors or by people who pretend to be doctors
n. 庸医的医术,骗子的行为
His cure was nothing but quackery.
an area of soft, wet ground
n. 沼泽,沼泽地;无法脱身的困境
After a lot of rain, the dirt road becomes a quagmire.
a situation in which you are confused about what to do
n. 困惑;窘境;为难
The unexpected results of the test have created a quandary for researchers.
complaining in an annoyed way
adj. 易怒的,暴躁的;爱发牢骚的,抱怨的
The child said in a querulous [=whining] voice that he didn't like carrots.
hopeful or romantic in a way that is not practical
adj. 唐吉诃德式的;狂想家的;愚侠的
a quixotic solution/pursuit
being rough or noisy in a high-spirited way
adj. 喧闹的,骚乱的
a class full of rambunctious [=boisterous, (Brit) rumbustious] children
an angry feeling of hatred or dislike for someone who has treated you unfairly
n. 深仇;怨恨;敌意
She answered her accusers calmly and without rancor.
1 having a huge appetite; 2 living by killing and eating other animals; 3 having or marked by an eager and often selfish desire especially for material possessions
adj. 贪婪的,掠夺的
a rapacious [=greedy] businessman
relating to, marked by, or favoring reaction; especially : ultraconservative in politics
adj. 反动的; 保守的
reactionary views/opinions/ideas
an effort by many people to change the government or leader of a country by the use of protest or violence
n. 叛乱;反抗;谋反;不服从
The king's army suppressed/quelled/crushed the rebellion.
to speak in an angry and critical way to (someone)
v. 非难,指责;谴责
She was rebuked [=reprimanded] for being late.
shared, felt, or shown by both sides serving to reciprocate
adj. 互惠的;相互的;
a reciprocal trade agreement between two countries
to read (something) out loud or say (something) from memory usually for an audience
vt. 背诵;叙述;列举
He recited the poem/passage with great feeling.
the act of causing two people or groups to become friendly again after an argument or disagreement
n. 和解;调和;和谐;甘愿
Signing the trade agreement was praised as an act of reconciliation between the two countries.
the quality of being honest and morally correct
n. 公正;诚实;清廉
No one questioned his moral rectitude.
adj. 赎回的;赎身的;挽回的
the redemption of his reputation
adj. 反射的;反映的;沉思的
The material is highly reflective. [=it easily reflects light]
shelter or protection from danger or trouble
n. 避难;避难所;庇护
They were seeking refuge. = They were seeking a place of refuge. [=a safe place]
prove (a statement or theory) to be wrong or false; disprove
v. 反驳
The lawyer refuted the testimony of the witness.
adj. 回归的;后退的;退化的
a repressive government
to say again : REPEAT;to recite aloud in a formal manner; to present an account of : RELATE
vt. 排练;预演
The orchestra is rehearsing a piece by Schumann.
to interpret again; specifically : to give a new or different interpretation to
v. 重新解释
New information may force us to reinterpret the evidence.
to present (something) in a different or new way
vt. 重新使用;彻底改造;重复发明(在不知他人已发明的情况下)
The candidate promised to reinvent Social Security.
repeat something you have already said in order to emphasize it
v. 重复
She avoided answering our questions directly, instead reiterating that the answers could be found in her book.
adj. 懊悔的;悔恨的
She seemed truly remorseful for what she had done.
1:to say especially in a formal or official way that you will no longer have or accept (something) : to formally give up (something)2: to say in a formal or definite way that you refuse to follow, obey, or support (someone or somethin
v. 宣布放弃;与…断绝关系;垫牌
The king renounced [=abdicated] the throne. She renounced her inheritance.
known and admired by many people for some special quality or achievement
adj. 著名的,有声望的
a restaurant renowned for its wine list
the act of renouncing sth or sb
vt. 放弃,脱离关系
Their vows include renunciation of all wealth.
to keep (something) out or away
vt.击退; 使厌恶; 抵制; 使不愉快
Their superior forces repelled the invasion.
something usually bad or unpleasant that happens as a result of an action, statement, etc., and that usually affects people for a long time
n. 反响;弹回;反射;浮动诊胎法
We didn't expect the decision to have such serious/enormous/tremendous repercussions.
very bad : deserving very strong criticism
adj. 应斥责的;应该谴责的
reprehensible [=contemptible]acts
to speak in an angry and critical way to (someone who has done something wrong, disobeyed an order, etc.)
v. 谴责;训斥;申诉
The soldiers were severely reprimanded.
to speak in an angry and critical way to (someone) : to express disapproval or disappointment to (someone)
n. 责备;耻辱
vt. 责备;申斥
His actions were above/beyond reproach.
overall quality as seen or judged by people in general
n. 名誉;声望
This car dealership has a good/bad reputation.
having or showing a feeling of anger or displeasure about someone or something unfair
adj. 充满忿恨的;厌恶的
She is resentful about being demoted.
to give up (a job or position) in a formal or official way
vt. 辞职;放弃;委托;使听从
vi. 辞职
The senator was forced to resign his position.
to bring (someone who is unconscious, not breathing, or close to death) back to a conscious or active state again
v. 使复苏;使复兴
The patient stopped breathing but doctors were able to resuscitate him.
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