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2017/5/18 15:26:53来源:互联网作者:上海新航道




  raconteur /?r?k?n?t??/ (raconteurs )

  N-COUNT A raconteur is someone, usually aman, who can tell stories in an interesting or amusing way. 擅长讲故事者


  He spoke eight languages andwas a noted raconteur.


  277.respite /?r?sp?t/ TEM8

  1. N-SING A respite is ashort period ofrest from something unpleasant. (某种不快中的) 小间歇 [正式] [also no det,oft N 'from' n]


  It was some weeks now sincethey'd had any respite from shellfire.


  2. N-SING A respite is ashort delay beforea very unpleasant or difficult situation which may or maynot take place. 暂缓 [正式] [also no det]


  Devaluation would only givethe economy a brief respite.



  sanctuary /?s??ktj??r?/ CET6+ TEM8 (sanctuaries )

  1. N-COUNT A sanctuary is aplace wherepeople who are in danger from other people can go to be safe. 避难所


  His church became a sanctuary for thousands of people who fledthecivil war.


  2. N-UNCOUNT Sanctuary is thesafetyprovided in a sanctuary. 庇护


  Some of them have soughtsanctuary in thechurch.



  truculent /?tr?kj?l?nt/

  1. ADJ If you say thatsomeone istruculent, you mean that they are bad-tempered and aggressive. 易怒的; 好斗的

  2. truculence N-UNCOUNT


  "What do you want?"she asked with her usual truculence.



  acumen /??kj??m?n/ TEM8

  N-UNCOUNT Acumen is theability to makegood judgments and quick decisions. 敏锐; 精明


  unwarranted /?n?w?r?nt?d/

  ADJ If youdescribe something as unwarranted, you arecritical of it because there is noneed or reason for it. 不必要的; 无端的 [正式]


  Any attempt todiscuss the issue of human rights was rejectedasan unwarranted interference in the country'sinternal affairs.



  pithiness ['piθinis]





  schism /?sk?z?m, ?s?z-/ (schisms )

  N-VAR When there is a schism,a group ororganization divides into two groups as a result of differences inthinking andbeliefs. 分裂 [正式]


  The church seems to be on the brink of schism.



  hiatus /ha??e?t?s/ TEM8

  N-SING A hiatus is a pause inwhich nothinghappens, or a gap where something is missing. 间歇; 空隙 [正式]


  Diplomatic efforts to reach asettlementresume today after a two-week hiatus.



  preclude /pr??klu?d/ CET6 TEM8 (precluding, precluded, precludes)

  V-T If something precludes anevent oraction, it prevents the event or action from happening. 阻止 (某事件或行动发生) [正式]


  At 84, John feels his age precludes too much travel.



  amalgamate /??m?lɡ??me?t/ TEM8 (amalgamating, amalgamated, amalgamates )

  V-RECIP When two or morethings, especiallyorganizations, amalgamate or are amalgamated, they becomeone large thing. 合并


  The firm has amalgamated with another company.



  The chemical companies had amalgamated into a vast conglomerate.



  symbiosis /?s?mb????s?s, -ba?-/

  1. N-UNCOUNT Symbiosis is acloserelationship between two organisms of different kinds which benefitsbothorganisms. 共生; 共生关系 [技术]


  ...the link between bacteria, symbiosis, and the evolution of plants andanimals.


  2. N-UNCOUNT Symbiosis is anyrelationshipbetween different things, people, or groups that benefits all thethings orpeople concerned. 互惠互利的关系


  ...the cosy symbiosis of the traditional political parties.



  moribund /?m?r??b?nd/ TEM8

  ADJ If you describe somethingas moribund,you mean that it is in a very bad condition. 垂死的; 奄奄一息的 [正式]


  ...the moribund economy.



  elocution /??l??kju???n/

  N-UNCOUNT Elocution is howclearly someonespeaks or sings. 演说术; 演说技巧


  When I was 11 my mother sentme to elocution lessons.



  venal /?vi?n?l/

  ADJ If you describe someoneas venal, youdisapprove of them because they are prepared to do almostanything in return formoney, even things that are dishonest or immoral. 唯利是图的 [表不满]


  Ian Trimmer is corrupt and thoroughly venal.






  lopsided /?l?p?sa?d?d/ TEM8

  ADJ Something that islopsided is unevenbecause one side is lower or heavier than the other. 两边高低不平的; 不均衡的


  His suit had shoulders thatmade him look lopsided.



  tempered ['temp?d]

  adj. 缓和的,温和的;调节的;

  v. 调和;节制(temper的过去分词)


  mirthful ['m?:θful]





  indelible /?n?d?l?b?l/ TEM8

  1. ADJ If you say thatsomething leaves anindelible impression, you mean that it is very unlikely tobe forgotten. 难忘的 [usu ADJ n]


  My visit to India in 1986 left an indelible impression on me.


  2. indelibly ADV [ADV with v]


  The horrors he experiencedare imprinted,perhaps indelibly, in his brain.


  3. ADJ Indelible ink or anindelible staincannot be removed or washed out. (污渍)洗不掉的 [usu ADJ n]


  It leaves indelible stains on clothes.



  The message was written in indelible ink.



  florid /?fl?r?d/ TEM8

  1. ADJ If you describesomething as florid,you disapprove of the fact that it is complicated andextravagant rather thanplain and simple. 过分花哨的 [表不满]


  ...florid language.


  2. ADJ Someone who is floridalways has ared face. 面色红润的


  Jacobs was a stout, florid man.



  malfeasance /m?l?fi?z?ns/

  N the doing of a wrongful orillegal act,esp by a public official (公共官员的)渎职行为 [法律]→compare misfeasance, nonfeasance


  pastoral /?pɑ?st?r?l/ TEM8

  1. ADJ The pastoral duties ofa priest orother religious leader involve looking after the people he or shehasresponsibility for, especially by helping them with their personalproblems. 牧师职责的 [ADJ n]


  ...thepastoral care of the sick.


  2. ADJ A pastoral place,atmosphere, oridea is characteristic of peaceful country life and scenery. 田园生活的; 田园风光的 [ADJ n]


  ...a tranquil pastoral scene.



  intemperance [in'temp?r?ns]






  inimical /??n?m?k?l/

  ADJ Conditions that areinimical tosomething make it difficult for that thing to exist or do well. 不利的 [正式]


  ...goals inimical to Western interests.



  mellifluous /m??l?fl??s/

  ADJ A mellifluous voice orpiece of musicis smooth and gentle and very pleasant to listen to. 悦耳的; 温柔的; 动听的 [正式] [usu ADJ n]


  I grew up around people whohad wonderful, mellifluous voices.








  • SAT课程
班级名称 班号 开课时间 人数 学费 报名
SAT冲刺铂金班 SATCCXH240512 2024/5/12 0:00:00 3-6人 ¥18800.00 在线咨询


旗舰校区:上海徐汇区文定路209号宝地文定商务中心1楼 乘车路线:地铁1/4号线上海体育馆、3/9号线宜山路站、11号线上海游泳馆站


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