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2017/9/19 15:00:26来源:互联网作者:上海新航道



  451 credibility

  the quality or power of inspiring belief

  n. 可信度,可信性

  They doubted the credibility of the witness's story.

  452 cumulative

  increasing or increased in quantity, degree, or force by successive additions

  adj. 累积的

  They have cumulatively spent more than a million dollars on the renovations.

  453 cunning

  getting what is wanted in a clever and often deceptive way

  adj. 狡猾的;巧妙的;可爱的

  They cunningly dodged our questions.

  454 cursory

  done or made quickly

  adj. 粗略的;草率的;匆忙的

  Even the most cursory look at the organization's records shows problems.

  455 cynical

  having or showing a deep distrust of human beings and their motives

  adj. 愤世嫉俗的

  Many young people today are cynical about politics.

  456 dearth

  the state or condition of not having enough of sth

  n. 缺乏

  The dearth [=scarcity] of jobs in the city forced many families to leave the area.


 457 debilitate

  to make (someone or something) weak : to reduce the strength of (someone or something)

  v. 使衰弱;使虚弱

  The country's economy has been debilitated by years of civil war.

  458 deceptive

  intended to make someone believe something that is not true

  adj. 欺诈的;迷惑的;虚伪的

  The article accuses the company of deceptive [=misleading] advertising.

  459 deferential

  showing or expressing deference

  adj. 恭敬的

  The children were taught to show proper deference to their elders.

  460 defiant

  refusing to obey something or someone : full of defiance

  adj. 挑衅的;目中无人的,蔑视的

  He's taken a defiant stand/stance on the issue.

  461 deleterious

  damaging or harmful

  adj. 有毒的,有害的 :

  The chemical is deleterious to the environment.

  462 delineate

  1 to draw or make apparent the outline of; 2 to give a representation or account of in words

  v. 画 ... 的轮廓;描写,描绘

  The characters in the story were carefully delineated.

  463 denounce

  to publicly state that someone or something is bad or wrong : to criticize(someone or something)harshly and publicly

  vt. 谴责;告发;公然抨击;通告废除

  The government called on the group to denounce the use of violence.

  464 deprive

  to take something away from

  v. 剥夺 ; 使丧失

  The children are being deprived of a good education.

  465 derisive

  the feeling that people express when they criticize and laugh at someone or something in an insulting way

  adj. 嘲笑的,嘲弄的

  The team's awful record has made it an object of derision in the league.

  466 derivative

  something that comes from something else : a substance that is made from another substance

  adj. 派生的;引出的

  Tofu is one of many soybean derivatives.

  467 detached

  not emotional : not influenced by emotions or personal interest

  adj. 分离的,分开的;超然的

  The house has a detached garage.

  468 detachment

  the act or process of separating something from a larger thing

  n. 分离,拆开;超然;分遣;分遣队

  In her films she views the modern world with an air/sense of detachment.

  469 diffident

  lacking confidence; not feeling comfortable around people; 3 very careful about acting or speaking

  adj. 缺乏自信的,羞怯的,谦虚谨慎的

  He becomes diffident [=shy,timid] around girls.

  470 discern

  to come to know,recognize, or understand(something)

  vt. 识别;领悟,认识

  There is no discernible difference between the original and the copy.

  471 discourse

  to talk about something especially for a long time

  v. 演说

  He likes to engage in lively discourse with his visitors.

  472 discreet

  used to suggest that someone is being careful about not allowing something from being known or noticed by many people

  adj. 谨慎的;小心的

  He made discreet inquiries about the job.

  473 disparate

  different from each other

  adj. 不同的;不相干的;全异的

  The conversation covered topics as disparate as fashion and biology.

  474 dispassionate

  not influenced or affected by emotions

  adj. 不带感情的;平心静气的;公平的

  He spoke in a dispassionate tone about the accident.

  475 dispel

  to make (sth, such as a belief, feeling, or idea) go away or end

  v. 驱散

  She made an official statement to dispel any rumors about her retirement.

  476 distaste

  a storng feeling of not liking sb or sth

  n. 讨厌,反感

  I've developed a real distaste [=dislike] for paperwork.

  477 divisive

  causing a lot of disagreement between people and causing them to separate into different groups

  adj. 分裂的;区分的;造成不和的

  divisive issues like abortion

  478 docile

  easily taught, led, or controlled

  adj. 驯服的

  This breed is known for its gentleness and docility.

 479 dogmatic

  expressing personal opinions or beliefs as if they are certainly correct and cannot be doubted

  adj. 教条的;武断的

  She's become so dogmatic lately that arguing with her is pointless.

  480 downplay

  to make (something) seem smaller or less important

  vt. 不予重视;将 ... 轻描淡写

  Athletes often downplay their injuries.

  481 dubious

  not used before a noun :unsure or uncertain : feeling doubt about something

  adj. 可疑的;暧昧的;无把握的;半信半疑的

  He made the highly dubious claim that Elvis is still alive and living in Hawaii.

  482 eclectic

  selecting what appears to be best in various doctrines, methods, or styles;composed of elements drawn from various sources;also : heterogeneous

  adj. 折衷的;选择的;折衷学派的

  The collection includes an eclectic mix of historical artifacts.

  483 eclipse

  an occasion when the sun looks like it is completely or partially covered with a dark circle because the moon is between the sun and the Earth

  n. 日蚀,月蚀;黯然失色

  The popularity of television led to the eclipse of the radio drama.

 484 elaborate

  made or done with great care or with much detail: having many parts that are carefully arranged or planned

  adj. 精心制作的;详尽的;煞费苦心的

  I see now that her behavior was all part of an elaborate plan/plot/scheme.

  485 elucidate

  to make (something that is hard to understand) clear or easy to understand

  vt. 阐明;说明

  The spokesman was asked to elucidate the government's policies (to/for us).

  486 embryonic

  being in an early or undeveloped stage, of or relating to an embryo

  adj. 胚胎的

  The tourism industry there is still in/at an embryonic stage.

  487 empathy

  the feeling that you understand and share another person's experiences and emotions

  n. 神入;移情作用;执着 :

  His months spent researching prison life gave him greater empathy towards/for convicts.

  488 emphatic

  uttered with or marked by emphasis2 : tending to express oneself in forceful speech or to take decisive action3 : attracting special attention 4 : constituting or belonging to a set of tense forms in Engl"

  adv. 强调地 ; 明显地 ; 断然地

  They were emphatic about their political differences.

  489 endorsement

  the act or result of endorsing someone or something: such as a : a public or official statement of support or approvalb [count] : the act of publicly saying that you like or use a product or service in exchange for money

  n. 认可,支持;背书;签注

  We're pleased that the project has received your endorsement.

 490 enervate

  1 to deprive of emotional or intellectual vitality; 2 to diminish the physical strength of

  v. 使衰弱,使失去活力

  The government was enervated by corruption.

  491 enhance

  1 to make better; 2 to make markedly greater in measure or degree; 3 to make more desirable

  v. 提高;加强;增加

  The image has been digitally enhanced to show more detail.

  492 ephemeral

  lasting a very short time

  adj. 短暂的

  His fame turned out to be ephemeral.

  493 episode

  an event or a short period of time that is important or unusual

  n. 插曲;一段情节

  The patient has experienced repeated episodes of severe infection.

  494 equitable

  just or fair : dealing fairly and equally with everyone

  adj. 公平的,公正的;平衡法的

  They reached an equitable settlement of their dispute.

  495 eradicate

  to remove (something)completely : to eliminate or destroy (something harmful)

  vt. 根除,根绝;消灭

  The disease has now been completely eradicated.

 496 erudition

  the understanding and information gained from being educated

  n. 博学

  a scholar of remarkable erudition

  497 espouse

  to express support for (a cause, belief, etc.)

  vt. 支持;嫁娶;赞成;信奉

  Those espousing unpopular views were often excluded.

  498 eulogize

  to say or write good things about (someone or something)

  v. 颂扬,称赞

  He was eulogized at his funeral as a great actor and a good friend.

  499 evasiveness

  n. 逃避,推诿;模棱两可

  They took evasive action to avoid capture.

  500 exacting

  1 requiring much time,attention, or effort from someone; 2 very difficult or demanding

  adj. 严格的;苛求的;吃力的

  He has very exacting standards.

  501 exaggerate

  1 to add to the interest of by including made-up details; 2 to describe or express in too strong terms

  v. 夸大,夸张

  He exaggerated his movements so we could see them more clearly.

 502 exasperation

  the state of being very annoyed or upset

  n. 恼怒;恶化;惹人恼怒的事

  They had all experienced the exasperation and frustration of holiday shopping.

 503 excursion

  a short trip especially for pleasure

  n. 偏移;离题;短程旅行

  They went on a brief excursion to the coast.

 504 exotic

  very different, strange, or unusual

  adj. 异国的;外来的;异国情调的

  She's known for her exotic tastes.

 505 explicate

  to give a detailed explanation of

  vt. 说明,解释

 506 expound

  1 to make known (as an idea, emotion, or opinion);2 to make plain or understandable

  v. 解释,详细说明

  The article expounds on the virtues of a healthy diet.

  507 extemporize

  vi. 即兴演奏或演说;临时凑合

  He made an extemporaneous speech.

  508 extravagant

  more than is usual,necessary, or proper

  adj. 奢侈的;浪费的;过度的;放纵的

  The film is notable for its extravagant settings and special effects.

  509 exuberant

  very lively, happy, or energetic : filled with energy and enthusiasm

  adj. 繁茂的;生气勃勃的,充溢的

  His exuberant personality makes him fun to be around.

  510 facility

  the quality of being easily performed;ease in performance : aptitude

  n. 设施;设备;容易;灵巧

  The resort offers a wide range of facilities for young and old alike.








  • SAT课程
班级名称 班号 开课时间 人数 学费 报名
SAT冲刺铂金班 SATCCXH240512 2024/5/12 0:00:00 3-6人 ¥18800.00 在线咨询


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