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2017/9/19 13:35:25来源:互联网作者:上海新航道



 381 squander

  to use (something) in a foolish or wasteful way

  v. 浪费 :

  He vowed not to squander this opportunity.

  382 stoic

  adj. 坚韧不屈的,禁欲的

  He had a stoic expression on his face.

  383 strident

  sounding harsh and unpleasant

  adj. 刺耳的;尖锐的

  The strident tone in his voice revealed his anger.

  384 subdue

  to get control of (a violent or dangerous person or group) by using force, punishment, etc.

  vt. 征服;抑制;减轻

  The troops were finally able to subdue the rebel forces after many days of fighting.

 385 subtle

  hard to notice or see : not obvious

  adj. 微妙的;精细的;敏感的;狡猾的;稀薄的

  Racial discrimination still exists, only now it's subtler than it once was.

  386 succinct

  using few words to state or express an idea

  adj. 简洁的

  He gave a succinct overview of the expansion project.


  387 sufficient

  enough; adequate

  adj. 足够的

  There must be sufficient funds in your bank account to cover the check.

  388 suffrage

  the right to vote in an election

  n. 选举权;投票;参政权;代祷;赞成票

  women who fought for suffrage

  389 sullen

  used to describe an angry or unhappy person who does not want to talk, smile, etc.

  adj. 愠怒的,不高兴的;(天气)阴沉的

  She sat in sullen silence.

  390 tedious

  boring and too slow or long

  adj. 沉闷的;冗长乏味的

  The work is tedious, but it needs to get done.

 391 terse

  brief and direct in a way that may seem rude or unfriendly

  adj. 简洁的,精练的,扼要的

  She gave me a few terse instructions and promptly left the room.

 392 tilt

  to lift or move (something)so that one side is higher than another side

  n. 倾斜

  The picture on the wall was tilted.

  393 trait

  a quality that makes one person or thing different from another

  n. 特性,特点;品质;少许

  This dog breed has a number of desirable traits.

 394 trite

  hackneyed or boring from much use : not fresh or original

  adj. 陈腐的;平庸的;老一套的

  That argument has become trite.

 395 ubiquitous

  seeming to be seen everywhere

  adj. 普遍存在,无所不在的

  The company's advertisements are ubiquitous.

  396 urbane

  having or showing very polished and worldly manners

  adj. 彬彬有礼的,都市化的

  The dialogue is witty and urbane.

 397 vacuous

  having or showing a lack of intelligence or serious thought

  adj. 空洞的

  He had a vacuous expression on his face.

 398 abstruse

  hard to understand

  adj. 深奥的;难懂的

  Her subject matter is abstruse.

  399 acumen

  the ability to think clearly and make good decisions

  n. 聪明,敏锐

  Her political acumen won her the election.

  400 aggrandize

  (1)increase, enlarge (2)to make appear great or greater : praise highly

  vt. 增加;夸大;强化

  401 alacrity

  a quick and cheerful readiness to do sth

  n. 敏捷;轻快;乐意

  She accepted the invitation with alacrity.

  402 alienate

  to make (someone)unfriendly to cause(someone) to stop beingfriendly, helpful,etc.,towards you

  vt. 使疏远,离间;让与

  Her position on this issue has alienated many former supporters.

 403 allude

  suggest or call attention to indirectly; hint at

  v. 暗示

  I'm interested in hearing more about the technology you alluded to a minute ago.

 404 aloof

  not involved with or friendly toward other people

  adj. 冷淡的;远离的;冷漠的

  She remained aloof [=distant] despite their efforts to make friends.

  405 analogy

  a comparison between one thing and another, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification

  n. 类比

  He drew/made an analogy between flying a kite and fishing.

 406 anecdotal

  adj. 轶事的;轶事一样的;多轶事的

  He told us all sorts of humorous anecdotes about his childhood.

 407 anonymous

  not named or identified

  adj. 匿名的

  The donor wishes to remain anonymous.

 408 anticipate

  to think of (something that will or might happen in the future) : expect

  vt. 预期,期望

  did not anticipate having to pay for your ticket.

 409 antiquity

  ancient times

  n. 高龄;古物;古代的遗物

  A palace stood here in antiquity.

  410 apathetic

  not having or showing much emotion or interest

  adj. 冷漠的

  Young people are becoming increasingly apathetic.

 411 ascertain

  to learn or find out (something, such as information or the truth)

  vt. 确定;查明;探知

  The police are now attempting to ascertain his whereabouts.

  412 audacious

  very confident and daring :very bold and surprising or shocking

  adj. 无畏的;鲁莽的

  They have audacious plans for the new school.

  413 authentic

  real or genuine : not copied or false

  adj. 真正的,真实的;可信的

  We saw authentic examples of ancient Roman sculpture.

  414 authenticity

  real or genuine : not copied or false

  n. 真实性,确实性;可靠性

  We saw authentic examples of ancient Roman sculpture.

  415 avarice

  a strong desire to have or get money : greed

  n. 贪婪,贪财

  The corporate world is plagued by avarice and a thirst for power.

 416 avuncular

  like an uncle:kind or friendly like an uncle

  adj. 叔父般关怀的

  a man known for his avuncular charm

  417 beguiling

  to trick or deceive(someone)

  adj. 欺骗的;消遣的;令人陶醉的

  They were beguiled into thinking they'd heard the whole story.

  418 belligerent

  angry and aggressive: feeling or showing readiness to fight

  adj. 交战的;好战的;交战国的

  He was drunk and belligerent.

 419 benevolent

  kind and generous:organized to do good things for other people

  adj. 仁慈的

  He belonged to several benevolent societies and charitable organizations.

  420 bewildering

  to confuse (someone) very much

  adj. 使人困惑的

  She was bewildered by his decision.

  421 blemish

  a noticeable imperfection;especially to spoil by a flaw

  v. 玷污;损害;弄脏

  The table had a few scratches and minor blemishes.

  422 bombast

  speech or writing that is meant to sound important or impressive but is not sincere or meaningful

  n. 夸夸其谈

  political bombast

  423 bombastic

  speech or writing that is meant to sound important or impressive but is not sincere or meaningful

  adj. 夸大的;言过其实的

  a bombastic speech/speaker

  424 callous

  having or showing a lack of sympathy or tender feelings

  adj. 无情的,麻木的

  Some of us were treated callously.

  425 candor

  the quality of being open,sincere, and honest

  n. 坦白;直率

  I was impressed by the candor of his statement.

  426 cantankerous

  often angry and annoyed

  adj. 脾气暴躁的

  a cantankerous [=cranky]old man

  427 captivating

  very attractive and interesting, in a way that holds your attention

  adj. 吸引人的

  a captivating smile

  428 capture

  the act of taking and holding someone as a prisoner or of being taken as a prisoner; the act of getting control of something to take and hold (someone) as a prisoner especially by using force to catch (an animal)

  n. 俘虏,捕获 v. 抓住

  They were captured by enemy soldiers.

  429 cathartic

  of relating to, or producing catharsis

  adj. 导泻的,通便的

  Painting/music/writing is a catharsis for me.

  430 charismatic

  having great charm or appeal : filled with charisma

  adj. 超凡魅力的;神赐能力的

  He is a charismatic leader.

  431 charlatan

  a person who falsely pretends to know or be sth in oder to deceive people

  n. 江湖骗子

  Some people thought he was a great leader, but others saw him as just a charlatan.

 432 clandestine

  done in a private place or way : done secretly

  adj. 秘密的,私下的;偷偷摸摸的

  a clandestine marriage

 433 cluster

  a number of similar things that occur together

  n. 群 , 丛

  A small cluster of people had gathered at the scene of the accident.

  434 clutter

  to run in disorder

  n. 杂乱,混乱

  Try to avoid cluttering your desk with books and papers.

 435 commanding

  having a powerful or important quality that attracts attention, respect, etc.

  adj. 指挥的;居高临下的 :

  He is a commanding figure in American literature.

  436 compact

  not diffuse or verbose(=wordy)

  n. 合同,契约;小粉盒

  The cabin was compact but perfectly adequate.

  437 comprehensive

  1 covering everything or all important points; 2 not lacking any part or member that properly belongs to it;3 trying all possibilities

  adj. 综合的,广泛的

  Trade was comprehensively regulated by the authorities.

  438 conciliate

  to make sb more friendly or less angry

  v. 调和,协调

  The company's attempts to conciliate the strikers have failed.

  439 condemn

  to say in a strong and definite way that someone or something is bad or wrong

  vt. 谴责;判刑,定罪;声讨

  The school condemns cheating, and any student caught cheating will be expelled.

  440 condescending

  patronizing attitude or behavior

  adj. 谦逊的;故意屈尊的;有优越感的

  His comments were offensive and condescending to us.

  441 condescension

  the trait of displaying arrogance by patronizing those considered inferior

  n. 自以为高人一等

  The author discusses the politics of the region without condescension.

  442 conduct

  to plan and do (something,such as an activity)

  n. 进行;行为;实施 vi. 导电;带领

  The police are conducting an investigation into last week's robbery.

  443 confess

  to admit that you did something wrong or illegal

  vt. 承认;坦白

  She confessed to having lied to me in the past.

  444 confrontation

  a situation in which people,groups, etc., fight, oppose,or challenge each other in an angry way

  n. 对抗;面对;对质

  We seek to avoid military confrontation at all costs.

  445 contemplate

  to think deeply or carefully about (something)

  v. 沉思;注视;思忖;预期

  They're contemplating marriage.

  446 contingency

  something (such as an emergency) that might happen

  n. 偶然性;[ 安全 ] 意外事故;可能性

  In making our business plans, we tried to prepare for any contingency that might hurt sales.

  447 conventional

  1 a : used and accepted by most people : usual or traditional1 b : of a kind that has been around for a long time and is considered to be usual

  adj. 符合习俗的,传统的;常见的;惯例的

  The number sign is the conventional symbol for labeling something measured in pounds.

  448 conviviality

  of or relating to social events where people can eat, drink, and talk in a friendly way with others

  n. 欢乐;高兴;宴乐;宴饮交际

 449 cordial

  politely pleasant and friendly

  adj. 热忱的,诚恳的;兴奋的

  You are cordially invited to attend the wedding of our daughter on May 14.

  450 corollary

  something that naturally follows or results from another thing

  n. 推论;必然的结果 :

  A corollary [=result, by-product] of increased poverty is more crime.








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SAT冲刺铂金班 SATCCXH240512 2024/5/12 0:00:00 3-6人 ¥18800.00 在线咨询


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