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2017/5/18 15:33:10来源:互联网作者:上海新航道




  impasse /?m?pɑ?s/ TEM8

  N-SING If people are in adifficult position in which it is impossible to make any progress, you canrefer to the situation as an impasse. 僵局


  The company says it has reached an impasse in negotiations with the union.




  ADJ Ifyou describe something as implausible, you believe that it is unlikely to betrue.难以置信的


  I had toadmit it sounded like an implausible excuse.



  incorporate/?n?k??p??re?t/ CET6 TEM4 (incorporating, incorporated, incorporates )

  1. V-TIf one thing incorporates another thing, it includes the other thing. 包含 [正式]


  The newcars will incorporate a number of major improvements.


  2. V-TIf someone or something is incorporated into a large group, system, or area,they become a part of it. 使并入 [正式]


  Theagreement would allow the rebels to be incorporatedinto a new national police force.



  insurmountable/??ns??ma?nt?b?l/ TEM8

  1. ADJ Aproblem that is insurmountable is so great that it cannot be dealt withsuccessfully. 不可克服的


  Thecrisis doesn't seem like an insurmountable problem.



  libelous /'laib?l?s/

  adj. 诽谤的;损害名誉的;用言语中伤他人的


  licentious /la??s?n??s/

  1. ADJ If you describe a person as licentious, you mean that they are very immoral, especially in theirsexual behaviour. (尤指性行为)不道德的 [正式]


  ...alarming stories of licentious behaviour.


  2. licentiousness N-UNCOUNT





  noxious /?n?k??s/

  1. ADJ A noxious gas orsubstance is poisonous or very harmful. 有毒的; 有害的 [usu ADJ n]


  Many household products give off noxious fumes.


  2. ADJ If you refer tosomeone or something as noxious, you mean that they are extremely unpleasant. 令人厌恶的 [正式][usu ADJ n]


  ...the heavy, noxious smell of burning sugar, butter, fats, andflour.



  Their behavior was noxious.



  opacity /???p?s?t?/

  1. N-UNCOUNT Opacity is thequality of being difficult to see through. 不透明性 [正式]


  Opacity of the eye lens can be induced by deficiency ofcertain vitamins.


  2. N-UNCOUNT If you refer to something's opacity, you mean that it is difficult to understand. 晦涩难懂 [正式]


  ...a stupefying verbal opacity.

  ... 让人惊讶的晦涩难懂的语言。


  perfidy /?p??f?d?/

  N-UNCOUNT Perfidy is theaction of betraying someone or behaving very badly toward someone. 背信弃义; 不仁不义 [文学性]


  profligacy /?pr?fl?ɡ?s?/

  N-UNCOUNT Profligacy is thespending of too much money or the using of too much of something. 挥霍; 浪费 [正式]


  ...the continuing profligacy of certain states.



  propitiate /pr??p????e?t/ (propitiating, propitiated, propitiates )

  V-T If you propitiatesomeone, you stop them from being angry or impatient by doing something toplease them. 使息怒; 和解 [正式]


  I've never gone out of my wayto propitiate people.



  These ancient ceremonies propitiate the spirits of the waters.



  sinecure /?sa?n??kj??, ?s?n-/( sinecures )

  N-COUNT A sinecure is a jobfor which you receive payment but which does not involve much work orresponsibility. 闲职


  She found him an exalted sinecure as a Fellow of the Library ofCongress.



  squander /?skw?nd?/ TEM4 ( squandering, squandered, squanders )

  V-T If you squander money,resources, or opportunities, you waste them. 浪费 (金钱、资源或机会)


  Hobbs didn't squander his money on flashy cars or other vices.



  triage /?tri??ɑ??/

  N-UNCOUNT Triage is theprocess of quickly examining sick or injured people, for example, after anaccident or a battle, so that those who are in the most serious condition canbe treated first. (如事故、战斗后迅速查看伤员以决定哪些人应优先治疗的)伤病员鉴别分类 [医学][oft N n]


  ...the triage process.



  triumvirate /tra???mv?r?t/

  N-SING-COLL A triumvirate isa group of three people who work together, especially when they are in chargeof something. (尤指负责某事的)三人工作组 [正式] [oft N 'of' n]


  ...the triumvirate of women who worked together on the TVdramatization of the novel.



  vacuous /?v?kj??s/

  ADJ If you describe a personor their comments as vacuous, you are critical of them because they lackintelligent thought or ideas. 思想贫乏的 [表不满]


  Male models are not always so vacuous as they are made out to be.



  vertiginous /v???t?d??n?s/

  ADJ A vertiginous cliff ormountain is very high and steep. 高而陡峭的 [文学性] [usu ADJ n]


  zealous/?z?l?s/ TEM4

  ADJSomeone who is zealous spends a lot of time or energy in supporting somethingthat they believe in very strongly, especially a political or religious ideal. (尤指对政治或宗教理想) 热衷的


  She wasa zealous worker for charity.



  copious /?k??p??s/

  ADJ A copious amount ofsomething is a large amount of it. 大量的


  I went out for dinner lastnight and drank copious amounts of red wine.



  acerbic /??s??b?k/

  ADJ Acerbic humour iscritical and direct. 尖刻的 [正式]


  He was acclaimed for hisacerbic wit and repartee.



  solicitous /s??l?s?t?s/

  1. ADJ A person who issolicitous shows anxious concern for someone or something. 挂念的 [正式] [oft ADJ 'of' n]


  He was so solicitous of his guests.


  2. solicitously ADV


  He took her hand in greetingand asked solicitously how everything was.



  adhere /?d?h??/ CET6 TEM4 ( adhering, adhered, adheres )

  1. V-IIf you adhere to a rule or agreement, you act in the way that it says youshould. 遵守


  Allmembers of the association adhere to a strict code ofpractice.


  2. V-IIf something adheres to something else, it sticks firmly to it. 紧贴


  Smallparticles adhere to the seed.




  n. 真实性,确实性;可靠性


  thrive/θra?v/ CET4 TEM4 ( thriving, thrived,thrives )

  1. V-IIf someone or something thrives, they do well and are successful, healthy, orstrong. 兴旺发达; 茁壮成长


  He appears to be thriving.



  Todayher company continues to thrive.


  2. V-IIf you say that someone thrives on a particular situation, you mean that theyenjoy it or that they can deal with it very well, especially when other peoplefind it unpleasant or difficult. 喜欢; 从容应对 (尤指别人不喜欢或认为困难的事)


  Manypeople thrive on a stressful lifestyle.



  antediluvian /??nt?d??lu?v??n/

  ADJ Antediluvian things areold or old-fashioned. 陈旧的; 过时的 [幽默]


  ...antediluvianattitudes to women.








  • SAT课程
班级名称 班号 开课时间 人数 学费 报名
SAT冲刺铂金班 SATCCXH240512 2024/5/12 0:00:00 3-6人 ¥18800.00 在线咨询


旗舰校区:上海徐汇区文定路209号宝地文定商务中心1楼 乘车路线:地铁1/4号线上海体育馆、3/9号线宜山路站、11号线上海游泳馆站


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